In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 344 Enemy attack, golden body and cannon fodder, invincible!\r

Zhou Fangyu looked at this big guy, it was really lovely, he was not even stronger than the barbarian gods, and he had reached the heavenly realm, so the difference in strength was huge.

It seems that I really want to speed up the training of them. When I get here, I will be an ant if it is not a god.

"Come on, new comer, I'll tell you the rules here..." The boy named Lao Man dragged Zhou Fangyu towards the camp.

Let him get acquainted here.

"Our mission here is very simple, that is, to defend here, generally there is no danger here, but if there are any stragglers in the frontal battlefield who are accidentally strayed here, it will be very troublesome, because we do not know who came here. What, is it the Demon Race Protoss or something else.

Remember, don't trust appearances here, you never know if a stranger is a protoss under the skin. ""


Following the old man, I got to know the camp a little bit. This is the seventh team. Counting him and the captain, there are ten people in total, and their team is the most complete in the third camp.

The other squads were never full.

Ten squads are a squadron, and ten squadrons are a brigade.

Each brigade is responsible for one camp.

These hundred or so gods are all the combat power of this camp.

However, never underestimate the strength of a deity, because you never know how strong a deity is without fully opening the divine domain.

Although Zhou Fangyu dare not say that he is the strongest here, but if he is determined to destroy them, it is not impossible.

"Enemy attack." A sudden explosion sounded.

Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment, he was not so unlucky, he was attacked by the enemy as soon as he arrived.

Zhou Fangyu was ready to go to support the team immediately.

Lao Man was not in a hurry, instead he signaled Zhou Fangyu not to be nervous.

"Don't worry, I don't know what's going on, go back first."

The old man was a little nervous to open the God's Domain, and directly released a group of God's Domain races, guarding them in the middle, which seemed extremely cautious.

Their team is responsible for everything in the 100-kilometer radius here.

By the time they rushed back, the battle was over.

Tianhu was using his huge tongue to take care of the battlefield, and the other team members did not see a shadow.

Well said ten people. It turned out to be three of them.

"It's just a high-level demon who wandered over from nowhere, it's fine, it has been solved, but he came out from the west, and I don't know what Caitou is doing, old man, you continue to stay here, I'll take a look 々||.""

Tianhu looked at the west side worriedly, and rushed out.

Zhou Fangyu looked at the corpse of the demon on the ground with some doubts, "Why don't you gather together and disperse the team, wouldn't it disperse the fighting power?"

The old man squatted on the ground, checking the situation here.

He did not answer Zhou Fangyu's words immediately, but carefully studied the high-level demon corpse in front of him.

After half a day, he replied, "No way, here we have to be responsible for the regional defense situation in a radius of nearly 100 miles. Don't think that the scope of this point is easy to deal with. You must know that there are many demons who are very sneaky. Law to defend.

"Also, at some point, the Divine Realm race may also betray, don't think too much of them.

The old man's face was a little heavy, "I'm afraid something has happened, this demon is just a high-level demon, it shouldn't break through Caitou's defense, go and support the captain.

Zhou Fangyu looked at the high-level demon on the ground with some doubts, there was nothing unusual, how could he see that it was dangerous?

He couldn't wait to ask his doubts.

"No feature.

This high-level demon is too ordinary, without any special features, such a demon could not have slipped in, he had no ability to break through Caitou's defense, that is to say, Caitou is likely to be trapped, or even, was killed.

Zhou Fangyu froze for a moment and looked at the corpse.

It turned out to be so, it turned out to be too common, and it was the most suspicious.

When Zhou Fangyu and the others arrived, Tianhu was trying his best to resist the siege of a team of elite demons.

The three-headed demons are leading the huge demonic race, constantly attacking the Tianhu.

I don't know why, why didn't this half-human, half-fox summon the God Realm race?

Before he had time to think about it, Zhou Fangyu directly turned into a golden figure with a golden body and charged forward.

The strongest is an extraordinary demon, it should not be difficult to solve.

Old Man was not as impulsive as Zhou Fangyu, but looked around nervously and let Zhou Fangyu rush in.

Sure enough, at the moment when Zhou Fangyu rushed in.

The three besieging demons showed a hint of disappointment.

"Just a newborn god was hooked. What should I do?"

"Kill them, don't waste time, just force the way forward. 35

This guy, who was originally just an extraordinary demon, suddenly burst out with real strength.

A terrifying pressure rushed towards Tianhu.

This is a peak celestial demon, the tyrannical strength crushing the celestial fox.

Tianhu, who was already very nervous, after feeling the strength of this demon, Yang Tian roared, "...Flee. Zhou Fangyu."9

He didn't think about escaping immediately, but rushed up to stop this peak demon.

When Zhou Fangyu rushed into the demon group, he was stunned for a moment, because he felt the breath of a peak demon.

This is the first time he has experienced such a strange situation.

Can a demon also hide so much power?

This is not the same as the demons he has fought.

It's not that it's not a demon, but those demons are a little bit dumb, but they're not as cunning as the demons here.

Zhou Fangyu rushed up directly.

His divine realm spread violently, and a group of underworld creatures that had been ready to go, appeared directly on the battlefield and started a war of attrition.

He has almost a billion underworld creatures.

For Zhou Fang (Zhao Ma Hao) Yu, who doesn't like to drink and deal with creatures from the underworld, these are only suitable for cannon fodder.

So, he summoned it directly and started to attack these demons.

These are only Immortal Martial Realm, the highest is the guy in the Human Immortal Realm, and did not make the other party feel threatened.

It's just a bit of a headache, after all, there are so many numbers that seem to be infinite, and it's not easy to clean up.

And Zhou Fangyu exclaimed, "The heavens and the earth are good. 35

Zhou Fangyu, who is in the state of the golden body, is like a meat grinder, ramming through the entire battlefield.

He is not random, but where there are many demons, he will collide with them. This leads to the fact that the entire demons did not form an effective attack formation at all, but was surrounded by these low-level underworld creatures, one by one. surrounded by slaughter.

This peak demon is furious. If all these demons are consumed, his vitality will be greatly damaged.

So he could only take action himself and stopped Zhou Fangyu and Tianhu.

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