Moreover, no matter how powerful he claims to be, it doesn't mean that he can take down the Demon Realm by just doing it.

The demon world is so big, and there are dominion-level powerhouses in the city. If you conquer a few cities, no one will care about you, even if you conquer half of the demon world, it's no problem. However, if you cause turmoil in the demon world, just wait to die. .

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu's purpose is not the domain of the demon world, but the status. Only by obtaining the status recognized by many demons can he do what he wants to do.

Looking for a Protoss in the whole world, and a person looking for a Protoss, that is a world of difference.

So, this is - his real thoughts.

"Okay, I still listen to you!" Wang Haiyan was helpless, she was a weak woman, what she could do was to practice quietly.

She is by Zhou Fangyu's side, practicing in the shrine he specially made for her.

This matter, in the entire semi-demon race has been passed down in a miraculous way.

"Have you heard? After the Dog Demon King came back, he fell in love with a Protoss slave and built a palace for her."

"Of course, the dog demon king stays in the palace every day and doesn't come out, can I not know?!

"Cut, brag, you can enter the Devil's Palace?

"You are the coolest first.

All kinds of rumors kept going, Zhou Fangyu didn't care about it all the time, instead he was very happy.

Anyway, most of the demigods knew that there was indeed a Protoss slave beside him.

Moreover, no demons can touch her, this is his bottom line.

The news of the return of the Dog Demon King surprised the demigods in the entire succubus family's territory.

They flocked here, wanting to pay homage to the half-demon king, the dog-demon king.

So many demigods came to the Three Cities of the East China Sea, and Zhou Fangyu, the dog demon king, was very pleasantly surprised. He looked at these teams and sighed in his heart, Come on, the more the better.

"My king, almost all the half-demons have arrived. The total number of half-demons who have taken refuge with us is about 3 billion eighty-five million. The dragon demons are sweating profusely.

It was only then that he understood that the Dog Demon King's status among the demigods was so high.

When the dog demon king came, the whole succubus panicked, and it was really not without reason.

"Very good, follow me to see my people." Zhou Fangyu took Wang Haiyan's hand with a smile and climbed onto the Demon King City.

A phantom flashed behind him, imprinting his image in the air.

"My warriors, you are here. I am very happy. Now is the time for our half-demon to rise. All half-demons listen to my orders. From today onwards, the king's army will be established. Those who are above the realm of demons can join me. Wang Mingjun, your only mission is to obey my orders, conquer the world, and spread the glory of my half-demon all over the entire demon race.

Those under the demons are half-demon subjects, protecting our homeland for us.

May all my half devils be strong, and everyone become a devil god.

"Long live the devil, long live." All the half devils were extremely pleasantly surprised.

"I want to join Wang Mingjun."

"This is our king, and I also want to join the king's army to expand the territory for our half-demon.

At this time, a cavalry came from the sky, it was a flying cavalry sentry.

"Report, good news, Master Jingx has taken all the succubus territories except the three succubus king cities.

"Very good, Jingxing is a reliable person, and as a reward, she will be promoted to the high priest of the half-demon race from now on, and enjoy the support of my half-demon race.

One good news after another made Zhou Fangyu feel at ease. Sure enough, their own power is strong enough, they are just the things in their own pockets.

"The devil is mighty, the devil is mighty."

"Everyone, I know your hard work, I know your suffocation, but please be strong, the strength of the half-demon clan must be summoned by your bloodshed and sacrifice, if we are afraid of death, the half-demon will eventually be summoned. It's just a half devil, if we cherish death, half devils will always be slaves. I will give you three days. During these three days, you can drink as much as you like. After three days, you will return to me. I will lead you and send troops to the world for me. The half-demon clan laid a peaceful and prosperous age.

"My king..."

Many half demons couldn't help but fell to their knees, weeping.

The half devils have always been the lowest, who can look down on them, without the dog demon king, they will always be the lowest existence.

But now, they are not anymore. They have hope. As long as the words of the Demon King can come true, then their half-demon clan will rise.

Of the entire Demon Race, which race has the most.

Only half devils.

Which race has the lowest low ranking, and it is still a half-magic.

The half-demon clan do the most inferior jobs, eat the most inferior food, and survive in this demon world with difficulty.

Is this normal?

It was normal, because their half-demon race couldn't produce a strong person, and it was extremely difficult for them to produce an eternal level strong person due to their inferior talents.

・・Ask for flowers・・・

However, now the dog demon king wants their lives to fight for the half-demon race, is it alright?

There was only one thought in their minds, "Yes."

They came here not to be oppressed, not afraid of death, not to mention sacrifice.

The most important thing for the entire Demon Race is war, and the most fearless thing is death.

Even if there is no dog demon king, those demon clan actually often fight.

Half devils are always just cannon fodder, this time, let them know that half devils also have strong, cannon fodder can be invincible.

For three days, countless resources were thrown out, and they were allowed to drink and celebrate.

Everyone eats meat and drinks.

When Jingx came back, she was surprised to hear the dog demon king's order.


In these three days, I am afraid they will be able to eat up all their strategic materials!

"My lord, if we eat like this, we won't have any food, what should we do next? 39

"There's no more to eat, then go grab, fight, and kill. Demons, what else is there to eat?" The dog demon king was half lying on the throne, and a beauty of the gods was giving him a massage.

"The order goes on, I have lost one of the slaves of the Protoss. I suspect that the Tongmo clan stole it, handed over my slaves, spared them from dying, and if I can't hand them over, I will kill them all."" The dog demon king looked arrogant, Looking into the distance.

Looking at the protoss picture scroll that was thrown down, it was a protoss beauty with a slightly western nature, indeed a unique beauty, but I had never seen it before.

"But, this, this..."

"Remember, this is my slave, and only I can decide her life and death. If she is alive, then the Tong demons can survive. If she dies, they will be buried with them." The dog demon king gritted his teeth to prove his anger.

"However, this Pupil Demon clan is in the south of the Demon Realm, isn't it too far?" Jingxian trembled in his heart, he didn't even understand whether the Dog Demon King was really angry.

"It's far away, it's far away, all the demons on this road can be swept away." Wisdom flashed in the Demon King's eyes.

Jingxing was stunned for a moment, looked at the map of the demon world on the ground, and then looked at the portrait, "This, my king is mighty, I will go down and arrange it, spread this portrait to the whole demon world, and pass on the prestige of my king. .

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