In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 539 Fuxi Appears, The Dead Dog Demon King\r

"Fang Yu, what should we do?" Wang Haiyan hugged Kaisha a little distressedly, looking at her sleeping soundly, she felt even more distressed.

"It's okay, I want to see the situation, what's the situation is still unclear?" Zhou Fangyu was relatively calm, he was more interested in this floating island.

"But, what about Sister Kaisha and the others? Wang Haiyan saw that the other Protoss around were also having a hard time.

Zhou Fangyu shook his head, for the other gods, he had no choice but to take a step by step.

"Hey, little girl, what's your name?" An uncle with a beard suddenly leaned over and asked Wang Haiyan.

"What are you doing? Do I know you?" Wang Haiyan looked at the uncle with a look of vigilance, dissatisfied.

Although they are both God Races, but the two of them don't know each other, and they casually strike up a conversation, at first glance, they are not good people.

"I don't know, I just see you a little familiar, just like an old friend of mine." The sloppy uncle looked curious.

"I'm sorry, uncle, you read it wrong." Wang Haiyan tilted her head, unwilling to pay attention to him.

"Hey, this little girl is really rude." He didn't say more, his face was indifferent.

11 Zhou Fangyu glanced at him curiously, with a bewildered look on his face.

Looking at his appearance, Zhou Fangyu felt that he was a little familiar, but he didn't remember it for a while.

"What the hell is this place, my lord, how can we escape!

"Yes, my lord, we have been trapped here for a long time, we can't be trapped here."

"That's right, we have to figure out a way to get out, otherwise I'll go crazy."

It may be that Zhou Fangyu and the others were found to be no threat, and the other trapped guys began to discuss how to get out.

"Damn, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't come in, I know that there is almost no possibility of going out alive here!

"Shh, you're looking for death. Didn't you see they were all there?

The voices of their discussions are getting weaker.

Because a guy who was writing and drawing on the ground finally stood up.

Originally, Zhou Fangyu didn't care, after all, the people here are very strange.

He also just wanted to take Keisha out of here.

However, when he saw that guy raised his head, he was instantly blinded.

He was shocked, it was actually Fuxi, how could this guy be here.

Wait, is this place the same space he frequents?

However, this is obviously not the realm of the wasteland?

But, no, if it weren't for the flood, why would Fuxi be here?

"It's figured out, haha, it's finally figured out."

"It's figured out? Old man, let's go quickly, it's annoying here." The sloppy uncle looked happy, and he had long been impatient.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we have to wait for that monster to come and save us out." The old man shook his head, he figured it out, but if he wanted to escape, he still had to wait for someone to rescue them.

Suddenly, a mechanical arm came out and directly grabbed Zhou Fangyu, who was watching the fun.

"Ah..." Wang Haiyan was anxious, holding Zhou Fangyu firmly and shaking her head.

"Don't panic, I'll go check the situation, it's fine, I won't die.

Zhou Fangyu shook his head at her, he was not worried, besides, if his methods were exposed now, it might be troublesome.

"But. 35

"Good, it's alright. 35

Wang Haiyan stopped blocking her, and just watched Zhou Fangyu be taken away.

What can she do, she doesn't even have physical strength and is weak.

After Zhou Fangyu left, he was directly locked in a laboratory, and then the arm began to feed himself constantly.

After eating all kinds of food, he gained a whole circle of fat, and then a robotic arm got out and started to frantically pump blood at him.

Zhou Fangyu was speechless, what is there to pump the blood of the demons.

He also saw that these guys were using him as a test product.

As for why he didn't let the alien races below, he felt that it was not that they did not enjoy it, but that they had to use it.

That creature resembles a parasite.

There isn't much experimental value at all.

He was drawn some demon blood, so he didn't move.

Then he filled him with a lot of nutrient solution.

Then, I saw that Zhou Fangyu's stomach began to shrink sharply.

He burped and ate.

Zhou Fangyu found that he had already digested all the food in such a short time.

This scene surprised him.

You know, according to his observation, he was given some kind of nuclei-like things that were difficult to digest.

He was then drawn again for blood.

This time, his blood was almost completely drawn.

He instantly turned into Keisha's look.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't help laughing bitterly, there was not a trace of magic power left in him.

What a weird experiment.

When he was taken back, Wang Haiyan was frightened and cried bitterly while hugging two people.

"Why are you crying, it's annoying." The sloppy uncle roared.

At this time, Fuxi and he were no longer bound. I don't know what method they used to actually open the lock that controlled them.

The sloppy uncle came over angrily and smashed Zhou Fangyu's head with a slap.

The terrifying scene scared Wang Haiyan into a daze.

"Wow, it's finally quiet!

Fuxi just cast a glance and ignored the three of them, and swaggered out of the prison with their subordinates.

As if this is his home, the familiar appearance is comparable to the master.

At this time, Wang 880 Haiyan finally couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

And just now, Zhou Fangyu's body, little by little, slowly disappeared.

Wang Haiyan didn't notice.

"Huh, I'm finally relieved, the attack is so ruthless, it scared me to death. 35 A familiar voice appeared from behind Wang Haiyan.

Zhou Fangyu's appearance fell into Wang Haiyan's eyes.

"You, you, you..." She stuttered for a while, but she was speechless.

"What's the matter, I'm stuttering! Hahaha, I'm Zhou Fangyu!

"But, how did you come back to life?" Wang Haiyan asked with some doubts.

"Of course there are other means, you don't understand, now I'll let you go."

Zhou Fangyu took out a sword and directly cut off the shackles on their hands and feet.

This is what gives them freedom.

Then, Zhou Fangyu instilled a stream of supreme divine flame into Kaisha's body.

Ten units of Supreme Divine Flame went down, and her appearance quickly recovered.

Although he hasn't woken up yet, he is full of energy.

"Wake her up, there should be no problem, do you know where the group of people went?" Zhou Fangyu handed Kaisha to her.

"I went out, but I didn't know when I went there, and they didn't say anything." Wang Haiyan was calling Kaisha.

When Keisha opened her eyes, "Am I dreaming?"

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