In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 585 A Dou Who Can't Pay, The Second Prince's Choice\r

But does such a life really exist?

Zhou Fangyu is very puzzled, no matter in that world, anywhere, there is a need for sustenance.

Cultivation alone is the most inadvisable.

Because loneliness will make you lost, it will make you unmotivated, and eventually you will become a walking dead, and you will no longer be able to live.

Moreover, as a master, it is impossible to spend an almost endless lifespan in cultivation.

His present life seems leisurely, comfortable and clean.

But the premise of such a life is the care of his father and no one to disturb him.

But if he lost the favor of his father, or another emperor ascended the throne, would he still have such a leisurely life?

Zhou Fangyu was very skeptical, he felt that the end result was that he eventually became a tool of the empire.

"Hey, forget it, I won't advise you anymore. With the old man here, I will definitely keep you safe. Let's take a step by step." Wu Shuai shook his head and said with some regret.

For an Adou who can't be helped, he really has nothing to do.

"By the way, this is Zhou Fangyu, the legendary dog ​​demon king."

The second prince looked at Zhou Fangyu in surprise, "Hey, you are actually a dog demon king, but you are not a demon, why can you become a demon?

Also, your strength doesn't seem to be strong, doesn't it?

There is only immortality, how did you disguise your protoss origin?

I'm very interested in this, can you tell me about it?"

He seemed very interested in Zhou Fangyu.

"Uh, that's just a little disguise of mine, I put my soul on the kobold's body, so that I can control their human body.

Then do a little trick on the soul, in this case, even the master can't tell whether I am a god or a demon. "

The second prince sighed that although he was very curious, he did not continue to ask questions, and if he asked again, he would be a little ignorant of praise. That is the most core skill.

"It's not easy, it's a master-level skill to change the soul, it's magical, magical 々||.""

"By the way, what do you think about the devil world, you have been in the world the longest in the devil world. According to my research, the characteristics of the devil world are very chaotic. I have studied for a long time, and I found that the rules of the devil world are very unpredictable. As if this world is a world of death, as if the way of heaven has died, it's amazing.

The most important thing is that I found that there is a special life form in the God Realm, that thing called the Wood God, that thing seems to be able to supplement the world's demonic energy, that kind of thing is the most terrifying, they are powerful in the Demon Realm. The fundamental...

As soon as the second prince talked about the demon world, he was full of theories.

It seems that he has studied the demon world for a long time, and his familiarity with the demon world is no less than that of a demon clan.

Zhou Fangyu is naturally able to deal with it, his knowledge of the demon world is not comparable to those of the Protoss.

When he transformed into a dog demon king, he was actually a demon clan.

"The wood god is the foundation of the demon world, and I have been trying to clean up these wood gods since I was in the demon world.

But the demons and the wood gods are symbiotic. I have destroyed most of the wood gods, but they were discovered by the demons. Therefore, I was finally chased by the demons, and they were very afraid that the wood gods would be destroyed.

Moreover, as far as I know, without the wood god, the geology of the devil world is completely the same as that of the god world, that is to say, the reason why the devil world is the devil world is not because of his heavenly way, but because of his devilish energy.

Demonic energy has demonized the race and formed the demonic race. This is the root of the demonic race, the demonic energy.

Zhou Fangyu is naturally not to be outdone.

The two discussed and debated happily, and it seemed that their understanding of the demon world became clearer.

Moreover, regarding the purification of demonic energy, they all discussed to see if it could transform demonic energy into divine power.

Seeing that the sky turned from sunny to overcast, in a blink of an eye, a day passed.

This is the second prince, a real scholar who is good at thinking and research.

Yes, if he hadn't been born in the royal family, maybe they could have been good friends.

There are many common topics even when there is.

It is a pity that he was born in the royal family, which is a tragedy.

Wu Shuai also didn't want to disturb them. This was one of the reasons why he liked the second prince. He had always been a pure person and didn't like those ramblings.

Unconsciously, it was already night, and the second prince suddenly woke up, "Hey, is it so late? Teacher, please go back first!

Then he started to clear the table.

It didn't mean to keep them at all.

Zhou Fangyu was speechless, he could see that the second prince didn't understand the world at all, he really didn't have the character that a prince should have.

"En, then we'll leave first." Wu Shuai gave Zhou Fangyu a helpless look, and then took them away from here.

Zhou Fangyu was walking on the road, "Wu Shuai, the second prince is not suitable to be an emperor. If he is an emperor, the decline of the empire will inevitably decline. He is too weak."

It's not that his strength is weak, but his character. If he becomes the emperor, not only will the officials not believe him, but even if he is convinced, if the officials have one or two courtiers, he will never see it. It is impossible to distinguish the real good from the bad, and the entire empire is ultimately delayed.

"Hehe, even if he is not the emperor, the decline of the empire has already begun.

Know why? Because whenever a battle for the imperial throne begins, it's the beginning of a killing.

Every turmoil will lose most of the powerhouses in the empire, and every emperor's upper position depends on slaughtering his upper position.

The reason why Lord Yu would like the second prince is because the second prince is kind, honest and unintentional.

Because such an emperor would not expand the slaughter, allowing the empire to smoothly pass through the renewal and replacement of the emperor.

In this way, the empire can reduce losses.

(Norde good)

However, my lord has the mind of my lord, but the second prince also has the mind of the second prince. He knows that he is not suitable to be the emperor, and has always been unwilling to compete for the throne.

Now it seems that even forcing him to be emperor, it is not necessarily good, it may be worse. 35

Wu Shuai has their considerations.

Zhou Fangyu was speechless, they thought too much, the decline of the empire was definitely not caused by the killing of the emperors of all dynasties.

The decline of the empire has an absolute stake in the rigidity of the nobles in this world, and is caused by the empire's big family's control over the entire empire.

They just didn't see it.

Because of King Yu's suppression, no family dared to take the lead.

But in fact, most of the resources of the empire have already flowed to the major families.

They control the lifeline of the entire empire, and have long since made the entire empire's hematopoietic ability gradually rigid.

This is a common problem of the empires of all ages.

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