In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 292 Ling Ji, Forcibly Incorporated\r

"Your Majesty, it sounds so ugly, the concubines just don't want to die so quickly, there are only so many resources, can't they be wasted? Who should use them?

Moreover, these undead are so disgusting, I have long wanted to eliminate them completely.

"Why can the Spirit Race control other races? Isn't this your talent? Wait, are you?"

The bosses of several races looked at each other.

"Invisible, invisible, you are an invisible demon, you are an invisible demon that will never be seen in the Spirit Race.

"My God, this is the punishment the heaven has given us."

"Lord Sacrificial Lord gave us a reminder back then that the invisible spirit appeared, and the chaotic day was over."

"It's just that everyone hasn't noticed you for so many years. You're too good a disguise. 35

Lingji Wuxiang finally got his name right, "Giggle, thank you for your praise. However, I still can't let you go, become my spiritual servants, the adults are "Seven Zero Seven"."

Her voice fell, and countless top powerhouses came out of the shadows.

The number of these powerhouses is very large, and there are even many powerhouses who have fallen for a long time.

"You actually blasphemed our ancestors.

"Damn, Eldar you can't do this. 99

"You will be punished."

"Escape, escape."

The powerhouses of many races can escape and fight.

"Sir, did you kill them?" A mandrill showed a trace of killing intent.

The Spiritual Race and the Mandrill, the two races, relied on a cowardice, and they were wretched to the end.

Relying on the invisible spirits, the Spirit Race controlled several incomparably powerful undead races, killing countless people.

Zhou Fangyu watched this scene with a smile, he had long felt that things were very strange.

Just disdain to use great mana to find out the reason.

This little bit of revealing feels quite good.

Especially in the end, Ling Ji used the power of one person to almost exterminate all races, which made him feel like watching a blockbuster movie.

In particular, he secretly protected a lot of strong people, and he didn't lose much.

Seeing the battle going further in time and space, he knew that it couldn't go on like this.

"Xiao Gu, you go, take everyone down and let them remember who is the real ruler of this world.

To deal with such a strong person, especially a strong woman, she has to be stronger than her, so she has to be arrogant, and finally, submit.

To the final helplessness and hopelessness of resistance, in the end, they can only accept their fate.

Of course, it didn't mean that he fell in love with Lingji. Although he looked at the enchanting woman, in his eyes, this woman was nothing but a special existence without substance.

A special kind of creature between soul and life.

They are neither spirits nor souls, but an existence in between.

"Okay, the war will stop immediately, everyone, return to their respective realms, and wait for the call of the Lord.

Chaos Bone appeared in front of everyone.

With a wave of her hand, everyone disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it was already in its own territory.

Not even a single enemy around.

Lingji Invisible sat on her throne, her face covered in a circle.

Where am I, who am I, what is happening.

She looked around in confusion, a chill enveloped her heart.

"The Lord of the World? Or the top powerhouse?

If it is the Lord of the World, she can't resist, and she doesn't have to resist.

If it is just a top-level powerhouse, then you need to consider whether you should resist.

"Hehehe, Lingji? You are finished. 35

All racial powerhouses leaked such an expression.

Because they found that this guy's control is limited by space, the distance is too far, and he doesn't care?

Zhou Fangyu laughed, the talent is very strong, but the person is too weak.

She is just a guy in a fairyland, and being able to do this is a further manifestation of her strength.

The races of the chaotic time and space are imprisoned in their own territory.

The seemingly peaceful clans all fought so fiercely, it felt like they were never dying.

After making arrangements here, he looked at the time.

Fortunately, it wasn't very long, and you could go back for lunch and take a nap.

Back at Bai Qi's villa, he had been waiting there for a long time.

"I heard that you came out a long time ago. Fortunately, you are fine. I am really afraid that you will be intercepted and killed. Do you know how many people are staring at you now?

"Oh, see, what about Keisha and the others?"

"In the back room, I'm sleeping." Bai Qi finished speaking and took a sip of water, "You'll be fine, I'm going to rest."

In fact, he was just holding on.

"Don't forget the banquet in the evening, prepare a noble dress, and don't lose your etiquette. You are also a big man now."

Zhou Fangyu said impatiently, "Lori, let's go."

He actually didn't like that kind of banquet very much, but he had to go a lot of the time, which annoyed him very much.

But today's banquet is a highlight, and the god-king-level exercises he wants are about to be given to him.

"Otherwise, reluctantly dress up." Looking at the handsome guy in the mirror, he muttered to himself.

"Never mind, rest first.

He is also very tired, so many long continuous battles, which makes the iron man can't bear it.

After he lay down, he fell asleep.

This time, no one bothered them.

Just at noon, Keisha and the others got up and prepared some lunch.

In the evening, Keisha dressed Zhou Fangyu again, and turned into a handsome man directly at one of the students.

Wang Haiyan was extremely jealous. She was still a student after all, so she was really unfamiliar with these things.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Keisha is not a student.

It's just that the status is really different.

After their dojo, the people here have gathered long ago.

At first glance, it seems that it has already started.

"Hey, look, isn't this our top student in the college entrance examination? It's finally too late!" Wang Yanbin looked at the extremely handsome Zhou Fangyu in surprise. Is the young man very handsome.

The two women, Wang Haiyan and Kaisha, hugged his arms, which made everyone envious.

In particular, the two women are wearing cheongsam skirts in different black and red colors, each with their own characteristics, but they appear dignified and generous.

The open-room 3.9 cheongsam looks very tempting.

Coupled with the explosive figure, the protruding protruding, the warped warped, stunning the audience.

"Grandpa Wang, hello, it's very early."

"Haha, it's not early, I don't want to see my good granddaughter earlier. The 35-year-old is not ashamed to wink at Zhou Fangyu.

Zhou Fangyu's face is full of black lines, are you selling your granddaughter?

We are innocent, that is, holding hands.

Everyone showed various expressions and looked at Zhou Fangyu in unison.

Whether it was him or the two women, the whole banquet was amazing.

"Hmph, isn't he the number one student in the college entrance examination? What's the arrogance? In the end, he's not just a dog.

"It's so poignant to be here so late."

"Get up, don't upset Laozi." A noble boy looked at the woman beside him and pushed away angrily.

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