In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 297 Coming, scramble, admission to Imperial University\r

The most surprising thing about Zhou Fangyu is that the practice of this exercise can actually absorb the chaotic aura, although it does not absorb much for the time being.

However, this is too amazing, you must know that the chaotic aura, which is mixed with all the energy between heaven and earth, is the most viscous and difficult to absorb aura.

Only the congenital gods and demons, the most powerful group of congenital gods, can absorb it.

And Pangu happened to be the strongest among those gods and demons.

This is very interesting.

Although the Qi of Chaos in his hand is not a lot, it is not a lot, and he can absorb not much now.

Obviously, even so, he can quickly cultivate to the top level. No way, this is the advantage of Chaos Qi.

He also secretly sent some chaotic aura to Wang Haiyan from time to time.

Although not much, it greatly improved her strength.

Naturally, she didn't know the reason for "July 10", she just thought that she was very talented in cultivating this technique.

"Fang Yu, which university do you choose?" Wang Haiyan, who was cultivating, asked worriedly.

There is a big difference between the two of them.

Wang Haiyan felt that they might be separated for a while.

This is not what she wants. They are likely to become weak or even break up because of the long-distance separation.

She has been restless these days.

"Oh, I haven't thought about it yet. Southern State University is close to home, but it's not what I want. For other schools, let's take a look at the teaching resources first."

Zhou Fangyu really hasn't thought about it yet. After all, his current strength is not very useful whether he can go to university or not.

What he needs to consider now is which school has more resources, divine flame subsidies, cultivation techniques, martial arts and martial arts, power of laws, expansion of the divine realm, divine realm race cards, and so on.

He has to think about it.

At this time, a divine power communication signal came in.


"I'm Wang Yanbin, Fang Yu, have you decided which school to sign up for? School registration is about to begin.

"Not yet." Zhou Fangyu didn't think clearly.

"That's it, that's fine, just wait a moment. I'll take someone to your place."

"Uh, okay.

Bringing people here? Zhou Fangyu has a bad feeling.

I haven't waited for Wang Yanbin to come to the door.

Zhe Lie Dao has already arrived at him with someone.

"Lord Guardian, why are you here?" Zhou Fangyu hurriedly welcomed him in.

"Just in time, you are at home and I have something to do with you. This is Wang Shuyuan, let's go in and talk." He hurriedly walked inside.

"Okay, Wang Shuyuan, your hands and eyes are all over the sky, and you actually found the Folding Sword and came here. It's really fast. 35 An old man pulled Bai Qi and ran towards here.

While Zhou Fangyu was confused, he walked in.

The rat tail juice on Bai Qi's face made Zhou Fangyu inexplicable.

Just after them, Wang Yanbin also arrived, and after feeling the breath of those people in the villa, he blurted out, "A group of old men who are not ashamed to actually make a surprise attack, Chen Qingan, hurry up."

"It doesn't matter, the left and right are just a word of fate. 35

Seeing that Wang Yanbin brought people in directly, Zhou Fangyu couldn't help laughing and crying, "Several adults, they are just a top student in the college entrance examination, are they worth fighting for so much?

He actually had some thoughts in his heart, but he just didn't know if the school would give him news.

A few big bosses came in again, and they all looked at each other, and fire flashed in their eyes.

"Since it's all here, the other families should be self-aware, and they shouldn't be making fun of themselves, so let's start. 99

Wang Shuyuan was the first to speak, imposing like a rainbow, and a monstrous pressure appeared on the spot, giving everyone a feeling of suffocation.

"Pharaoh, everyone knows the bottom line, so why use the power to overwhelm people." Zhe Lie Dao advised.

"Good." He looked at the crowd and said, "Fang Yu, this school must be taken into consideration. You are still young and accumulation is the most important thing. Only a good teaching environment, teaching resources, and even teaching ability are all important. affect your future.

Moreover, what era is this, and what is most important must be talents. In our school, there are countless talents and abundant resources.

In this way, you only need to come to our Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, other resources aside, divine flame subsidy, starting at one million.

"Damn it, Wang Shuyuan, you are not ashamed, are you actually insulting us with that copper smell?

"I will subsidize one million from Lanzhou University, and I will personally sponsor you one million, how about it?"

"I don't have as much money as you in Nanzhou University, but we can still afford one million, but you should also consider contributing to your hometown in defense."

"How about I donate one million yuan from Nanhai University and give a villa as a gift?

Seeing the group of people fighting so hard, Zhou Fangyu gave a wry smile.

"Everyone, why is this? I have already received your sincerity. As for going to that school, I haven't made up my mind yet. When I think about it, I can directly sign up. You don't have to."

Wang Yanbin also saw Zhou Fangyu's embarrassment. In fact, they came here just to express their sincerity. They had to come. Otherwise, who knows where you would choose.

At least if it shows up, it will have an impression.

As for whether they can really grab it? This is not necessarily. There are so many schools, there are too many schools that can provide benefits, and everyone's strengths will not be much different, so they don't expect Zhou Fangyu to really choose which one.

"Okay, it's not appropriate for everyone to push people like this..."

Just when he was trying to persuade everyone, a flying sword suddenly flew in from the side window and pinned it directly in front of Zhou Fangyu, exactly.

One after another golden text began to appear in front of them.

"Damn it, Jin Jianling, Imperial University has taken action." Wang Shuyuan was shocked.

Teachers at other schools were also horrified.

"Oh my God, it seems that we have no hope, and we expected them to look down on our remote southern state.

"It's over, as long as you're not stupid, you know where to choose.

"This son is like a dragon.

Not to mention the shocking performance of the crowd.

The content of this golden text alone is shocking.

"The admission notice of Imperial Capital 3.9 University, in view of Zhou Fangyu's excellent grades and past experience, and confirmed by Imperial Capital University's observation and confirmation, the University Admissions Department announced that you have been admitted to My Imperial Capital University in advance from today, and it is recommended to take the list. Set off immediately to report,

Although he politely said a suggestion, he was extremely overbearing. This was forcing him to go to Imperial College, and there was no room for change.

Zhou Fangyu is also welcome. People give him face, but he can't lose face.

Imperial University, the place where all the elites of the Quan Empire gather, claims that true gods are not as good as dogs, the gods are everywhere, and the king of gods does not make a move.

That is a super university, the most elite university, whether it is resources or strength, it is the top.

Everyone shook their heads, got up and left, after all, everyone has already revealed the list.

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