In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 329 Ali, the taste of first love\r

Zhou Fangyu looked at his girlfriend, a little excited.

He hugged Ali tightly.

"Ali, you won't leave me.

"What's the matter? Fang Yu, I have never left you.

"It's okay, just let me hold you like this, don't talk. 35

Ali blushed instantly and dared not move.

Gradually, Zhou Fangyu felt hot all over, and Ah Li was twisting restlessly.

A strange atmosphere spread from the two of them.

Suddenly, Zhou Fangyu heard a familiar and unfamiliar swearing sound.

"Well, you son of a bitch, and you don't go to school, why are you hiding here? See if I don't kill you."

Before the god could catch up, Zhou Fangyu turned around and ran.

He vaguely remembered how painful the old man's stick was, and the physical fitness of the people in the god world was quite strong.

In addition, his father happened to be in the rage stage, if this beating goes on, he might lie in bed for three or four days and not get up.

In desperation, he could only run first as a respect.

In fact, he wasn't afraid of his father, but he had been missing for a long time and thought he was dead. Zhou Fangyu was afraid to see him again, the father he wanted to see in his dreams but didn't dare to see.

Although his father's personality is a bit hot, he is loyal, and makes Zhou Fangyu both fearful and dependent. Only he knows how hard those days were without them.

Look at Zhou Fangyu's speed like a rabbit.

Ali burst out laughing.

At this time, Father Zhou just came in and saw Ali's smile,

Feeling much better in an instant.

"Yeah, my niece is also there, I thought it was just this kid, and he skipped classes, so I really can't control it. 35's tone was soft, not like him at all.

If Zhou Fangyu was here, he would definitely give his father a look of contempt.

Suddenly, he felt a whirlwind.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw the strange eyes of the surrounding seniors and sisters.

"What's the matter 々||?" Zhou Fangyu asked calmly, a little embarrassed.

"Junior, are you asleep here? Say you don't close the door when you sleep? You're still talking in your sleep. 35

The dialect of Zhao Can, senior Yishui.

Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment, did he fall asleep? Is he just sleeping? Why is the memory of that time so clear,

And the feeling of hugging, how can it be so real.

Zhou Fangyu was a little confused.

He looked at the seniors and sisters of Imperial University, Zhou Fangyu really didn't know what state he was in.

Seeing more and more classmates coming over, Zhou Fangyu had to get up.

"I'm fine, I just had a dream and I'm a little drowsy.

Everyone looked at each other, they looked at Zhou Fangyu.

"I heard that this villa is a little weird, is it just for the gods to dream? 55

Zhou Fangyu was surprised, "You are here because of this?

"Yes, I am afraid that something will happen to you."

"Oh, thank you, it seems to be a dream." Zhou Fangyu decided that it was a dream.

"Let's go, it turned out to be a dream, it made Laozi run so fast.""

"Me too, I was cultivating and was called up by them.

"Isn't it, I went back to practice."

"By the way, you must attend the opening ceremony the day after tomorrow.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot about business, eight o'clock, the ceremony starts at eight in the morning"

Zhou Fangyu waved to the seniors, "Thank you seniors, I will attend the opening ceremony on time.

Zhou Fangyu lay down in a daze.

He was going to try to fall asleep again.

He was going to feel something again.

At the same time, in order not to fall into it completely, Zhou Fangyu put Chaos, who was dazedly holding the black chaotic original stone, beside him.

And tell him to wake himself up if he doesn't wake up.

When Zhou Fangyu was sleeping, an inexplicable power was loaded on him.

When he woke up again, he was in bed again.

At this time, his father spoke with some worry.

"Are you alright? Why did you suddenly faint? I showed the Lord of Medicine and said that you have hysteria. Have you been entangled in something recently?"

"I'm fine, Dad, don't worry." Zhou Fangyu stared at the father in front of him, trying to see the flaw, his sharp eyes made him a little embarrassed.

"Boy, what are you looking at, do I have flowers on my face?" Father Zhou was a little dissatisfied.

Zhou Fangyu didn't care, "I just want to see you, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you.

Said this sentence, Zhou Fangyu's nose is sour, this is a deeper affection than seeing Ah Li.

He doesn't know if this place will disappear, but he hopes it will always be true, this is his home.

He secretly swore that he would never let his father disappear again.

He wants to take care of him.

"Uncle Zhou, is Fang Yu alright?" At this moment, Ah Li stuck her head out. At this time, she was innocent, like a lily in bud.

It's Little Ali, come in, Fang Yu, he's all right. 9

Zhou Fangyu also hurriedly sat up, posing as if nothing was happening.

I don't know why I always subconsciously don't want Ali to worry about myself.

This seems to be the kind of instinct that goes deep into the soul.

"Zhou Fangyu, come with me if it's all right, Dad is going hunting again, let's prepare to eat the meat of the beasts.

Ah Li's father is only a peak demigod. Although he is powerful, he has never been able to break through to the Son God.

Moreover, for some reason, Ah Li's father was injured in his early years and his health was not good. Her mother ran away with others, which made her more dependent on her father.

Zhou Fangyu's family and his family are old neighbors for generations. Although the Zhou family has several generations of gods, they are not powerful gods, so they can only struggle in this small town.

In addition, Zhou's father is a little grumpy, has few friends, and has few people to associate with.

Ali and his family became their only friends.

Zhou Fangyu and Ah Li grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and even the two of them have decided on a baby (Zhao Haohao) kiss. As long as they are adults, they can get married.

In addition, although the talents of the two are not too bad, because they have no resources and cannot compare with their peers, they are more dependent on each other.

"Can you?" Zhou Fangyu looked at Zhou's father with hopeful eyes, and every time he made this action, his father would soften his heart and agree.

At least, that's always been the way his father remembered.

"Go, don't play too long, and go to school in the afternoon."

Zhou Fangyu nodded and dragged Ahri towards the outside like a child.

In Ah Li's family, his father's name was Rong Xiu, and he was a huge man with broad arms and waist.

When they passed by, he was so good to carry a wild swine into the door.

This thing is very delicious food, it contains incomparably rich divine power, and it is the only good supplement for children among the poor.

Unfortunately, this thing is also very rare, and it is even rarer to catch it.

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