In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 318 Embarrassment, unexpected promotion, revealing strength\r

This is embarrassing.

Looking at the challenge book in his hand, he wanted to say, come on, I will not show mercy.

At this time, he was suddenly stopped.

"Hello, your team unexpectedly advanced, you are now the ninth-ninth." A staff member snatched the battle information from Zhou Fangyu's hand.

Looking at his back hurriedly leaving, Zhou Fangyu shouted loudly, "Can I ask, who just made the cut?"

"It was the 99th who directly challenged the 81st."

"I'm going, so fierce?" Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment.

But he laughed, this is a good opportunity.

He said directly: "Then can I challenge for No. 82? 99

For the two people who were already fighting, he thought it was better not to disturb them.

Anyway, I am ninety-nine, and no one can challenge it.

Those who are out of the 90th place, just wait for the automatic promotion.

"Okay." The staff directly agreed.

Zhou Fangyu was lucky enough to get the challenge qualification.

He was a little excited, as long as he got eighty-two, seventy-two, until he challenged for the 30th place.

Soon, he cheered himself up.

This Edfu was calm, he didn't move the whole time, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

11 In other words, those who are ranked high generally won't easily deal with other teams, unless there is some life and death vengeance.

So they pay more attention to those ranked teams behind them, they are the easiest to take risks because they want to qualify for the ranking.

Zhou Fangyu understands what they mean, but he will not give up, he has his own purpose.

"Kill..." Zhou Fangyu faced the 82nd.

He didn't know what privateer group the other party was, because he didn't study the rankings, and he didn't know them either.

However, when the two of them stepped into the ring, the privateer team on the opposite side laughed.

"Did you make a mistake, a two-person privateer group came to challenge our Blackbeard privateer group, don't you know how terrifying our strength is?

Boy, are you insulting us? Just say it if you want to die, we won't be polite. "

"Captain, as a member of the Blackbeard Privateers, I feel that I have an obligation to solve this trouble for the captain.

"That's right, it's really a little naughty, and it's very unpleasant to dare to come and smack us."

"As a privateer group with hundreds of true gods, we have been underestimated."

"Captain, your god-level strength didn't frighten this kid.

"It's funny, are we so weak? The true gods dare to challenge us.

Looking at their boring mockery, Zhou Fangyu yawned in disdain.

He raised his middle finger directly at them, and then charged directly towards the head of the regiment.

I don't have any grudges against them, so if I defeat the head of the regiment by myself, they will retreat.

Looking at the True God rushing up, Blackbeard's face was solemn. As the head of the privateer group, he was not an ordinary warrior, and he reached this position after several lives.

I'm used to fighting and I'm used to turning defeat into victory. The consequences of underestimating a person are very serious.

Especially when he saw a rapidly magnifying iron fist appear beside him, he could only barely pick it up with his hands.

"Bang..." He was smashed to the ground.

Zhou Fangyu, who has practiced the nine-turn Xuan Gong, is extremely powerful.

He developed his strength to the peak of his current strength, and it would be easy to deal with a newborn god.

Blackbeard, who couldn't stand his strength, was so frightened that he flew out.

However, there was no figure of Zhou Fangyu in front of his eyes.

When he reappeared, he had already flown out again.

Zhou Fangyu kicked him back and forth in the air like he was kicking a ball.

Like a broken ball.

Soon, Zhou Fangyu saw that the god of black beard vomited blood, "I admit defeat, I admit defeat."

He couldn't use the power of the law at all, and he couldn't use the God's Realm race, or even various skills.

Inadvertently, he was directly beaten to a brain slam, and if he continued to beat him, he would become the first god to be hammered.

Zhou Fangyu heard his voice and did not stop until the referee outside came up and called to stop.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?"

"No, Captain, we haven't shot yet."

"You're a fart, you can't even see the shadow of others.

"Didn't you see that the captain was about to be blown up??

"Damn, lunatic, is this a lunatic? It's so easy to beat the gods.

Facing such a strong Zhou Fangyu, they had to admit defeat.

Especially Zhou Fangyu's understanding of the law has a lot of personal experience.

He knows that even if the power of the law needs to be blessed, it needs the cooperation of the body.

He used the Earth's special blood-pointing technique, coupled with his own unique research on the divine body, to sum up this unique fighting method.

Soon, he successfully achieved the eighty-second battle victory.

"Hello, do you want to continue the challenge.


He didn't intend to continue to stop and rest, to work hard, and then to fail again and again.

He's going to hit.

"Challenge for the 72nd place."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for you. 35

Facing the strong Zhou Fangyu, they didn't react at all.

Although many people were paying attention to the battle that followed, no one was going to study him. After all, it was only a battle between fifty people.

Because at this time, the 20th-ranked Kongming Privateer directly found the fourth-ranked Canberra Privateer.

"You, a privateer group of the Western Empire, dare to rank so high, you can't bear it, uncle can't bear it, let's die."

This reason is really strange. This is the first time that the 20th challenge has occurred in the 727 many privateer group battles. The gap between them is very large.

The scene of the fight is also extremely happy.

Countless powers of various laws continue to erupt.

The smoke of the battle was everywhere, and the intensity of the battle was epic.

Especially the battle between several pairs of captains and deputy captains above the level of high-level gods.

It attracted everyone's attention.

They did not expect to have the opportunity to see such a famous scene.

There is also a battle, which is very fascinating.

That is the team that challenged for 81st place, and actually rose to 15th place in an instant.

This speed can be called riding a rocket.

There is only one explanation for why it is so high, and that is that all the teams he is fighting against directly admit defeat.

These Zhou Fangyu didn't pay attention. He started the war directly, using his own unique technique to frighten these people and make them admit defeat.

When the power of the law is not used, no one can win his sneak attack.

Until the challenge for the fifty-second place, there was a small accident, they actually had two gods.

So Zhou Fangyu had to try his best to finally defeat them.

Thinking of the battle in the future, it is estimated that there will be such a famous scene.

So Zhou Fangyu decided to use the real body of Pangu.

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