In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 357 Combat merit exchange, military rank and official rank, no matter what\r

After everything was arranged, all the rewards were distributed.

Zhou Fangyu was waiting for their efforts.

Moreover, he adjusted the time flow rate again and restored it to a hundred times the original.

After that, Zhou Fangyu began to exchange his military exploits for other things.

Because this time, the world of God's Domain has consumed a lot, and his military exploits are only less than 200 million, which is a bit embarrassing.

But it was enough for him now.

He first raised his rank.

From a junior soldier, he rose to the position of battalion commander.

No way, the highest accumulated military exploits is the battalion commander.

He also upgraded his rank, from junior non-commissioned officer to the rank of captain.

This is also the highest military rank with accumulated military exploits, which just matches the battalion commander.

In this way, he only has a few million military exploits left as a spare.

After doing this, he "seven five zeros" and Tianhu and the others hang out in the camp.

Said to be hanging out, but it was actually a business. He heard a lot of things about the battlefield from their mouths.

They intended to teach Zhou Fangyu more things before being transferred out.

So everything is a general description, not in-depth, to go in-depth, you have to test Zhou Fangyu's own to understand.

Of course, Zhou Fangyu listened carefully to everything, such as how big the entire battlefield was, which made Zhou Fangyu beyond imagination.

How many powerhouses come out of the world of gods, and the division of forces in the world of gods.

The overall composition of the gods world, whether the gods and royal families are strong or weak.

Those are the powerhouses in the world of gods, and those are the real forces of the world of gods.

What are the rules on the battlefield, what kind of battle must be fought to the death, and what kind of battle can be evacuated.

What kind of battle can be separated from the station, what kind of order can be carried out and rejected.

Of course, in fact, many of them are also hearsay.

This world is really big, not what Zhou Fangyu imagined.

The world of gods is said to be endless, not to brag, but really big.

Even in such a big world of gods, there is no force that dares to truly break away from the Eastern and Western Empires. Is the royal family really weak?

Or do nothing?

What kind of race is the Demon Race, and why are they getting stronger and stronger.

They don't know anything about it either, they can only talk about it roughly.

What they know, Zhou Fangyu knows a lot, and what they don't know, Zhou Fangyu also knows.

Among the many cognitions, it is Zhou Fangyu's attitude to find the one that is useful to his own cognition.

Ten days is not long, even Zhou Fangyu only added 10 million Divine Realm races, and it was over.

As for why not add more.

It is really here that the popularity of the Divine Realm race far exceeds that of Divine Flame.

If there is a God Realm race on the ground and a hundred divine flames, people will choose the God Realm Race without hesitation.

this is the truth.

Many times, the above-distributed Divine Realm races are simply not enough for their own consumption.

Of course, some people will say, why not choose Jiuyoutong Shenzhen like Zhou Fangyu?

Is that that simple?

First of all, you have to have 100 million military exploits.

An ordinary high-level demon usually has hundreds of thousands of demon races, or even fewer.

In order to collect enough military exploits of 100 million, it is necessary to kill nearly 1,000 high-level demons.

Is it that easy?

How difficult is a high-level demon, only those who have fought with them can know.

Not everyone has the strength of Zhou Fangyu.

Furthermore, ordinary people would not dare to use this formation even if they got it.

Because all your races share your strength, it also means that you can't escape any random attack from others.

Because overall, your goals are too big.

What's more, if your God's Domain race is weak, then the share of the attack is limited, but you may suffer more attacks.

This increases the burden on oneself, and why is it necessary?

Therefore, this array may not be suitable for everyone.

However, if this is a battle where you die or I die, it will definitely have an excellent effect.

Zhou Fangyu even thought that many gods would use it.

After all, the brave who meet in a narrow path wins.

Zhou Fangyu, who was sorting out his supplies, had officially received a notification from the headquarters that he had not seen the old man.

Instead, he was directly dispatched to an old camp to be the captain, yes, the captain of a ten-man squad.

This was a bit unexpected by Zhou Fangyu, because according to his guess, even if he didn't go to the old camp to be the battalion commander, he should go to the new camp, after all, his rank and rank are all there..

However, obviously these had no effect on him, what should it be, he was promoted to captain, and he was envied to death by Tianhu and the others.

Because according to Tianhu, he only became a captain after nearly 30 years of qualifications in the recruit camp.

I don't know how many of the previous captains have changed, but Tianhu has never been the captain. In the end, it was because he was the only one left in the entire team. Everyone was killed, so he was fortunate to be the captain, and the rest were added later.

He is an old fritter, but not a very strong captain.

It was really unexpected that Zhou Fangyu became the team leader so easily.

Seeing this situation, what else can he say, accept his fate, although he also feels that the probability of a newcomer who has suddenly become a battalion commander is extremely low.

However, how should I put it, this is also a bit too unpleasant.

"Fang Yu, go all the way, we will always think of you.

"Boy, be careful and don't forget the way back."

"Zhou Fangyu, I will miss you. I will build a monument and an archway for you."

Where is a group of people crying and wailing, Zhou Fangyu's eyes are shining with anger, these guys are too good, they all feel like they are cursing me to die first.

"Everyone, there will be a period later, rat tail juice." Zhou Fangyu cupped his hands, then spread his wings, and took off into the air.

The handsome take-off posture made Zhou Fangyu very satisfied.

He had been preparing for this final farewell ceremony for a long time.

"Hey 3.9, did you see how he went?"

"He flew away, but why did he fly away?

"I don't know, did each of you tell him that you can't fly here?"

"Hehe, I have something to do first, so I'm leaving."

"Go quickly, or he will come back.

Everyone dispersed in a hurry, and no longer had the heroic energy to continue sending each other for ten miles.

"Damn, I was actually struck by lightning." The dark Zhou Fangyu got up from the ground.

A group of gods surrounded him and asked curiously: "Where did my brother come from, what? He was electrocuted? Didn't anyone tell you that there is a Forbidden Magic Circle or a Void God Thunder?

These people are obviously asking knowingly, this is to see their own excitement.

Zhou Fangyu looked behind him resentfully and cautiously, these guys didn't even tell him such an important thing.

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