In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 284 Skeletons, locked in the realm of the gods\r

"You can't do it, these undead are like scratching a tickling, they are useless." Zhou Fangyu's voice calmly emerged from the sea of ​​undead.

The deity smiled slightly, "Yeah, it's really not very useful, but it's okay to trap you."

Zhou Fangyu's face changed, he had already discovered these skeletons, but he couldn't do anything else, so he kept locking him, locking him in various ways, making him unable to move.

Now, he saw that his body was locked, and when he heard his words, he realized that this thing was actually used like this.

"I'll go, your motherfucker is really talented, you've played with the undead."

Zhou Fangyu violently smashed the skeleton behind him.

He kept attacking and wanted to get out of the sea of ​​undead.

But could not get out.

"Damn, you forced me." Zhou Fangyu had to summon the leeks again.

Another small demon invasion.

This time the demon is more like a demon.

When many players saw this boundless sea of ​​undead, their faces changed greatly.

"No, it's actually an undead, can't fight, it's too scary.

"Yes, these little bones are too scary."

"Don't, don't pull me, help, hey, why are you holding me?"

"It seems, there's no danger." Someone muttered to himself and wanted to get out of his arms.

Just as he used his strength to disengage his body, he was locked again, and it was a chain. He was completely fixed to the ground and could not move.

Everyone was blinded, looking at the sea of ​​​​skeletons in front of them with excitement on their faces.

"A skeleton that only locks people?"

"God, love, love, brothers, let's go together."

"Break them.""

"For justice.

This was the first time they found out that fighting was still so joyful.

Zhou Fangyu looked at them, and at the guy who was trying to pull him into his realm with the undead army.

This guy is really talented. Did he do so much just to pull him into his realm?

He sensed that he was gradually infiltrating into the rules of God's Domain. If he was really pulled in, it would be either he died or Zhou Fangyu died.

He definitely didn't dare to gamble his life with him, so he directly opened his God's Domain, started the God's Domain channel, and let the two God's Domain link.

Although God's Domain can suppress foreign life, if it is a god that is pulled in, and this God's God's Domain is larger than his, it will burst him. This is the collision of rules and volumes, and the rules cannot be changed. .

"Wait, doesn't his realm of the gods be very big 々||?" Zhou Fangyu's eyes lit up, thinking of this fact, if so, then this guy, he is sure to kill.

Can't risk being pulled in by him, watching the players who are still slowly cleaning up the undead.

Zhou Fangyu issued a notice, "Those who enter the undead world first will be rewarded with one divine soldier, one titled, and one hundred units of divine flames.

For the top two to ten, the reward will be halved.

When this announcement came out, everyone was shocked.

"Kill..." I don't know who was killed from the crowd and rushed into the undead group.

Followed by several electric and flint-like figures.

"I'll go, Lord Hades, don't rob us, you're not being kind."

"The peerless adults are also on, damn, they are all crazy."

"It depends on hard work, Laozi also needs divine flame."

Usually the acquisition of Divine Power Divine Crystal is very laborious.

Not to mention the gods.

This actually rewards Divine Flame.

The landlord's family has no surplus food, so they have to fight for anything!

The big deal is to earn a tenth.

After everyone saw Fenghua Peerless and Hades take action, they knew that the first and second would probably have no chance.

However, other positions can be contested.

"God said, electric light and flint, the speed is incomparable." This was the voice of the Western Heavenly Emperor.

"Cannon fist, reflexive hammer. 99 That is the voice of the barbarian god.

"Y'all can't beat me, hahaha, they can't see me. Sinister old twitter.

Everyone did their best.

I saw that the sea of ​​undead ahead was eroded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Locusts cross the border, and no grass grows.

All undead are dealt with in one hit.

However, Zhou Fangyu, who was being pulled, felt a huge force of rules and began to erode himself.

His face changed, this ghost really depends on this to win, he is really a strange and perverted guy.

This way is really rude.

"Fast, speed up, the door to the undead world opens, the first is mine. 35

Hades, the king of the underworld, lit up, and the whole person instantly turned into light and shadow and disappeared.

Zhou Fangyu, who was fighting against the power of rules, suddenly felt a star point appear around him.

He could feel the familiar breath, "She's here, it's not her fault. 35

Zhou Fangyu nodded, although he had other ways to get out of trouble, but if he was rescued, it would be a good feeling.

"Kill. 35

"Go in, I'm the third.

"I was fourth and Laozi won."

As more and more powerful human races are killed.

The face of the pseudo-celestial god realm changed, because he felt that a brand was taking shape near his god realm.

"..Boy, do you dare to locate my domain?

"Haha, why do you think I was caught at the entrance of God's Domain by your inferior ability? Do you really think I'm so weak?"

Zhou Fangyu told the truth, he just fell in love with this guy's divine domain, if his divine domain was really big, wouldn't he be able to greatly expand his divine domain?

At that time, his potential will grow exponentially.

"I want your God's Domain." Zhou Fangyu muttered to himself.

The pseudo-god realm was stunned for a moment, and immediately became angry, "Do you really think that you understand the god realm?"

He got up suddenly, flew into the air, and saw that he stretched out his palm toward the air, and an inexplicable power of law appeared around him.

He pointed to Zhou Fangyu, "Referring to Heaven as Dao, I am Heaven's Dao, kill. 39

Zhou Fangyu looked at this guy in surprise, he felt a terrifying force suddenly appear beside him.

It was something similar to the power of rules, it would suddenly appear, and then (Zhao's) suddenly disappear, was it inexplicable, which surprised Zhou Fangyu.

"Bang." Zhou Fangyu's body exploded inexplicably.

"Hahaha, stinky boy, let you look down on me, do you really think I'm just kidding around in the god realm? Looking for death."

He suddenly felt a little unwell, and he felt a little sticky when he touched the heart.

Looking down, a fist appeared in front of him.

A voice appeared from his side.

"It's just the way of heaven, you're not immortal, why are you arrogant?"

He turned his head and saw that it was Zhou Fangyu's evil face.

"No..." He let out a hysterical howl, but gradually extinguished his voice and fell asleep silently.

Zhou Fangyu wiped his palms with a smile, and then directly began to charge his divine domain.

In the main world, he has completely killed this god.

In the world of God's Domain, only the Earth players are left to completely conquer that God's Domain.

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