In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 590 The Endless Sea Closes the Sea\r

"What should I do?" Zhou Fangyu had never been here before, and he didn't dare to command casually. The cardinal should have the most say.

"It stands to reason that we should not move, as long as we wait here, we will meet the Farstrider sooner or later.

That is, the merchant ships to and from many worlds.

However, the time has come to close the endless sea.

We must find a way to find an island for refuge. "

"What is the closed sea?" Zhou Fangyu asked suspiciously.

This was the first time he had heard of it.

"In the endless sea, there is a saying of opening the sea and closing the sea.

Opening the sea is at this point in time. We can sail at will, and we are not afraid of being caught by sea beasts. Basically, except for resisting the wind and waves, there is basically no danger.

But if the sea is closed, it is dangerous.

The sea beasts in this sea will become extremely active and kill, and sailing at sea is almost certain to die.

We didn't have a boat either, but with so many people together, it was a natural sign of food at sea.

Wu Shiling smiled, "Then we can fly to the sky!"

He said and flew into the air.

However, when he flew away from the sea, he fell down.

"Huh? Why can't you fly?" Wu Shiling wondered.

Wu Qifeng slapped his ear and fanned it.

"Let you read more, read more, no shame, no shame, this is the endless sea, if you can fly, it will be called the endless sea, there are no flight rules here, stupid bird.

Yes, he was right, it is almost impossible to fly here, because there are no such rules here, and the natural enemies of the sea beasts are only themselves.

Those birds simply couldn't get here.

"Cough cough, what is in the sky?" Zhou Fangyu coughed twice, looking at the air in confusion.

I saw an incomparably huge cyan bird flashed by, and then disappeared far away.

"Hahaha, Dad, didn't you say there are no flight rules々||?" Wu Shiling laughed and looked at Dad with contempt.

Everyone burst out laughing, this slap in the face hurts!

"Hmph, what do you know, this is the overlord of beasts, the fairy of birds, the god of chaos, the god of chaos, who can only fly in this endless sea with his own rules, do you think you have that ability?""Wu Qifeng Another ear scraper swiped over, with a thud.

Zhou Fangyu pulled Wu Qifeng and covered his forehead, this is your second son, you are going to beat him up.

This is definitely the father.

"Let's go, we must find the island early, the endless sea is too big, it is too difficult to find the island." Mu Haimuhong had to remind them that they must set off now.

Who knows when a suitable island will be found.

Although they can walk on the sea, it also consumes divine power. The endless sea is so big, if they can't find a place to settle as soon as possible, it will also consume them to death.

As for hiding in the sea.

That's even more impossible.

Because in the endless sea, there is a rule, that is, when the sea is open, you cannot go under the sea.

That is likely to disturb the sleeping sea beast, isn't that just courting death?

So no one mentions it.

A group of people ran fast on the sea, causing ripples all the way.

This endless sea is really not small.

After walking continuously for more than a day, the sun and moon on the sea have alternated, but I still haven't found anything like an island.

"It's over, it's over, the sea is going to be closed." Mu Haimuhong was a little desperate, he looked at the sky, and if the day passes today, the sea will really be closed.

That is a closed sea. There are endless beasts and sea beasts attacking, and none of them can resist.

No one was interested in speaking.

They were all busy on their way. Although Zhou Fangyu really wanted to see what he looked like after closing the sea, he still didn't stimulate everyone.

How many are the infinite sea beasts? He was puzzled.

Sure enough, in the almost endless endless sea, they still did not find the island in the end.

Seeing Shuhai appeared immediately.

The cardinals and their followers showed despair, but even so, everyone gathered together and prepared to resist the sea beasts.

"Everyone, although it is unfortunate, I still hope that you can persevere. In case of a miracle, I will open the sacred barrier and buy time for everyone. All the gods are prepared. Let's try to reduce the defense circle as much as possible. , It's up to everyone to see how long they can resist. Mu Haimu's blushing face is solemn, although there is no doubt that he will die.

But still struggling.

Zhou Fangyu looked around curiously, "Is this the closed sea? It doesn't feel like it?"

Because in his perception, there is no change here!

"It hasn't come yet, it will come in a while, aren't you nervous?" Mu Haim asked in surprise.

"..What are you nervous about, we won't die." Zhou Fangyu said as a matter of course, "By the way, is the sea beast strong? Is there a god-king level? Shouldn't there be a master level? No, right? It's just a group of beasts, at most it is immortal or eternal, even if it is strong, so there is nothing to be afraid of, such a large sea area, those sea beasts will not stare at us.

According to his calculations, even if this sea area is endless, it is impossible for all sea beasts to stare at them, and there must be other life forms.

In other words, they may also kill each other for food, so why must they all stare at them?

Even if he is staring at it, he believes that it is not a big problem to persist until the sea is opened.

He has this self-confidence, defense is not guaranteed to die, as long as it is planned reasonably, with his resources, there will be no problems against him for a few years.

He has this confidence and this ability.

"Hey, you don't know anything about the sea. 33 Mu Haimuhong shook his head in despair, this young man is too wild.

(promised Zhao)

"Hehe, you don't know anything about me. 33 After Zhou Fangyu said this, he didn't say more, but stared at the bottom of the sea and watched the changes in the closed sea.

Not long after, a gust of sea breeze blew across the water, ripples rose, and then Zhou Fangyu felt an incomparably cool feeling hit, this feeling, as if something penetrated the bone, he seemed to Something shaved off of himself.

But upon closer inspection, nothing has changed.

"This is the savage wind, which will take away the sleeping rules here, and all the sea beasts will wake up. Mu Haimuhong's low voice sounded.

Then, endless beast chirping sounded throughout the seabed.

The beast chirping that should not have existed in the first place spread throughout the space.

It seems that these sea beasts have been suppressed for too long and need to be released, and the space is shaken when they come.

"They're coming." Mu Haimuhong looked at the underwater tremblingly.

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