In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 165 : We are all homeless children! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

Seeing the terrifying karmic fire.

It is about to swallow Zhou Fangyu and Jiuying whole.

Jiuying immediately used her body to protect Zhou Fangyu.

Zhou Fangyu was moved.

But he was unwilling to be killed by such a villain as Wu Junhou on this small island.

Just before the karmic fire was about to completely destroy his and Jiuying's souls.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Zhou Fangyu's mind.

This karmic fire red lotus was the accompanying magic weapon of the ancestor of Minghe back then.

And the remnant soul of the ancestor of Ming He, isn't it in his own hands now?

"System, immediately summon the remnant soul of the ancestor of Ming He!!"

Zhou Fangyu roared in his mind.

"Good host!"

The system sound fell to the ground.

Then, a faint phantom suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Fangyu.

When this phantom first appeared, there was still some confusion.

But when it came into contact with the karmic fire, it seemed to suddenly wake up.

"Huh?! After slumbering for thousands of years, I can still feel the breath of Karma Red Lotus?! 35

The phantom said softly.

Then, I saw him wave his hand.

In the center of the island, the karma red lotus that was madly erupting karma, flew directly into the hands of the virtual shadow.

Then, the entire island was filled with terrifying karmic flames.

In an instant, it was swallowed by the karmic red lotus.

After doing all this.

The phantom actually became a little more solid.

You can see his face clearly.

It is different from the ancestor Ming He imagined by Zhou Fangyu.

This phantom's appearance is actually very kind.

It looks like a sect master with a Taoist spirit.

With the hideous and ugly appearance of the A. Xiu Luo family, it is completely irrelevant.

"Huh?! This turned out to be the Nine Infants of the Fierce Beast that Dayi shot to death back then?"

"You guy didn't die, and you came to this extraterritorial demon world?"

The virtual shadow looked at Jiuying in surprise and said.

Although Jiuying's back was severely burned by Karma.

But this injury was nothing to him at all.

After hearing Xu Ying's words, Jiuying immediately released Zhou Fangyu from her embrace.

Incomparably solemnly asked the virtual shadow: 607

"You are the ancestor of Ming He, who created the Shura clan back then, who is known as 'the sea of ​​blood does not dry, and the river of the Ming River does not die'?! 39

There is a trace of sadness on the phantom face:

"Ancestor Ming He? This name has not been mentioned by anyone for thousands of years."9

But soon, the phantom regained its composure, looked at Jiuying and asked:

"Aren't you dead, Jiuying? Why are you here?"

Jiuying immediately replied:

"Back then, I was seriously injured by Dayi's shooting, and when I was about to die. I was rescued by the real Huanglong who happened to pass by, and I have been healing in his cosmos bag. 39

"Afterwards, the great catastrophe of the conferred gods, the saints turned against each other, and the war broke out, and finally the prehistoric world was completely shattered, and countless great powers of heaven and earth fell.

"Huang Longzhen fell into a deep sleep at the moment when the flood was broken.

"I don't know how many years later, I came to this so-called world of gods."5

"I accompany the real person Huang Long and have lived in this world for millions of years.""

"In the end, Master Huanglong died because of the scarcity of spiritual energy in the world.

"Now only this God's Domain and a wisp of remnant soul are left."

With that said, Jiuying came to the island that had been completely scorched.

From the center of the island, the dracaena canopy that has become charred.

Take down the dragon's secret treasure - Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball.

Afterwards, Jiuying took the dragon and returned to the phantom.

"Now, the remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren is hidden in this dragon ball and raised with the dragon temperature of Zulong."

After Xuying heard Jiuying's words, she was stunned for a moment.

"It turns out that you called this space - the world of gods!

"Back then, Kunpeng and other monster clan experts, after the Lich War, discovered the space-time plane where the extraterrestrial demons are.

"I found that this plane actually has a world will that is comparable to the way of heaven."

"In order to seek the opportunity of sanctification, we left the position of saints, which has been completely divided up. 35

"I came to the time and space of this extraterritorial demon, and I want to find the foundation of sanctification here.

"But I didn't expect that after Kunpeng and I entered this plane. 35

"This extraterrestrial demon world is being invaded by an incomparably powerful alien race. 35

"The demons and that race fought for 100,000 years. In the end, the entire demon world was shattered."

"I and Kunpeng and other monster clan greats were also hit hard because the world of demons was broken."

"In the end, only the remnant soul was left behind in this world.

"I didn't expect that after we came to this world for tens of thousands of years, you and Huanglong Zhenren also came here.

The ghost said with great emotion.

"Jiuying, why do you only have the cultivation base of the Great Perfection of Human Immortals now?"

The virtual shadow looked at Jiuying and continued to ask.

Jiuying smiled miserably and said:

"After the death of Huanglong Zhenren, I and Huanglong Zhenren were the dragons under the command of the year."

"Trapped in his Lost Realm for a million years.

"Not only is there no spiritual energy from heaven and earth to absorb, but even the divine power unique to the world of gods is extremely thin."

"I can still have the strength I have today, all because my current master has provided me with a large amount of innate spiritual energy to absorb. Only then can I barely break through to the great perfection of the fairyland.

With that said, Jiuying moved her huge body away.

Let the phantom see Zhou Fangyu directly.

"Junior, is it you who extracted my remnant soul from the bloody flying dragon and forcibly awakened it?"

Shadow asked.

Zhou Fangyu looked at the remnant soul of the ancestor Ming He in front of him and said with a smile:

"That's right, I woke you up.

The ghost nodded, just about to say something.

Suddenly, he frowned and said in surprise:

"Strange, why do I feel the breath of Pangu and Hongjun Daozu from you? 35

"And the breath of Hou Tu, Di Jiang, Di Jun, Tai Yi, Chang Xi, and Xi He?

"Hey, Kunpeng's breath is also there?!

Speaking of this, the virtual shadow suddenly became excited.

"How can the aura of the Great Desolate Heaven and Earth and the Great Dao be possible? Isn't the Great Desolate Time and Space completely shattered and disappeared?

Zhou Fangyu's heart moved when he heard the phantom's words.

He could feel the aura of the demon clan, the witch clan, and even the aura of Hongjun on Zhou Fangyu.

Zhou Fangyu is not surprised.

But this is the breath of Pangu, the Great Desolate Heaven and Earth, and the Great Dao.

What happened again?!

Zhou Fangyu can't remember that there are these things in his realm?!

But he didn't wait for him to ask.

The phantom said suddenly and hastily:

"Junior, my remnant soul is too weak. Although I have absorbed a lot of karmic fire just now, I still can't stay awake for a long time. It is estimated that I will soon fall into long sleep again."

"Now, I will teach you the method of refining and controlling this karmic red lotus.

"I hope you can find Yuantu and Abi as soon as possible, and at the same time, try to subdue as many A Shuluo clan as possible."

"When you get Yuantu and Abi, the A Shuluo clan has more than ten thousand people.

"With this karmic red lotus, you will be able to reproduce the scene of the sea of ​​​​blood in the great wilderness in your own God's Domain.

"At that time, I Styx can really wake up and be reborn."

"At that time, I Styx will be your Lord! At the same time, (bbdj) will also tell you a huge secret about the prehistoric saint and this divine world.""

"Trust me, this secrecy will allow you to transcend the confines of this godly world. 35

"Truly become the Supreme Holy Spirit!!

Speaking of which.

The phantom gradually faded, as if it would disappear at any time.

Zhou Fangyu heard the words "the great secret of the world of saints and gods".

It's like having cat's paws.

I can't wait for Styx to tell him this secret immediately.

"Ancestor Ming He, what is the secret? You can say it now! Don't let me lose my appetite, okay?!

Zhou Fangyu asked loudly.

The Remnant Soul of Styx was already extremely weak at this time, and said in a trembling voice:

"Junior, your current strength is too weak.

"Knowing this secret in advance will be harmful to you.

"One day when you can restore the sea of ​​blood in your own divine domain.

"I will naturally reappear and tell you this secret. 35

After saying these words, the phantom completely disappeared.

Then, the phantom turned into a ray of blood and penetrated into the air.

It was still among the burning red lotus of the twelve-rank karma.

at the same time.

A fiery red lotus of blood light industry flew out.

It went straight into Zhou Fangyu's mind.

In an instant, he mastered the refining method of Karma Red Lotus, as well as the control method.

Zhou Fangyu shook his head helplessly.

You can only use the refining method to initially refine the Karmic Fire Red Lotus in front of you.

Afterwards, he incorporated it into his own divine domain.

The karmic red lotus that has been refined.

Zhou Fangyu anytime, anywhere.

All can freely use the karmic fire in the red lotus to attack the enemy.

You can also use this Karmic Fire Red Lotus.

Summon the powerful Ah Shu Luo clan at any time to fight for yourself.

Not like Wu Junhou.

Every time you use this karmic fire red lotus, you have to sacrifice a lot of flesh and soul.

But thinking of the "secret" that Old Ancestor Ming He didn't say half of what he said!

Zhou Fangyu even obtained the treasure of Karma Red Lotus at this time.

I was still a little depressed.

And it wasn't just this one thing that made him depressed.

Comprehensively analyze what Wu Junhou said before his death and what he told the ancestor of Ming He.

Zhou Fangyu had already guessed it at this time.

Yuantu and Abi are the companion treasures of the Styx.

There are also a large number of Ah Shu Luo clan.

Now they should all be in the hands of the Truth Society, the senior member who found the cooperation of Wu Junhou.

And this mysterious senior member was introduced by Uncle Zhang.

Just met Wu Junhou.

That is to say.

Zhou Fangyu's ten ancestral witch clay figures that have not been found so far.

Probably also in the hands of senior members of this Truth Society.

It can be said that if one can find a senior member of this truth society.

Then Zhou Fangyu is very likely to find it at one time—

10 zuwu clay figures, two treasures of Yuantu and Abi, as well as the four demon kings of the A. Xiu Luo family.

And with these.

Zhou Fangyu not only has the opportunity to restore the great formation of the twelve capitals of the Wu clan, but also condenses the true body of Pangu.

You can also reproduce the terrifying power of the sea of ​​​​blood in your own God's Domain.

Turn the ancestors of Ming He and the A. Xiu Luo family into their own divine race.

At that time, Zhou Fangyu's divine realm strength will soar wildly.

In front of him, an eternal god like Gabriel is probably a little brother.

Unfortunately, the long-term view is infinitely beautiful.

But how to find this mysterious senior member of the Truth Society.

But it became a difficult problem for Zhou Fangyu.

Think left and right.

The path to this mysterious senior member can now be found.

There are only two.

One is the junior member card of the Truth Society that Zhou Fangyu obtained from the original hater.

Through this membership card, Zhou Fangyu can enter the secret communication, gathering, and trading space of the Truth Society.

It is said that the space was reconstructed from the Nuwa Palace.

But Zhou Fangyu never dared to use this card.

Because he was afraid that he had really entered the secret space of the Truth Society.

be recognized by others.

Then you will be trapped in that secret space directly by the truth.

Therefore, this road cannot be taken for the time being.

The other one is through Hades, the true god who has a crush on Keisha, to find out the inside story of the Truth Society.

Then take advantage of the trend to find out that mysterious senior member of the Truth Society.

Back then, when Zhou Fangyu first met Hades.

He felt the divine aura of Uncle Zhang from him.

He has always been looking for an opportunity to find out the relationship between Hades and Chamberlain.

Later, I learned that Zhang Bo was a member of the Truth Society.

Zhou Fangyu has always wanted to find out the real situation of the Truth Society through Hades.

Unfortunately, he has been delayed by various things recently.

There was simply no time to get close to Hades.

It seems that after this Lost Gods Domain expedition is over.

Zhou Fangyu had to find a way to get close to this Hades.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was thinking about how to find out the inside story of the Truth Society through Hades.

Jiuying suddenly came to him with a dragon ball in his mouth.

Awakened him from his contemplation.

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