In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 308 School report, surprise study\r

"Hey, you students were the first to save you."

"Uh, but the admission letter says that it is recommended that I arrive early?" Zhou Fangyu handed over a card in confusion.

The guard took the card in his hand and checked it carefully. When he saw a golden eagle logo, he suddenly realized.

"This is Bakikara's admission card. It turned out to be admitted by this teacher. Hey, you can do it yourself. Now, go in."5

The guard let him go.

Zhou Fangyu was stunned when he saw it.

"So, easy?""

"It seems so.

"Turn right at the door, there is a separate teaching building in Bakikala." The guard shouted at Zhou Fangyu, allowing them to enter.

Looking at the road, they turned right, and after a while, they saw a villa with the words, Bakikala.

"This teacher is quite unique. 39 Zhou Fangyu reluctantly smiled.

When we got here, there were more people, unlike other classrooms, which were empty.

The voices of debate in the villa could be vaguely heard.

"Hello, is this Teacher Bucky's classroom?" Zhou Fangyu knocked on the door of the villa.

A young man hurriedly pulled him in.

"Come on, Mr. Bucky is giving a lecture. I can't hear it at 11 late."

Zhou Fangyu didn't even have time to introduce them, so the three of them were pulled in.

"Now, we are going to discuss, regarding the development of God's Domain, whether it is better to develop in a comprehensive way, or the single-attribute path is faster.

Survive the best and see what's best for the god world.

The three of them listened to a day's class in a daze.

No one speaks, no one disturbs. This teacher has his own unique charm. Every time he lectures, he has all kinds of punchlines, leading the whole class.

Things that obviously feel very profound can become easy to understand in his mouth.

Even Zhou Fangyu and the three freshmen understood it, so there was no need to think about the prelude knowledge points and other things.

Each of his subjects is independent, and there are not so many connections.

Zhou Fangyu was the first to see this way of teaching, and he was fascinated when he heard it.

"Okay, that's it for today's class. There is still a month before the school starts. Everyone strives to attend classes every day. After school starts, they can move freely."

"Wow, that's great, Mr. Bucky, you're the best.

"I really like Mr. Bucky's class."

"Teacher, I have a lot of questions recently, can you help me answer them? 35

Before the teacher left, he was surrounded again.

Zhou Fangyu did not join in the fun, but waited aside.

He was a little puzzled, what does the teacher's words mean, and what is the purpose of free activities after school starts? As a freshman, he can't understand.

I waited until the evening. Basically, every student had many questions. They asked them carefully. Teacher Bucky answered every question very well. , unwilling to drop even a little knowledge point.

Finally, after everyone finished asking, everyone left here happily,

"Hello, Mr. Bucky, I'm a new freshman, my name is Zhou Fangyu. 35

"Zhou Fangyu, right, I know you, you are the student I like, you are very good, now you have one month to learn knowledge, four years in college, I only teach one summer vacation every year, this summer vacation, is The only chance for you to learn, don't waste this month's time, study more and review more, you must be familiar with all the knowledge points about gods, and don't let go of a little doubt.

I will teach you wholeheartedly, and you should also study hard. The future college years will be the days when you apply what you have learned. "

Zhou Fangyu was stunned when he heard his words, no wonder he suggested that they arrive early, it turned out to be what he meant.

"Okay, teacher, I will try my best.

Teacher Bucky suddenly thought of something and said: "By the way, I heard that you were arrested, I have already sent someone to say hello, the matter of the Zhao family has nothing to do with you, who would dare to look for you because of this matter. Trouble, I will take care of them naturally, don't worry.

"Thank you teacher." Zhou Fangyu nodded.

"Well, very good, I know that you are a very smart person, with a perfect score in the college entrance examination, but diligence is equally important, don't waste your talent, you have the potential to become a god emperor, but you need to pay more than ordinary people. Hundreds of times of effort, if you slack off, you may be just a god for life. Remember, being smart and talented does not mean that you will achieve high in the future. The level of achievement depends on how many times of effort you put in. Remember, time cannot Again, what you learn is what you learn.

Mr. Bucky's words are like an old country teacher, but they contain the kind of intimacy that other teachers don't have.

Zhou Fangyu listened to his words.

He knew that the teacher's words were right.

If you have the potential to become a god emperor, but you only put in ten percent of your efforts, then you can only be a god, maybe only a low-level god.

But if you can give 80%, you may be able to become the dominant god, or even stronger.

If you put in 200% of your efforts, maybe the God Emperor is not a problem, or even higher.

This is the importance of hard work.

In fact, he has seen too many such examples.

In the previous life, there was Shang Zhongyong, all kinds of geniuses disappeared, and there were all kinds of waste wood, relying on hard work, hard work, and starting from scratch.

There are even many of his Divine Realm races.

Jack Ma, Jingdong Qiang, many examples, living examples.

How could he not know.

He was awe-inspiring and bowed to Teacher Bucky, "I've been taught, I'll work harder.

His words are not words.

In the days that followed, he was immersed in the ocean of various knowledge from university textbooks every day.

Day and night, he never even went to the Divine Realm world again.

Kaisha and Wang Haiyan followed their studies every day. They were influenced by Zhou Fangyu and even became harder.

Keisha learns what she thinks is lacking.

Wang Haiyan followed Zhou Fangyu. Although he did not learn as much as he did, he did not dare to fall behind.

The three of them walked around the school, the cafeteria, and the school.

Don't even think about accommodation.

They even forgot what it was like to be in bed.

This is what hard work looks like.

Their appearance was also recognized by Mr. Bucky.

"I have to say that this month has passed in a hurry, and everyone has had a very fulfilling life. First of all, I want to criticize one person, that is our freshman, Zhou Fangyu, your junior brother, he is too diligent, The knowledge that you have learned and mastered has surpassed that of most of the seniors here, and I don't even dare to announce that this will be my most proud disciple, no one. You, in the end, can only be his foil.

He is so talented and hard enough, God will be moved. "

Speaking of criticism, looking at his words, looking at his appearance, he has already praised Zhou Fangyu to the sky.

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