In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 312 Registered Privateers, Brother Qiang\r

"Okay, the matter of the villa has been resolved. If you have any other needs, please tell me together, and we will help you solve it." Zhou's different words made everyone stare at Zhou Fangyu, as if hoping that he would say something. .

Zhou Fangyu shook his head. There are less than ten days before school starts.

At that time, there will be more students reported, and during this period of time, I have to carefully study the various activities and organizations of the school to plan various studies for the whole semester.

"Thank you, seniors, I have nothing to do for the time being, please come back, I won't leave you any more, I have to clean up here.

When everyone heard this, they no longer reluctantly, and everyone left.

I'm tired of being together all day, and my acquaintances are also annoying, not to mention them.

After everyone left, it finally calmed down.

He called Kaisha "Qi23" and Wang Haiyan, and they left after Zhou Fangyu was hunted down.

According to their words, they are going to go shopping and visit the imperial capital.

After telling them the location of the villa, he left Imperial University directly.

The privateer convention is about to begin.

Now, he needs to register a privateer group, and then he will be able to participate in the privateer group meeting.

As long as Edfu is eliminated, the earth will be safe.

Although there is nothing left, it is still Zhou Fangyu's home planet.

Besides, where are there more secrets about the flood.

So Edfu must die, all of his privateers must die.

"Hello, may I ask to register a privateer group, where do I register?""

Zhou Fangyu, who was unfamiliar with life, finally got lost.

In addition to buildings or buildings around, the mercenary trade unions that had been good for a long time could not be found.

He just got on a bridge and fainted.

No way, don't let the consciousness open here, otherwise, you should have found it long ago.

"Go to the Mercenary Union, turn left at the intersection ahead. Brother, you are lost. It's your first time to Beijing Imperial Capital. It's alright. Next time you don't know the way, just ask directly. It's boring."

Zhou Fangyu blushed instantly, he nodded, "Got it."

When he walked to the mercenary union, he discovered that the four characters of the mercenary union of Dou Da were actually divine characters.

That is, the ancient earth traditional, it was hard to recognize.

From the back, it is not a mercenary union, but when it comes to the front, it is.

He was so angry that he wanted to smash the table.

Walking into the mercenary union, he soon found the registration hall.

There are so many people here that you have to line up wherever you go, and many mercenary tasks are on the top of your head.

Some mercenaries are bragging, some are recruiting teammates, some are rushing in and rushing away.

"Hello, what do you need?" A sweet voice came when Zhou Fangyu waited in line for a long time and finally got his way.

This time his heart was much more comfortable, he looked up and was directly amazed.

An oriental woman with disheveled hair, but an unusually supple body, was sitting at the counter, her big watery eyes seemed to be teasing.

Staring at Zhou Fangyu, as if to let his soul out of the body.

For a long time, after staring at everyone and frowning, Zhou Fangyu responded, "Oh, hello, I want to register a privateer group, what is the process?"

"First of all, to register as a privateer, you must be at least 18 years old. Second, you need to have a mercenary status. Third, you must pay a deposit of more than 10 million yuan if you want a privateer license. Fourth, you need three A team of gods above people.

"Oh. Can you register for me first, and I'll recruit people? There are a lot of people here, and I believe there are people who are willing to help me."

He just needs a pretext, as for the others, they must be recruited temporarily.

"Of course, but you need to pay the Shenyan deposit first, as well as your god ID card.

"Okay." Zhou Fangyu happily swiped his card, not to mention, if he hadn't had a little money now, this privateer group wouldn't be able to form.

Sure enough, in the imperial capital, having no money is the original sin.

He is considering whether he needs work-study during these days at Imperial College?

Shaking his head and throwing unrealistic thoughts out of his mind, he went directly to the lobby, "The head of the group recruits two members of the privateer group, with favorable treatment, unlimited strength, and unlimited age.

He shouted three times, but no one saw him.

It was obvious that someone had moved but still did not move, as if he was a wild beast.

He frowned, what did he do wrong, why are these people staring at him so much?

Zhou Fangyu really can't think of his own problem..

Moreover, he spent money to recruit players, but no one came.

He directly took out one million units of Divine Flame and placed it in the middle of the road, while he sat down and continued to shout: "You need two gods, no limit on strength, no limit on age, help me register for a privateer group, and think about it after success. Whether you want to quit or continue with me, you are all free, I just want to find two people to help you register."

One million buys two people, it's a very simple thing, they still look like I'm a liar, as if I'm definitely lying to them if I speak.

Seeing that Zhou Fangyu was ignored for a long time.

An old god came over and pointed at Zhou Fangyu: "Young man, what you are doing is wrong, you have to go to that guy first and pay some security deposit before you can recruit people here, otherwise, no one will dare to come here. of.

Zhou Fangyu frowned, and immediately relieved, this is not worshiping the Bodhisattva and touching the Golden Gate.

It was sloppy, I thought that this place should not know that they would do this, but they were targeted.

No wonder no one dared to come.

Zhou Fangyu walked directly to the big man and said, "I'm sorry, this is the first time for this eldest brother and younger brother. I haven't seen you, you have a lot of people, I just want to find two people, you can recommend them. 55

"Okay, ten thousand divine flames." The big man nodded and waved at Zhou Fangyu.

Zhou Fangyu didn't make any counter-offer, and directly handed him ten thousand divine flames.


This big man is also a disciplined man, "Everyone over there can do it." He pointed to a group of old, weak, sick and disabled who were waiting eagerly.

He's a principled guy who does things well and never goes overboard.

"Brother, I don't know how many divine flames will I need to recruit you?" Zhou Fangyu took a fancy to him.

Originally, he just wanted to find a few people to make up the number, but he fell in love with this guy and planned to find him as a companion.

"Me?" The big man looked at Zhou Fangyu in surprise, is this guy crazy?

"Yeah, if you are doing this here, you don't have much time to practice, even if you do, it's useless, you're just cultivating the empire's standard basic exercises, and it's meaningless.

Why don't you follow me, you can learn the God King's Jigong Method, you will receive a salary every day, sign a formal contract, and reach an agreement. This treatment is much better than yours. "

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