In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 332 The Principal's Speech, Adult First Love\r

The principal is a very talkative guy. Many times, Zhou Fangyu was said with enthusiasm.

And his teacher, Mr. Bucky, also came to the stage and said a few words.

Other teachers also went up to speak in the same way.

By the end, Zhou Fangyu was about to fall asleep.

After everyone finished speaking, Zhou Fangyu was shocked, can he finally leave?

He couldn't wait to look in Ali's direction.

He couldn't find them for a long time.

"Shen Xiaozong? I will find you. Zhou Fangyu secretly clenched his fists.

Suddenly thinking of Keisha and the others, he felt a little guilty again.

I don't know where Keisha was arranged to.

I heard that because she was from the Holy See, her residence was forced to live in the Holy See.

She was originally going to live with Zhou Fangyu.

However, the school took into account the face of the Holy See's "Qi San Qi" and forcibly separated them.

This gave Zhou Fangyu a chance to steal the fish.

Yes, Zhou Fangyu has a guilty conscience.

However, this still couldn't stop the sense of urgency he wanted to see Ahri.

He'd go find her, but now he'd rather have the fun of his childhood.

Yes, he is more indulged in the kind of sprouting of spring in his childhood.

The haziness of that first love made him want to stop.

He hurried back to school, and he fell asleep.

At this time, after he woke up, he found this strange time and space, but less than half an hour had passed.

He came back home and watched Dad working on something.

According to the father, after this thing is cracked, the trace of the mother can be found.

His mother disappeared a long time ago, leaving him only one clue.

Zhou Fangyu has seen it, it is a Rubik's cube.

A wacky Rubik's Cube. There is nothing special about it.

It's just that this Rubik's Cube has more parts and is more complicated than a normal Rubik's Cube.

Even Zhou Fangyu, a guy who has studied a lot of Rubik's Cubes, couldn't see anything special for a while.

"Dad, I'm researching this thing again. How is it? Is there any gain?" Zhou Fangyu walked over to watch this scene.

"Well? How did you know I had this? I didn't tell you?" Dad looked at him suspiciously.

Zhou Fangyu was confused, his face was confused, and he muttered to himself, "Impossible, you clearly said it. 39

Father Zhou looked serious, "Have you overheard me talking to myself? Boy, are you suffering from dermatitis? 99

Look at the expression on the father's face.

Zhou Fangyu admitted, "I should have heard it by accident. It's really not unintentional. You always take it out yourself. It's an accident that I don't hear it."

However, deep in his heart, he clearly remembered that it was his father who told him.

But at this time, Dad doesn't remember?

Zhou Fangyu recalled carefully, he found that in his memory, the old man did have a period of time that was very strange, like a psychosis, always talking to himself, and often forgetting things.

As a god, this is a terrible thing.

In most cases, at least the soul is damaged and irreparably damaged.

Zhou Fangyu looked nervous, but he was not even a god in this time and space, how should he help his father?

He didn't know what to do.

When I think about the knowledge of the university, I find that it is useless at all.

The way to obtain information about the soul still needs to be found elsewhere.

Zhou Fangyu thought of some possibilities.

If there is a way to cure the soul, it can only be in the library.

He did what he thought of, and quickly exited this time and space.

At this time, he directly gave up those love and love, the first love is not the first love, it is always less important than the father.

When he returned to the main world, he couldn't wait to go to the library.

In his arms is the little Chaos who is holding the Chaos original stone and eating it fiercely.

In fact, if it is said to be eating hard, it is impossible for this guy's teeth to eat too much.

He is still too young, and it will take a long time to grow up.

However, even so, with the Primal Chaos power he absorbed now, he was able to transform himself into double the divine power.

Yes, this is the benefit of the power of chaos. It is very rich, and almost a drop of the spiritual liquid condensed by the power of chaos can turn into all of Zhou Fangyu's divine power.

And now, he has been able to condense a drop.

However, Zhou Fangyu fished out of dry water, because in his opinion, the growth of Chaos Beast is the most important thing.

Only when he is strong can he help him to the greatest extent.

Seeing that there were more and more students around, because it was the first day and there were no classes, some really eager students came to the library for the first time.

The champions of every region will not be lazy, no matter how smart they are, they are still diligent and studious.

In fact, there are too many guys with high IQ, and there are too many unforgettable ones.

But there are not many champions in the college entrance examination, only a few.

Why? Because they are smart, studious, and hardworking guys.

God has given you talent, and you have to put in 100% effort.

Maybe your future achievements lie in your current efforts.

Zhou Fangyu naturally understands this, he is more talented than them, so he must work harder than them.

He has something to do now, and when his father's matter is resolved, he will start his own efforts.

"Excuse me, there are books about healing the soul in that place, and I need a way to heal the soul.

"Fifth interface, fifth column, third row."

The instructor easily memorized the location of the book.

Don't lift your head.

Zhou Fangyu also didn't mind going in directly.

He followed the directions and came to the position he said, and there were indeed many books about the soul.

There are more books here than he imagined.

"Hey, I have to expose it.

Zhou Fangyu looked at so many books, it would definitely take a few days to read them by himself.

So he can't use it to see.

"System, burn all the books about the soul, and select the information about the treatment of the soul."

As for why 3.9 did not use the system directly, because he needs this knowledge to judge.

In that time and space, he could not sense the system, that is to say, he still had no system in that era.

He can't use the system to judge.

After systematic camouflage, Zhou Fangyu used his spiritual sense to learn all the knowledge frantically, only to see all the books on the bookshelf flipping wildly.

And those bamboo slips were slapped on Zhou Fangyu's forehead one by one.

His brain is like a machine frantically collecting all kinds of information about the soul.

More and more, more and more.

Finally, in a certain bamboo slip, he discovered a similar illness to his father.

That is the decline of the soul, and the five declines of heaven and man.

To put it simply, that is, the soul is in a state of disintegration.

People in this state will start to lose their minds.

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