In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 521: Half a Clan Land Was Destroyed\r

The addition of the succubus made the whole half-demon excited. After all, it was unique for so many witches to surrender. Of course, the main reason was that the half-demon had ideas about witches.

In the past, they were always on the top, but now, they have become prisoners of war. Naturally, there are many demigods who want to do something to them.

But the dog demon king gave a death order, whoever moves the succubus will die.

Although the demigods do not understand the orders of the dog demon king, they will always remember and follow them.

After Zhou Fangyu left the succubus territory, he notified the madman to take over the city.

When those mad demons received three empty empty cities, they were dumbfounded.

"I'm careless, this dog demon king is very careful, and actually gave me three empty cities." The mad demon king was dumbfounded, he never thought of such a trick, this succubus is colluding with the half demons! I'm afraid This little thought of me wanting to swallow the succubus has also been told by others. This is good. I have become a deadly enemy with the succubus. It's cheaper by half, and I only got three empty cities. , In fact, there is a big loss here.

"My king, what should we do next?" The mad demon commander had a grim expression on his face. He dared to deceive my king. He was simply courting death. As long as the mad demon king gave an order, the mad demon army would conquer the entire succubus territory.

"I intend to send troops with all my strength and fight to the death with his half-demon clan. This hatred is unbearable." The Mad Demon King was furious, and he was treated as a clown several times, which was unbearable.

"No, my king will only make other demons take advantage of it. Since the succubus has surrendered to the half-demon, it is not appropriate for us to fight with the dog demon king. If the king really can't swallow this breath, then go to the sword demon, The war demons have come to discuss this matter, and we will send troops together." "The old priest discouraged.

"Alright, let's invite the Sword Demon King and the War Demon King to discuss military affairs. The Mad Demon King's face softened a little, and this time the old priest actually agreed to send troops, which is enough to save his face.

"Yes, let me go for a walk." The old priest volunteered.

"Okay, the teacher must be able to do it." The Mad Demon King was overjoyed.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu was leading the army to move forward.

After bypassing the territory of the madman family, you will enter the glacier swamp. The climate here is weird, the wind and snow coexist, and countless strange scenes exist at the same time. It is also extremely dangerous. You never know what the (bbdj) ice surface is under your feet. When it suddenly melts into water, it is swallowed by the countless giant mouths below.

There are many legends about the glacier daze, all of which illustrate one thing, that is, it is extremely difficult to pass here.

When Zhou Fangyu learned that there was such a place, he planned to walk in the sky so that he could avoid these strange creatures.

Unfortunately, he didn't know until he arrived that it was a joke to walk in the sky here. The countless ice knives and snow blades fluttered in the air, giving them no chance at all.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was hesitating whether to go in or not.

A shocking news came from behind.

"What did you say? Crazy Demon and Sword Demon sent troops at the same time? Are they crazy??" Zhou Fangyu didn't understand, how could these demons dare?

As soon as this battle is fought, the entire Southeast Demon World will be shuffled. I don't know how many Demon Races will be involved.

"Return to the army." Looking at the glacier daze in front of him, he gave the order unwillingly.

He still can't give up these territories, no one knows what the road ahead is like, whether he can walk through it, if he is cut off by others, whether he is attacking him or cutting off his own supplies, it will be the same. extremely distressing thing.

"Damn mad demons, you are courting death, the army is going straight to the mad demon clan, and I want to swallow the mad demon clan.

Zhou Fangyu's face changed, and finally he issued a military order that seemed extremely unwise.

The three clans of mad demon and sword and demon are revelling in the territory of succubus.

Without the main force, the succubus army became the main force to resist the three clans, and they had to retreat to several giant cities.

It seems that the succubus clan likes to concentrate their forces and let the three clans attack here.

The half-demon clan left behind an old-fashioned immortal crystal demon, and both he and the Succubus Queen had a sad look on their faces.

Even if they retreated and concentrated their troops, some of them could not support the strong army of the three clans.

This time, the mad demons almost came out from the nest, and the three billion army occupied the absolute main position.

Sword Demons and War Demons each had an army of 300 million, and they attacked several sub-cities respectively.

Although it is a three-clan alliance, because the main force is from the mad demon clan, a large part of the succubus city occupied is owned by the mad demon.

"Hahaha, my scout reported that the dog demon king has entered the glacier swamp, that place is definitely not suitable for the army to pass through, this guy will definitely go nowhere if he doesn't find a guide. Demon Domain, congratulations! Crazy Demon King laughed frivolously.

"Big Brother Mad Demon is still brave and resourceful, otherwise, how could he have won the Succubus Realm so quickly." The Sword Demon King complimented.

"That's right, Brother Crazy Demon's decisive action is far superior to the two of us. In the future, the three alliances will advance and retreat together, and it is just around the corner to dominate the Southeast Demon Realm." The War Demon King laughed.

Hearing that from the other two demon kings who had never accepted him, he immediately froze, "Haha, you two just follow me, I promise that you will come to be a sweet and spicy drinker, and we will divide the Southeast Demon Realm.

The three have their own thoughts.

After that, the cooperation became more intimate, and the attack on the succubus and half-magic coalition became more urgent.

The immortal crystal demons can only ask for help from the dog demon king, and at the same time mobilize various demons from the Chaos Demon Realm to support them.

The Demon King of Dogs once said that Chaos Demon Realm is in the same spirit as them, and both are prosperous and all are lost.

If the red devil and the half devil are in trouble, the Chaos Demon Realm will not help, and when the Dog Demon King returns, it will be the time to sacrifice the entire Chaos Demon Realm.

So after immortal asking for help, countless demon races rushed out of the chaotic demon domain resource half-magic succubus coalition.

The four sides are fighting more and more, and the daily loss of demons is tens of millions. In such a fight, it is certain that both sides will suffer.

"Report... My king, the mad demon clan is over..." When the mad demon king suddenly received the news of the mad demon clan's territory, the whole person was confused.

"What's going on? Make it clear, Chang make it clear!" The mad king's heart was beating so fast, could it be that the fire demon and the water demon attacked again.

"My king, the dog demon king sneaked into the mad demon clan's territory, and has already occupied half of the mad demon clan city."

"What? Didn't the **** Demon King go to Glacier Daze?" The Mad Demon King was shocked, this was really beyond his expectations!

Moreover, the attack speed of this dog demon king is also fast, and it only took a long time to lay down half of the crazy demon clan territory.

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