In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 501 The Trapped Demon King Zhou\r

Seeing this scene, Zhou Fangyu was speechless, is he going into the frog's belly before he leaves the spider's lair?

Before the giant frog could swallow them, Zhou Fangyu felt the light dim, and then the three of them were swallowed by a huge mouth.

In the darkness, Zhou Fangyu felt that the spider silk on his body was rapidly dissolving, he could hear Shi Shi's voice, he knew that it was definitely the sound of gastric juice digesting food, and the food was them.

Although for some reason, he couldn't feel the pain, but he knew that it had definitely begun to corrode them.

"Fire." He snapped his fingers and directly borrowed a fire-based skill from the God's Domain race.

A ray of divine fire was ignited, and then he was dumbfounded.

Underneath it was a huge spider skeleton that had been corroded and had no flesh and blood. The skeleton toad next to him was still swimming, but he couldn't move. The most terrifying thing was that he was a dead guy.

Why is it said to be half dead, because his lower body has almost been dissolved, and the rest is slowly sinking, and it will not take long for his whole body to be corroded.

Maybe he won't even feel it by then, the digestion ability of this giant beast is super strong! 860

"Angel Wings." Zhou Fangyu got up and flew directly.

Only then did he realize that he only had the upper body above the chest, which was embarrassing.

Looking at the frog that relied on instinct to jump, Zhou Fangyu felt a chill, at least he was really alive, the two of them who came first were already a pile of bones.

When Zhou Fangyu went to look for the spider, he had long since disappeared, but the toad was still jumping. He not only sighed with emotion, but this guy's bones are really hard.

With a move in his heart, he directly collected the toad's bones.

Looking at the surroundings, how should I get out?

Is this supposed to be the stomach?

He snapped his fingers, "There. 35

Zhou Fangyu looked at the liquid pool below, he took out a long spear and kept stabbing it.

Want to pierce that stomach.

Following his movements, suddenly, the monster's stomach suddenly began to shrink, and a squeezing force came.

Before Zhou Fangyu's plan was successful, he was sucked out again by a terrifying suction force.

As a terrifying force came, he flew into the air, followed by a mouthful of gastric juice.

Is this (bbdj) the monster's anti-Zou? He was directly spit out.

He fixed his eyes, what kind of monster was eating him?

I saw a huge life form similar to a chameleon, constantly changing colors and disappearing from his sight.

Apparently people don't mean to be hospitable.

Zhou Fangyu is helpless, this world is far more dangerous than he imagined.

At least a lot of times, he didn't notice the danger and was already swallowed.

But it's not too bad, at least he wasn't killed.

Although the lower body has been lost.

But for him, this is not a fatal injury.

As long as he is given time, these injuries can still recover.

Zhou Fangyu did not move on, and his injuries did not allow him to explore.

When he returned to the area where the dog-headed demon lived, he was relieved.

This is the real safe place.

Although the number of kobolds is terrifying, when Zhou Fangyu came to the edge of this place, he saw many monsters attacking these kobolds.

The battle between the two sides was fierce, with blood-red eyes, as if they were about to blow their brains out.

Zhou Fangyu could only call the kobolds to speed up their attack and take him in.

Fortunately, there were quite a few kobolds, so they easily broke the siege of these monsters and took him in.

He will no longer care about these things, let's talk about self-cultivation.

He is constantly devouring various energy substances, food and so on.

His body also began to recover continuously, especially the various blood and blood vessels in his body, which were the first to heal.

Moreover, with the recovery, the pain gradually hit, and the feeling of recovery from the pain was really bad.

As if the whole person has lost vitality, you don't want to do anything at all, but you can't help but find something to vent your pain.

With red eyes, he looked around.

He suddenly grabbed a dog-headed demon and began to beat him violently.

The unfortunate guy became his vehicle for venting.

However, it is clear that these loyal Divine Realm races are still very happy.

The simple and honest people couldn't help but beat them up again.

Gradually, the flesh and blood on his body gradually healed and skin grew.

Suddenly, the dog-headed demon commander rushed in.

"My lord, it's not good. The front line is broken. 35

"Well? My massive army? Was it broken?"

He wondered, he couldn't believe it.

"Yes, my lord, now a group of monsters are killing us.

The monsters here are very ferocious, the leader is a terrifying giant ape, and the intelligence is not low. The most important thing is that his strength is too terrifying, his strength is infinite, and there is almost no enemy of unity.

This kind of monster, the kobold army did not stop it.

Of course, the most important thing is that the monsters behind him are almost the same as him. They are all extremely powerful and powerful.

Zhou Fangyu was helpless. He looked at his almost recovered body and followed the dog-headed demon towards the battlefield.

After he walked over, he discovered that the army of dog-headed demons here is not particularly large. Although it looks densely packed, there is basically no existence above the Earth Immortal level.

He suddenly remembered that he had not brought out his elite troops.

He originally planned to give his ordinary troops a chance to exercise, but he didn't expect the opponents to be so fierce this time.

This time, he made a mistake, and he underestimated the various monsters in this world.

"My lord, what should we do?"

Zhou Fangyu rushed up and looked at the huge ape, this thing was probably the level of an extreme demon.

Although it looks strong, it is actually not that exaggerated.

Relying on the Mohai tactics, it was enough to devour this seemingly formidable giant ape life.

"Big, big, big." Zhou Fangyu turned into a gigantic kobold, and then lifted the ape directly into the air.

Originally, the attack was very violent, the beasts were stunned, watching Zhou Fangyu swallow the giant ape into his stomach.

The brutal scene scared them away.

Seeing this, Zhou Fangyu smiled.

He looked at the monsters around him, as long as he looked at the size of the monsters, they were all small children, and these guys had no resistance.

His huge body swayed back and forth in the entire Kobold territory.

Finally, with his efforts, the entire battlefield finally calmed down and walked normally.

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