Zhou Fangyu collided directly with Lei Hong with some happiness.

With his slender and delicate figure, he can collide with such burly men without losing the slightest.

Zhou Fangyu only felt that every time he collided, he felt a little numb.

The confrontation between the two bulls, the thumping sound of the flesh and the flesh, made everyone tremble.

Especially Zhou Fangyu looked at that body, not very strong, but still collided with that terrifying thunderbolt, you punched, I punched, really hit the body on the body, without pretense, every blow , all with a strong killing intent.

"Happy." Zhou Fangyu stirred his body, and a stream of steam emanated from the surface of his body.

After such a long time, no one has been able to have a good fight with him, which made him very regretful. This time, he just made up for his regret.

Finally pushing out the potential of the body, Zhou Fangyu laughed like crazy.

The battle between the two escalated in an instant and reached a white-hot stage.

Lei Hong's face became more and more solemn. Although he was pure physical refinement, especially with the blessing of the Thunder Gate Refinement Technique of Shenxiao Sect, his physical body was almost comparable to that of ordinary divine weapons.

But the young man in front of him, who looks like a heroic 737, can still compete with him calmly, no, it should be said to be crazier and more durable than him, and, as their battles open, that kind of The strength and speed of confrontation have increased to a terrifying level.

It was also the first time that Lei Hong had encountered such a difficult opponent, and the battle was hearty.

"Lei Ling, possessed." Lei Bang directly summoned a Lei Ling and directly possessed himself.

I saw the thunder around him skyrocketing, which stimulated his body to become stronger.

Moreover, the thunderbolt with the blessing of thunder had already surpassed Zhou Fangyu, and the entire vicinity of Shenxiaozong was full of thunderous sounds and the sound of flesh colliding.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu suddenly felt his body numb, and he faintly felt a bad feeling.

Sure enough, his body stiffened uncontrollably.

This level of confrontation, if you are not careful, you will be shattered.

This stiffness was seized by Lei Bang, and in an instant, countless fist shadows fell and hit Zhou Fangyu's body.

Facing the rain-like attack, Zhou Fangyu could only resist this wave of attacks.

Seeing that Zhou Fangyu's whole body's muscles were sunk, bursts of terrifying thunder covered Zhou Fangyu's body.

He could only endure the sore and numb pain, and in the end, he was punched into the ground by a thunderbolt.

Looking at the thick dust floating up, Lei Hong murmured breathlessly, "Did he die?"

Zhou Fangyu's indifferent voice suddenly sounded from behind him, "How is that possible.

In the look of fear on Lei Hong's face, Zhou Fangyu's palm stabbed like a knife.

The fist-to-meat confrontation is over, it's time to see who's knife is sharper and stronger.

Zhou Fangyu stabbed a knife straight into his chest.

Suddenly, he felt the tightness of the flesh in his hands disappear.

He froze for a moment.

I saw Lei Hong's figure forming from a distance.

Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment, "Is it the role of Lei Ling? Is this your God's Domain race?

Lei Hong was not stingy, nodded, "My Thunder Gate secret technique, cultivates symbiotic Thunder Spirit, establishes the Thunder Domain, can integrate the divine body, and has both offense and defense.

"It turns out that this spell is good or not, strong or strong, but it can't go very far. As I expected, you are probably the highest and immortal god is the limit." Although Zhou Fangyu is only a true god, he has a wealth of With theory and real experience, he understands that a real strong person will not be paranoid.

Because it doesn't go far.

The power of life lies in its unique inclusiveness.

This is not found in other substances.

It is also the reason why life is life and the ultimate reason.

"Yes, we do have this drawback." Lei Hong was a little sad, they belonged to the extreme of the sword.

Therefore, they don't really look at talent but only at perseverance. As long as you have enough perseverance, you can reach a very high (bbdj) level.

Therefore, they are basically the children of various poor people who are accepted by them. Everyone has no resources and only relies on perseverance and continuous running-in with Lei Ling day and night to become strong.

This feature makes them feel inferior.

Zhou Fangyu nodded and smiled: "I do have a suggestion, which may solve your embarrassment."

He thought of a way, if they could listen, maybe it could be solved.

"I would like to hear the details. Lei Hong's eyes lit up, although I don't know if he will say any amazing words, but it is good to have a little improvement.

"Thunder is born because of collision, because of explosion, and out because of conductor. The magic of thunder lies in the collision of elements, explosion, and conductor.

The generation of each thunder is unique. Therefore, it is better to build the thunder domain than to build the thunder water god domain, or the upper limit of the thunder gate can be raised. "9

In fact, it is very simple to stay away, that is, the generation of thunder lies in the cloud, that is, the collision of water droplets, and the static electricity is generated by friction, which accumulates together to generate lightning.

But to tell them this, it is necessary to popularize a lot of knowledge, although this knowledge is not difficult, but I do not have the need nor the obligation.

In addition to the diversity of God's Domain, it can increase the upper limit of God's Domain, thereby increasing the upper limit of God's Spirit.

Moreover, water is the source of life, and there are many kinds of creatures that can grow in water. It can be said that waters are more potential gods than other single-attribute gods.

Lei Hong nodded suspiciously, "Okay, I will go to the experiment."

He is a man with a flexible mind, and he also knows the upper limit of their Thunder Gate, so he wants to change more.

Zhou Fangyu is looking at this guy, he is not bad.

Because don't look at his every blow as if he hit the key, but every time he hits it lightly.

Especially when Zhou Fangyu was stunned by his special technique, although the violent combo seemed to be powerful, it was a breeze and lake waves, and it passed by gently.

Only Zhou Fangyu can feel this.

Therefore, he felt that this guy was actually pretty good, at least in his heart, he wanted to teach Zhou Fangyu a lesson.

He just wanted Zhou Fangyu to admit his mistake, and was not willing to kill.

But the same door is in front of him, he is not easy to release water, and this is the accidental battle just now.

And after Zhou Fangyu revealed his murderous intention, he was able to force out a trace of his true ability, and it was also this moment that Zhou Fangyu confirmed his guess.

This person also has this more terrifying strength.

At this time, Nai Leimen thundered, "I'm not as good as others, so I've given up.

After he finished speaking, he clasped his fists with both hands, and only then did everyone see the huge wound behind him that had almost been stabbed to the heart.

Although the blow escaped fatality, it had to be severely wounded.

In his current state, even if he is strong, he won't be able to fight for long.

Zhou Fangyu had seen his embarrassment long ago, so he pointed him and told him to retreat.

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