In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 534 Foodie Lizard, Strange Pet\r

"It's so cute, Fang Yu, let this be my pet." Wang Haiyan said embarrassedly.

"Well, it's impossible to give it to others, look at him, how much he likes you!" Zhou Fangyu rolled his eyes.

"Hey, then I'm welcome." Wang Haiyan held the little thing and turned around in circles.

Suddenly, the nose of the little thing sucked from time to time, as if there was something delicious.

I saw him rushing out quickly, heading for a godhead on the ground.

Zhou Fangyu and Wang Haiyan looked nervously, and saw that the little thing actually started to eat the godhead.

This scene made Zhou Fangyu shudder. Obviously, this thing actually feeds on the Protoss.

To be able to digest Godheads, these Godheads are obviously prepared for him, and this Ice Dragon ancestor has obviously prepared for him long ago.

"This..." Wang Haiyan couldn't bear it, she always felt goosebumps standing up when she looked at the little things that were eating the godhead.

This is the same feeling as eating her flesh, how could she accept it.

Zhou Fangyu rolled his eyes and took out a magic core.

This is the core thing 11 similar to the Protoss of the Demons.

He threw it directly to the little thing.

Sure enough, he directly grabbed it and ate it happily.

The origin of this little thing is definitely not simple, even the origin of the Ice Dragon ancestor is not simple.

Can actually eat the core of the Demon Race God Race.

The hardness of this thing is so hard that many magic soldiers can't cut it.

However, the down was apparently eaten.

It's like sucking jelly, one bite at a time, and the teeth fly up.

"Huh, after eating these godheads, give him the magic core. I have a lot of magic cores here." Zhou Fangyu said with a smile.

"Yeah." Wang Haiyan nodded, at least she didn't have that kind of empathy for eating the magic core.

If she really can only eat godhead, she feels that she will be driven crazy sooner or later.

Moreover, she can't kill her own compatriots to feed pets, and she can't stand it with the education she has received.

"Okay, put away the godhead first and keep it as a spare. I'm going to summon my half-demon army."

"Okay." Wang Haiyan cleaned up the godhead on the ground by herself.

Zhou Fangyu began to frantically summon the army of demigods.

Soon, the entire incomparably huge snow-capped mountain was filled with these half-demons.

So many troops are all concentrated here, it seems crowded a lot.

However, these demigods are trained to not make noise at all.

It was as quiet as a wood carving, looking around curiously.

But didn't make any sound.

"Okay, let's start, attack the Dragon Demon Clan's territory." Zhou Fangyu looked at the half-demon army with satisfaction.

In fact, Zhou Fangyu really wanted to summon the Terran and other races.

Now his Divine Realm race is so frightening that he can't believe it.

But think about it, even if the population doubles in ten years, or even doubles in twenty years.

This is the easiest thing for the human race.

After all, there are not many human races dying of illness and old age here, and there is no world. As the protagonist of heaven and earth, if Zhou Fangyu hadn't entered the release mission from time to time, it is estimated that the human race would be able to do nothing, even practice.

Of course, in order to keep them vigilant, Zhou Fangyu would prepare various trials from time to time.

Not only to replenish their resources, but also to raise their vigilance.

Therefore, in general, the fertility rate of the dragon race is too low, and the other races have doubled.

The most terrifying are the kobolds, the ant clan, and the rat clan.

The number of these three races was too large, so Zhou Fangyu had to use the human race trial to consume their numbers.

Of course, slaughter is only allowed during the trial, and it is still not allowed to slaughter at other times.

If it weren't for the Demon Realm, Zhou Fangyu's army of humans and so many angels would be enough to sweep away many demons.

However, he was very helpless that almost only a few golden immortal human races appeared.

He didn't understand what was going on, but according to the system's prompts, the entire Prehistoric God Realm lacked certain rules, which led to the fact that the Golden Immortal-level powerhouses never appeared on a large scale.

Although it is impossible to know what the rules are, the high probability is due to the incompleteness of the Heavenly Dao.

But it is enough for Zhou Fangyu to dominate the Demon Realm just by being a powerhouse at the level of Heavenly Immortal.

Of course, this was on the premise that he dispatched the God Realm race.

But now he doesn't want to be dispatched, if there are demons who discover that there are demons in the demon world who can summon the gods.

Fools will think about whether they are spies or not, and then they will really be unreasonable.

Zhou Fangyu's half-demon army rushed out from the mountain in a mighty manner.

The five surrounding cities were attacked by Zhou Fangyu without any precaution.

Then came the mass sacrifices.

Although it is cruel, Zhou Fangyu is also very helpless. This is the reality. Many times, you have to admit that without these red demons, he is really unable to move an inch.

Zhou Fangyu's footsteps did not stop, and continued to radiate around.

This time, he did not continue to command the battle, but let them attack.

Of course, in the beginning, it was dominated by half demons, and later, it was dominated by red demons.

On the other hand, Zhou Fangyu put away the army of half demons and disappeared quietly.

This wave of his operations caught the Dragon Demon Clan by surprise.

When the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Demon clan who had besieged him at the front line heard this report, he almost vomited blood, and he hurriedly led all the demon clan slaves back to the hinterland.

Their dragon demons were too strong, but 880 made them neglect their internal defenses, which gave Zhou Fangyu an opportunity.

"The cunning dog demon king, damn it, send out a hunter for me, I want the dog head of the dog demon king."

The Dragon Demon Clan leader was furious, although the timely return to defense allowed him to quickly wipe out the red demon army that was blooming everywhere.

However, more than a dozen giant cities of the Dragon Demon Clan were slaughtered, and these are the accumulation of several generations.

Especially Zhou Fangyu almost robbed all the supplies.

This area is almost blank.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu had long since disappeared, returned to the front line, and then took the half-demon army on the battlefield and headed for the Tong Demon Clan's territory.

His purpose has been achieved, and it is about consuming the energy of the dragon demon.

He felt that what he had done had been enough.

Looking at the direction of the battlefield, "Martial Commander, if this doesn't work, the Protoss is really going to be in danger."

In fact, he didn't know that because of his random attack, the dragon and demon clan were in chaos.

Later, when he saw the Dragon Demon, he knew that the troops that dealt with him were the elite warriors of the Dragon Demon Clan who guarded the ancestral land of the Dragon Demon Clan.

This time they were forced to be called out.

It is conceivable that the Dragon Demons actually have too many decent troops.

Of course, if Zhou Fangyu dared to continue messing around.

It's time for the Dragon Demons to recruit troops.

At that time, he really can't eat and walk away.

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