In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 376: The lively Wu Qifeng, the resources are in place\r

"This, are you all right?" Wu Shisan looked at the camp in confusion. They didn't have any way to check. They could only look at the state of everyone's spirits. Generally speaking, the higher the cultivation base, the more solidified the spirits would be. The slower you will die, and you won't notice it yourself.

Therefore, to check the abnormality of the soul, only others can check it.

And when he checked, he unexpectedly found that everyone's spirits were intact, and there was no phenomenon of being swallowed.

What does this mean? It means that there is no evil here at all, or, in other words, all the evil spirits have run away.

"Are you all right? We are all fine, everyone is fine." Wu Qifeng waved his fist, expressing his strength and safety.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to report."

Although it is a good thing that the two young masters are alive, the situation here is too strange, and it is really hard to say what caused it.

Is it really okay?

In other words, is it because the evil spirits have consciousness and deliberately did not move these people, wanting to eat more souls.

This situation is not unique, after all, these things themselves are such creatures, if they produce wisdom, it is really possible to temporarily hold back for food.

Zhou Fangyu didn't pay attention to their movements, but continued to concentrate on practicing.

He has accumulated sixty single-dimensional Supreme Divine Flames again. In this case, he is considering whether to start giving out rewards.

He felt that if the reward was given out this time, he would most likely be able to break through to the high-level gods.

So, he has to do some preparations.

There should not be too much movement, and at the same time, it is necessary to plan your own divine realm reasonably.

However, because the materials have not been exchanged, there is only Supreme Divine Flame, and it is really not enough to really want to issue rewards.

So he was embarrassed.

Encountering this situation, Zhou Fangyu looked around, and he stared at Wu Qifeng.

To solve so many material problems, I am afraid we have to rely on him.

So, Zhou Fangyu pulled him aside and told him about his embarrassing situation.

Of course, he just said that he needed a large amount of supplies to plan his own divine realm, and he could already advance.

Wu Qifeng did not refuse, but said to think of a way.

To put it bluntly, they are equivalent to being held prisoners. Is anyone really willing to give them materials?

It can only rely on the channels of the Wu family.

"Brother Zhou, you can tell me how much supplies you need. 35

Zhou Fangyu hesitated: "Can you help me exchange the merits for materials? The amount needed is relatively large. 35

"No, you are a middle-level god to high-level gods, and my martial family can still supply them.

Wu Qifeng underestimated Zhou Fangyu's pervert.

But Zhou Fangyu didn't know how to explain it.

"Well then, I need 100 million tons of red silver...

After he told all the various supplies he needed.

Wu Qifeng's face darkened, he looked at Zhou Fangyu in shock, "Brother Zhou, tell me the truth, who did you prepare it for? Wouldn't it be for the guardians of your family?

"Well, actually, our family's guardians usually give these rewards every time they fight, and it's not a lot. Generally, I am self-sufficient in exchange for merits, and our family pays attention to independence."

Wu Qifeng looked embarrassed, "Then I may not be able to do it like this, if you are alone, it's okay to say, with so many people, I'm really embarrassed, let's go, I'll tell Uncle Thirteen and ask him to open a book for you. The channel allows you to exchange supplies."

He originally wanted to give him a favor, but it seems that the price of this favor is a bit high!

In fact, what he didn't know was that this wasn't the truth. If he knew that Zhou Fangyu was really preparing the supplies for him, I'm afraid he would have to take it directly, which would be really scary.

In the end, it was Wu Shisan who took action and reported Zhou Fangyu's military exploits before he approved many supplies.

After that, Zhou Fangyu had to receive all the supplies in the camp for nearly three days.

Even so, his military exploits seemed to be of little use.

According to Wu Shisan's sigh, Zhou Fangyu's credit is that he is very moved when he sees it as an immortal god.

As for how much, he did not dare to say, for fear of frightening a group of gods.

Wu Qifeng and the others naturally knew that it was at least ten billion military exploits.

There are even more, after all, there are very few demons who are only worth one military merit.

That is to say, his military merit is at least a thousand, and there is no need to say what the unit is.

This scale of military merit has exceeded the imagination of all the gods, and this situation can only be obtained by the warriors supported by the family.

··For flowers......

In fact, Zhou Fangyu had already been arranged by them to be a trial disciple of the mysterious family.

As for whether there is such a mysterious family in the empire?

There are, but there are very few. After all, it is the world of gods. It is almost impossible for a family to appear or disappear silently.

And Zhou Fangyu's family background can be checked.

In other words, his identity is clear.

All, many gods who know Zhou Fangyu's strength have guessed that this is the illegitimate son of a royal family, and his guardians are the guardians of the royal family.

Everyone said how many guardians he has, but no one has seen it, that is to say, he said it himself.

But is there really no such thing? Obviously so many people have seen those special Divine Realm races.


That is to say, Zhou Fangyu's bodyguard probably exists, but it is more mysterious.

As for why, they are the guards of the big family, and it is normal to be mysterious.

Zhou Fangyu was very grateful for Wu Shisan's assistance.

He took the things directly back to the realm of the gods.

"Battle outside the territory, hunt demons, and distribute quest rewards.

Everyone is used to it, it always takes a few days for Lord Master to complete the ruling.

In fact, they don't know how embarrassed Zhou Fangyu is now in order to give them resources.

After removing all the Heavenly Immortal-level powerhouses, the Supreme Divine Flame was put down by him for fifty units, and the rest were kept as spares.

He has already noticed how much the Supreme Divine Flame has played a role in improving his strength.

And just after these thirty days of cultivation, the guardians of the human race also gave Zhou Fangyu a huge surprise.

Some people start breaking through on their own.

This incident caught Zhou Fangyu's attention.

Not a genius, just a very ordinary, very hard-working human race.

He is the kind of martial idiot who doesn't participate in any activities except for cultivation.

Such a person who relied on his own perseverance to step by step to the fairyland, almost never took drugs.

His breakthrough destined him to become a benchmark.

Zhou Fangyu paid great attention to him when he broke through, and personally rewarded him with the gift of heaven.

It is a treasure that is extremely rare in the world of gods, and its value is equal to the supreme divine flame.


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