In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 279 The battle is over, accidentally being played as a monkey\r

Zhe Lie Dao looked at the crowd and said, "It was originally planned to be a celebration feast tonight, but it seems that it can only be postponed until tomorrow.

Let's go back and rest first! We will handle the rest. "

"Yes, my lord, then we will retire." Zhou Fangyu is also welcome, after all, they want to leave room for these senior leaders to deal with this mess.


Zhou Fangyu left with everyone.

As for Bai Qi and Wang Yanbin, they naturally stayed to report what had just happened.

Kaisha and Wang Haiyan were both exhausted. In fact, they didn't help much in this battle.

Wang Haiyan is a child god, so naturally she has more than enough power but not enough strength. As for Kaisha, in order to protect Wang Haiyan, she is also exhausted.

This is still when he rushed into the demon army, and did not directly open the realm of the gods and conduct a racial war in the realm of the gods.

Just use the strength of the gods to confront and test.

This gave Bai Qi and the others a chance to fish.

Otherwise, once the Divine Realm is opened, it will really be endless. Although I have the opportunity to fight with them and lose both sides, the price to pay is too great after all.

Before the two sides could try to find out the result, Zhou Fangyu had already noticed the huge gap between the two sides.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu had to enter the realm of the gods to find a solution to the battle.

Only then did the pseudo-Pangu real body appear.

He thought that he had suddenly summoned the real body of Pangu and wiped out the Yemo clan without giving them a chance to resist, so he was very proud.

This is out of the way of fighting in most gods worlds, and it really made him like it.

It has to be said that the Pangu avatar summoned by the Du Tianshen Sha of the Twelve Ancestral Witches is extremely powerful, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

This is the strength that a pioneer should have.

When they finally returned to the villa, Zhou Fangyu and Kaisha collapsed to the ground.

This battle is really tiring.

At this moment, Zhou Fangyu suddenly received a call from Bai Qi.

He did not disturb the resting two daughters, but left the villa by himself.

"Are these people so impatient? The crisis has just been lifted 々||." Zhou Fangyu said wearily.

"Well, because of the restrictions of the contract rules, they can only go when they want us to go."

"Do you see that I'm weak? Take the opportunity to mess with me? There are not many people in Dongyang City who know my state. Are there people who guard the mansion?" Zhou Fangyu hit the nail on the head.

Bai Qi was silent for a moment, then said: "I know who it is, but we can't touch him.

"Understood, power?" Zhou Fangyu muttered to himself.

"Yes, no." Bai Qi was silent for a moment and replied.

It turned out that just now, he received a contract from the black market arena.

This is equivalent to the enforcement of the contract of Heaven.

At this time, he must cheer up and participate in gladiatorial combat.

And you can only come out after you get all the victories.

He did not reject gladiatorial fighting at all, and even slightly liked it, because he could obtain a large amount of land in the Divine Realm.

Without accumulating small steps, he could not reach a thousand miles, and without accumulating small streams, he would not be able to make a river or sea. His realm was getting bigger and bigger.

This was a must experience for him to grow up.

He was angry that he, who was praised as a hero, was sold in an instant and forced to participate in the battle of life and death.

It's an insult to him, it's a contempt for him, 'What about a hero? Isn't it the dog we call and linger?

This kind of high power made him extremely disgusting.

He swore that these guys would be punished properly.

"We are still young, this is the capital, they have no chance." Bai Qi could only be so comforted.

Yes, youth is capital, and these old guys have reached the peak of what they can achieve, and they have lost their potential.

Zhou Fangyu didn't say anything more and went straight to the arena.

There are only dozens of games left, and it is not difficult for me.

When Zhou Fangyu arrived, the entire arena was already full of people.

These people are all dignitaries in Dongyang City, and even in the entire Nanyu Prefecture. These people wear masks and look fierce and eager.

"Guess officers, guess who we invited this time? 35

"That's right, it is the super genius of Dongyang City that you have been thinking about day and night. It is said that he has reached the top spot in the college entrance examination for the supernatural god, and has just solved the terrifying existence of the crisis of the demise of the Eastern Empire and even the world of gods, Zhou Fangyu.""

"Now, we invite our classmate Zhou to present the most exciting game for us."

"For this match, we have drawn a lot of elite powerhouses from all over the world.

I hope they can sell a little bit of strength to fight, so as to add some fun to the big guy, is the big guy right?"

"Haha, you're right, you fought for your life, and if you win, you will be rewarded.

66 That's right, what about this group of so-called geniuses, they're not just the clowns we've come to see, they've done a great show for the Lord, and the Lord will reward them.

A group of people cheered like crazy.

Zhou Fangyu felt so peaceful for the first time.

If workers want to destroy them, they must first make them crazy. These guys in the god world are too crazy.

"Okay, everyone be quiet, the gladiatorial match is about to start."

Soon, ten cages appeared in front of Zhou Fangyu's eyes.

There is a god in each cage, and each of them is suffocating.

They are all transcendent true gods, the top powerhouses in the true god realm.

Zhou Fangyu felt a little funny, these guys really tried their best to deal with themselves.

Calling a powerhouse overnight, this method is much stronger than when dealing with Night Demons.

Everyone knew that Ye Mo was going to attack the guard, but he was still attacked.

Where was the strong man at that time?

Now, for a gladiatorial match, so many people have been temporarily transferred.

Is it irony or sadness?

(Wang Nuozhao) "Before the battle begins, let's talk about the powerhouses we have mobilized this time."

"Wara Ziqiu in the sunset city is also fast, and has cultivated as an extraordinary true god. His record: ninety-eight victories in a hundred battles, two draws."

"Zhao Wei from Donghong City, cultivated as an extraordinary true god, with a record of 100 victories in a hundred battles.""

"Qiu Ping in Honghu City, cultivated as an extraordinary true god, record: 313 battles were won.

"Longtao from Peiping City, cultivated as an extraordinary true god, record: 308 victories in 308 battles."

Every time the host said a name, there would be cheers.

These people are the most powerful group of people in each city. As the top-level transcendent true gods, they continue to fight in order to break through to the gods, just to get that chance of life.

This is the reason why the entire black market arena can continue to exist.

People need such a place to fight all the time.

If you do not break through, you will die.

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