The two sides that were eaten did not attack each other anymore, and were preparing to work together to rush out of the fierce body.

It's a pity that they don't understand why Xie Sha is Xie Sha.

The reason why they are called soul eaters is because they are not afraid of the attack of the soul.

"Hahahaha..." Zhou Fangyu laughed happily.

All of a sudden, this special demon world belongs to him alone.

Who would have thought that the two big men would fight and finally get him alone.

It's a pity that the devil ants he arranged didn't play a big role.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully capturing the will of heaven, whether you choose to sacrifice to the system, sacrifice reward: all the laws of heaven in this world, the accumulation of all laws of the Supreme Demon Lord Qier'an, the comprehension of the rules, the Supreme Divine Flame 100 million units, a Demon Nest .

Zhou Fangyu looked at these rewards and fell into contemplation. The things he gave this time were really rich, "eight six three". It is conceivable how valuable these two homes are.

However, in the face of so many rewards, Zhou Fangyu showed deep thought for the first time.

What is so special about these two guys, and why are they so valued by the system?

"Ding, please rest assured, host, what this system is looking at is what changes will occur after the fusion of the Supreme Soul and the rules of heaven, and whether there will be any special regular changes. 35

Zhou Fangyu nodded, "So that's the case, why didn't you say it earlier, then sacrifice it."

He actually just wanted to know why the system would give him such a big benefit. You must know that with this reward, I am afraid that he does not need to continue to accumulate on the high-level gods. As long as he has enough divine flames, he can even improve To the extent of the ultimate demon.

Of course it will take a lot of time.

Absorption also takes time to digest.

In fact, through this incident, Zhou Fangyu also understood that this world is actually very special and should not be so easy to encounter.

Therefore, the system is willing to pay so much to Zhou Fangyu in exchange for these two guys.

Controlling oneself is a great benefit, so why not change it?

"Ding, the system reward has arrived, please check the host."

Zhou Fangyu looked at those things in his own divine domain.

One by one shining golden light, these things can greatly improve one's strength.

"Don't delay, absorb it as soon as possible." Zhou Fangyu directly absorbed all the laws of heaven, the accumulation of laws of Qier'an, and the understanding of the rules.

As these things poured into his soul like water.

However, the real integration is impossible without time.

In the following time, Zhou Fangyu directly retreated in this demon world.

If it is not fully integrated, it will never go out.

He retreated in a hurry this time, and the entire Demon World was still the same as before.

It's just that this time all the magical beasts were dead, and those corpses were not disposed of, and were quickly evacuated by the demon ants.

With these food, the number of demon ants began to expand rapidly.

At the same time, in order to develop for a long time, the queen had to choose to breed wood gods.

There is no other way, there is no other life here, and we can only choose to eat the wood god as the only food.

At the same time, those plants also benefited greatly due to the nourishment of the blood of the beasts, and began to grow wildly.

The devil ants can only eat these plants without food.

After these plants were eaten up, the queen ant had no choice but to focus on those energy cores.

Although the radiation is strong, the energy is sufficient.

In order to use this energy, they opened an energy core and placed it on the ground.

Under the illumination of this special substance, plants began to grow and evolve wildly.

Because of the extreme abundance of energy, the nearby plants are blooming everywhere.

Of course, the demon ants couldn't eat these mutant plants at first, but after a while, the demon ants had to eat them.

They also have no other food to eat.

The whole world, one ring after another, began to change wildly.

Zhou Fangyu did not know that he had already entered a deep sleep.

During this period of time, some changes have also occurred in the battlefield of gods and demons.

The disappearance of Zhou Fangyu made Wu Shuai's layout lose an important chess piece.

At the same time, the Mozu, who had recovered from their strength, began to increase the input of their troops, and the Protoss was once again suppressed and lost their frontline positions, and had to retreat again.

The independent battalion did not have the support of Zhou Fangyu, and several deputy battalion commanders could no longer support it, so they had to be split up and the numbering cancelled.

The three god slaves voluntarily resigned, returned to the imperial capital, lived in Wang Haiyan's house, and assumed the position of housekeeper.

In their words, waiting for their master to come back, they don't believe that the legendary Zhou Fangyu just disappeared..

The two soldiers who followed and led the independent battalion apart, in their words, were to guard Zhou Fangyu's foundation.

In order to find Zhou Fangyu, Kaisha resolutely joined the Eastern Empire army, trying to find clues about Zhou Fangyu.

At the same time, Wang Haiyan practiced desperately, and finally touched the high-level gods, which was regarded as catching up.

On the Protoss side, the wanted Zhou Fangyu still exists, Rong Li has been sleeping and cannot wake up.

The Shenxiao Sect has completely become the back garden of the Truth Society, and basically all the high-level members have been replaced by the Truth Society.

That mysterious great force has not yet been found out, but some secrets have also been dug up.

It is understood that there are traces of such a force in the history of the Eastern Empire, and even in the history of the entire Protoss.

They are mysterious and strange, they are elusive, they control the development of the Protoss, and guide the history of the Protoss.

Even the most powerful god emperor, Zhou Batian, showed that it was their masterpiece.

Of course, these are impossible to find out, but the rise of Zhou Batian seems to be really related to them.

After checking this, no one dared to investigate further. This organization is so powerful that it has penetrated into all the people of the Protoss.

Imperial Capital University, since Zhou Fangyu's accident, the old principal was also so angry that he couldn't go into seclusion, and vowed to break through to the 3.9 realm of domination and give his students a way out.

The guardians also went out one after another and officially appeared in the Eastern Empire to fight against all the anti-Protoss forces.

Although Mr. Bucky was released from prison successfully, the edges and corners of the whole person were smoothed out, and he no longer had the high-spirited spirit of the year, and honestly taught and educated people in the school.

The legendary Bucky, never again.

The only gratification is that Mr. Bucky's students are all outstanding and have achieved a lot of achievements.

But these are not higher than Zhou Fangyu's status.

The myth of Zhou Fangyu also circulated in their class, a student who only attended the school for two months, broke into the foundation of Nova University.

A mythical guy, always in the mouth of Mr. Bucky is a proud, hard-working student.

Although many people were dissatisfied, they did not show any achievements to refute him.

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