In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 303 Wang Zhe treats guests, devil consciousness\r

Zhou Fangyu looked at the surrounding environment and had to say that this Wang Zhe would enjoy it very much.

"Brother Wang, your place is very comfortable, the exclusive small restaurant, the food must be high-end."

Wang Zhe's face froze, and he smiled bitterly: "Ashamed, you brother and I, that is, I can eat and drink a little bit, and I can't do anything about it. It's still brother, you have a bright future.

"Why is this? As a son of the Wang family, he is shining brightly, and a nobleman in Kyoto is envied by everyone." Zhou Fangyu deliberately boasted.

"Hey, what kind of core characters have you seen who can be transferred to this place where birds don't shit, stay on this broken boat every day, and have no communication, I'm afraid that people who I haven't even returned to Kyoto will know me." Wang Zhe said a little. He laughed at himself, but he was telling the truth.

"Brother Wang, don't be discouraged, you are already a newborn god, as long as you work harder and your strength increases, the family will naturally take it seriously."

"Young Master Zhou doesn't know anything, my young master's deity is detrimental, and I'm afraid there will be no hope of promotion in the future. 35

"Why? Can the godhead be destroyed?" Zhou Fangyu pretended to be ignorant, in fact, he just wanted to see if this guy had any value in making friends.

If there are some genius treasures that can cure him, it is still worthwhile. If this is a waste person, he feels that they should turn their heads and leave.

In the matter of the big family, if you make friends with a waste, the offender will be those who are slightly stronger than the waste.

They are all a bunch of scouts.

Wang Zhe's face was slightly happy. He tried to make friends with many heroes, but most of them just left after hearing his situation.

Sometimes even if you are temporarily deceived, it is just delaying time.

Instead of wasting time, it's better to pull it out directly. In this way, people will naturally help you when they think there is a chance. No, everyone will get together and leave.

Wang Zhe did not speak, but directly waved to the waiter to serve.

Soon the delicate dishes were served.

However, Zhou Fangyu and the three of them did not move, but looked at Wang Zhe.

Wang Zhe didn't talk nonsense, he directly took out his godhead.

"Speaking of which, I'm also very strange, there is a black substance imprinted on my godhead, which has been absorbing my divine power.

The adults in the family have seen it, and it is not a product of the known world of gods.

They are somewhat like demonic energy, but they are more difficult to deal with than demonic energy. This substance seems to have life and will avoid the attack of divine power. As long as I dare to have other thoughts, he will forcefully destroy my godhead. You see , this is the crack.

Zhou Fangyu stretched out his hand, his action was extremely impolite, because the divine personality is the lifeblood of Wang Zhe, which is equivalent to the lifeblood of others.

Uncle Wen's expression changed, and he wanted to scold, but was stopped by Wang Zhe.

Wang Zhe happily handed it to Zhou Fangyu.

This action brought a smile to Zhou Fangyu's face.

He stroked the black substance.

Feel his breath.

"System to detect the composition of this substance, and how to eliminate it."

"Ding, system check starts...

After a long time, Zhou Fangyu became anxious.

He had never seen the system so slow, as if the composition of this thing was very difficult to measure.

"Ding, the system detection is complete.

"Black matter is a high-purity magic crystallization, a devil-level magic essence, with a devil's consciousness. It is recommended that the host stay away."5

This sentence scared Zhou Fangyu and threw the godhead directly.

I rely on, the devil's consciousness, doesn't it mean that there is a devil attached to his godhead?

"What's the matter, Brother Zhou?"

"You, cough, can you talk alone."

"Uh, what do you mean?" Wang Zhe looked at Uncle Wen behind him, "He is Uncle Wen, his own."

Zhou Fangyu pointed at the godhead and blinked.

"What are you talking about?" Wang Zhe was shocked.


"Okay, please come with me."

Zhou Fangyu saw Wang Zhe put the godhead into a white jade box, and then handed it over to Uncle Wen.

Zhou Fangyu nodded.

The suction stone was a good way to isolate him from escaping.

This guy does things rough and fine.

In fact, Zhou Fangyu felt that this Demon King might have been sleeping at all and was severely injured, or else he would not have attached himself to a little rookie at the god level.

However, even those immortal gods can't find out his details, and there may be other ways to hide.

However, no matter how he hides, he can't escape the detection of the system.

Wang Zhe took Zhou Fangyu to a secret room.

Zhou Fangyu looked at him carefully, "Is there anything else on you that is contaminated by this?"

Yes, he used the pollution, which would make people think it was some kind of disease.

If this Wang Zhe is also parasitized, this will not let him have the idea of ​​solving Zhou Fangyu, which is a kind of self-preservation rhetoric.

"No, after this black pattern appeared on my godhead, my whole body was checked, and there was nothing abnormal."

"Where's God's Domain? Did you check it?" Zhou Fangyu was worried.

"Also checked, in the family, we actually have no secrets at all.

"Huh, that's good, I hope you don't tell anyone about this matter, otherwise we may encounter endless assassinations. Although it's a bit shocking, I think it's good for you to know this matter yourself, and say it out. , you're dead." Zhou Fangyu kept repeating the seriousness of the matter.

Wang Zhe was a little puzzled, his heart beat a little faster, he didn't know whether he should listen to him or not, but it was definitely not a good thing.

"Go ahead, I'm ready." He took a few deep breaths.

Zhou Fangyu said word by word: "Your Godhead, 713 was parasitized by the Demon King.

"What? It's impossible. 99 Wang Zhe was shocked, and he couldn't help but be surprised. Although the Demon King is powerful, many ancestor-level figures in his family can deal with it. How could it be the devil?

"You may not believe what I said, but you must listen. First of all, don't tell anyone about this matter, otherwise, the guy above will throw someone on the fringes of the family just in case, in order to prevent the recovery of the Demon King. There is no hesitation at all.

In this way, you are dead. "

"I believe, what should I do?"

"These black breaths, at first glance, are just some black lines, but in fact, this is the essence of life of the demon king, and they have the original consciousness. If they grow to a certain level, they will recover and become demon kings again.

But if we seal it now, he'll just stay in a box forever.

"But, what about my godhead?" Wang Zhe cried.

"There is a way.""

"any solution?

"This devil's consciousness is immature, he has just recovered, he has not yet been able to influence others, and even he is still subject to his instincts, if we find a way to draw him out, we may be able to solve this trouble. Zhou Fangyu said his own idea.

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