In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 282 Combat escalation, regular army vs. no-name army\r

"So, classmate Zhou, are you really sure? Can you start?"

Zhou Fangyu frowned, why did the host become so long-winded, how did he act decisively just now?

"Let's start." Zhou Fangyu said coldly.

Then, the battle began directly.

One hundred god slaves, this is rude to directly expand the realm of the gods, and start the battle of life and death.

They are not greedy.

They took every step, and after expanding the Divine Realm race, the terrifying number scared everyone into a cold sweat.

These people actually collected hundreds of millions of Divine Realm races.

Although the cultivation base is not high, many are only human fairyland.

But also surprising.

The most important thing is that these people have all kinds of equipment.

In such a short time, they also lost equipment, which shows how careful they are.

There are hundreds of them, and they control the "Seven Zero Zeros" of these gods, and they are a little bit closer to Zhou Fangyu's gods.

Although Zhou Fangyu did not fully expand, but just looking at the number, Zhou Fangyu knew that something was going to happen.

Hundreds of millions, if he can swallow it, Zhou Fangyu can make a fortune just from the inexhaustible amount of equipment.

Not to mention how many race cards can be dropped from such a large number of God's Domain races, Zhou Fangyu was shocked.

One hundred million people phalanx, killing Zhou Fangyu's army.

This time, the Terran did not rush to fight, but actively prepared for it.

The two great gods, the wise and forgetful, and the commander, Fenghuaxueyue, fought together.

They stood behind the human race, and after discussing it, they arranged the simplest and most complicated Three Talents Punishing Evil Formation.

This formation relies on three people to communicate with each other to support the enemy.

The three of them as one, slaughtered,

One person makes a move, and the three keep up at the same time, hitting the same target.

And this formation is the most simple, because the warriors of the human race no longer need to understand how to support each other.

How to watch signal chess.

As long as one of the three can read it.

This greatly reduces the difficulty of command.

Also, one squadron for every three squadrons, and one brigade for every three squadrons.

And so on, until all the talents are used.

This is the wisdom of the commander.

If you want to command simple and fast, and act quickly, you must learn to understand the essence of the formation more deeply.

Moreover, with the passage of time, people's understanding of combat will continue to deepen, so unconsciously, human beings are equivalent to continuous learning.

This is tantamount to experimental teaching.

Of course, it is impossible for the warriors of the human race to win easily.

Fenghuaxueyue also took out the elite of the Underworld Temple.

After all, it has more than half of the ten thousand strong elites.

There were almost 3,000 Earth Immortal-level teams, as well as hundreds of guardians of the middle-level Earth Immortals.

These are the real cards of the human race.

They will be rushing into the team, so that the opposite God's Domain race will not have the opportunity to resist.

As for the other races in the God Realm, the Dragon Clan occupied the air dominance, and the Female Clan was responsible for guarding the left wing of the Human Race.

The distance is thousands of kilometers.

He did not allow the female scorpion to roll back the ranks of the human race after being defeated,

The guard on the right wing was handed over to the Shura family.

The same is separated by distance.

He was very afraid that these people would not be able to withstand the attack from the opposite side and affect the human formation.

"Steady, steady, the two sides are approaching. 99

"Technology weapons are ready, magic cannons are ready.


Seeing his divine flame being spent by the human race like flowing water.

Zhou Fangyu was very distressed.

"Roar, fight.

Looking at the distance between the two sides getting closer and closer, they have reached a suitable position.

"Guardian, please charge first, with the aim of piercing, not fighting, not slowing down, not detouring, and piercing in a straight line until you lose your strength.

Fenghuaxueyue's face was solemn. For him, this battle was very important, and it was his battle of standing.

"Kill. 55

The guardian team shot directly, led by Fenghua Juedai, she would charge and pierce the entire alien team.

"Lord Hades, it's your turn to take action."

At this time, the deep special teams hidden in the Underworld Temple were basically taken out.

"Commander, please say. 35

"My lord, you lead the powerhouses at the bottom of the underworld and follow behind the guardians, with the aim of dispersing their warriors to the greatest extent possible, don't fight.

Your purpose is only one, to break up their formation, so that they have no chance to form a team again,

Moreover, they couldn't stop. When they got to the position of the central army, they were divided into two groups according to the hints of the Dragon Clan. One group of 2,000 people continued to chase and deal with them, and the other group turned to both sides to expand the results.

Don't be wary, follow orders. ""

"Okay." Hades, the Hades, gave face very much.

If she was dealing with ten people, she deliberately defeated their team with one person in order to vent Zhou Fangyu's anger.

Now, in the face of so many troops, she can only be honest.

"Kill." She led the people to kill.

With the leadership of Pluto, this time, everyone is in a good mood.

Because everyone knows the horror of Pluto.

It must be said that the strength of this woman has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Everyone of the human race, the three-talented formation, takes a step by step and advances steadily.

The three huge circular square arrays walked slowly like this.

Kill towards the Divine Realm race team ahead.

These races have different strengths and different shapes.

There is a family of banshees, flying in mid-air and occupying air dominance.

They handed it over to the Dragon Clan, and it was not a big problem.

There are various orcs, half-orcs, demons, and half-demons.

There are various spirit races, plant demon races, and so on.

They set up many traps in front of the human race.

Seeing that something was constantly harassing, Feng Hua Xue Yue directly activated the blood of the human race.

Countless people's eyes flashed red, and they just faced these attacks and rushed towards the opposite side.

When the human race is at war with them.

Originally a battle that was thought to be evenly matched, it instantly became one-sided.

Those races are like straws, each with an axe.

He simply can't stand the three-talented battle formation of the human race.

They were in a daze, and they collapsed due to being pushed forward by the Terran.

There are gods races that start to escape from 3.9.

It's so strange, where else can you go here?

These guys really have no backbone at all.

"Too strong, this race."

"If you can't fight, leave.

"Where can we go? We're done."

"Escape from God's Domain, the big deal is to become a wandering race."

This is the weakness of those temporarily assembled teams. They know all the existence of God's Domain and all the characteristics of God's Domain race.

They have low faith, strong individual strength, and are not good at fighting in groups. This is their weakness.

This is the reason why the Terran directly defeated the opponent directly.

Zhou Fangyu looked at the battle and breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he knows that he doesn't need to pay attention to it next, they will do everything well.

The regular army and the makeshift team are really incomparable.

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