In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 596 The way home, Zhou Fangyu's hole card\r

"How long have you lived here? When did you come here?"

"you are?"

The Protoss old man was stunned for a moment, and looked at Zhou Fangyu suspiciously.

"I got lost in the endless sea and found this place by accident.

I'm sorry to tell you that this sea beast is my friend, so don't be afraid.

"Are you sent by the Protoss to save us?

Great powerhouse, we have been trapped here for too long, is the Protoss okay? Does the Protoss still exist?""

Zhou Fengyu could not laugh or cry, the Protoss must exist, the Protoss has always existed.

look at them. Zhou Fangyu asked him. "How long have you been here? I think your cultivation is very high."

Yes, he could see that these people are in the immortal realm at the lowest level, which is terrifying. You must know that the entire Protoss has so many dislikes, but there are so many here.

And this old man looked trembling, as if he was about to die, but he was not really worse than that.

Yes, he may be stronger than the sea beast, he is at least the master level combat power, of course, just talking about his strategy, because of the special rules here, they are not the real master, even if they can beat the master, they will eventually die. In the hands of the master chicken, because the master level is blessed by the rules of heaven.

"Great powerhouse, we have been here for hundreds of thousands of years, and you are actually able to be friends with the Sea God. Great, can you let the Sea God lead us out of here?"

Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment, he had never thought about this issue, because he knew that after opening the sea, the sea beasts would fall asleep here.

"Great powerhouse, if Sea God can lead us away, we will offer all our 930 sacrifices."

But. He didn't dare to leave either, the endless sea was too dangerous.

"Great powerhouse, we know what you mean, although it is indeed very dangerous, but if the sea god really agrees with us to leave, this is our only chance.

After opening the sea, although we will be safe, we will be lost in the entire endless sea.

Although we are in a great position now, we can have a direction.

Yes, here we can find a suitable direction to set off towards the realm of the gods. "9

Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment, could he actually find the coordinates of the God Realm? What a twist.

"If you can really go back, then you have indeed made a great contribution.

Zhou Fangyu looked at them admiringly.

"I can really go back to the old man to assure you."

Zhou Fangyu nodded, he knew that the old man would not lie to him, because it was meaningless, they also wanted to leave here, on this island precarious, although so many survived, but there are too many Protoss, too few resources, they Frequent blows to the head for these resources.

There is still room for him to be alive, but if he dies, the Protoss may be wiped out in internal friction.

So for himself and for President Shen, they all need to go out.

Zhou Fangyu doesn't know what he thinks, but their interests are the same.

"I still have some friends, I will pick them up, and we will discuss the countermeasures together. 95

"Okay, we are waiting for you here, I will also clean up here, sigh, after staying for a long time, I still have some feelings.

They acted independently, Zhou Fangyu went back to pick up Wu Qifeng and the others.

The old man is also sorting out the various resources of these Protoss.

Although the resources here are few, they are all top-level resources, because in the endless sea, various products are actually very rich, if you can go down and fish out a fortune when you open the sea.

It's enough for you to live a long time in the blue sea.

Of course, in most cases no one dares to go to sea, because you don't know what kind of correspondence you will disturb, that is, them. Poseidon in the mouth.

Soon they gathered together, Wu Qifeng and the others did not expect that there would be wind, and the day turned around.

When the cardinal saw the old man.

He was stunned for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Is the ancestor you?"

The old man was also stunned, "You belong to the Muheim family."

Muhaimuhong nodded, "I am Muhaimuhong, the thirteenth generation descendant of the Muhaimu family. 35

"Haha, the Muhaimu family still exists.

Great, great. "He was very emotional.

Muhammad is also very excited.

Seeing them hug Chao Fangyu, he was very helpless.

"Okay, now is not the time to reminisce, we need to leave here quickly, this place is not safe, do you want to continue to be trapped here for the rest of your life?"

The two let go of each other.

"Sir, what should we do?"

"Of course get out of here.

Old man, what are you talking about? How can I find the coordinates of the God Realm?"

"When the sea is closed, the endless sea will have a special channel, and the ocean current will follow this channel, and we can go to various worlds.

Of course this is at the bottom of the sea, and I have tried countless times to return to the realm of the gods through this ocean current.

But in the end, they all failed, because I found that although I was very strong, I still had no way to face those sea beasts.

There are too many sea beasts here, and they are too many to look forward to, and they only rely on instinct to move and cannot communicate at all. "

Zhou Fangyu nodded and it was true, most of these sea beasts just have instincts, it is extremely rare for him to be able to wake up a sea beast.

First of all, when you enter the soul space, you cannot come out again, because you cannot engrave nodes on your soul.

This is the power of the system, relying on the soul engraving, he can find Zhou Fangyu, but others can't.

Under the leadership of the old man, they headed towards the ocean current. Although there are still many sea beasts around, they can resist it, because this friend of Zhou Fengyu is considered to be the strongest among the sea beasts.

Their speed is very fast, and there are more and more sea beasts around. Although they are said to be very strong, they are still attacked, because in the hearts of these sea beasts, there is only food and no strong enemies.

Yes, these sea beasts gathered together as if they were invincible, slaughtering like crazy.

But if they encounter a powerful presence, they will go away in a hurry.

Zhou Fangyu and the others don't know how many waves of sea beasts they killed.

In the end, they were still surrounded by a group of sea beasts, unable to break through.

"My friends, I will send you out, you can escape.

These nasty carnivores are horrible. "

Zhou Fangyu shook his head, "My friend, I will not give up on you. 35

He knew he had to come up with his trick.

He also has endless kobolds.

He still has many oracles, and this time he is going to bleed a lot.

Zhou Fangyu directly summoned his mysterious race, and all the oracles were under his summons.

A great array rose up.

The human race finally exerted their powerful attacking power.

During these years of training, the Protoss has become stronger and stronger, with an immortal-level combat power. more and more.

In the face of these sea beasts, they were fearless, and they were sent out one after another terrifying attack, but they were still unable to break through. The sea beasts here were still too strong.

Zhou Fangyu knew that if it went on like this, he would definitely die.

The most critical moment came, and he knew that if he had no choice, they would die here.

"" Summoned the Twelve Ancestors and Wudu, the gods and gods, and summoned the real body of Pangu. 33

A huge powerhouse appeared here. As if standing upright, he grabbed those sea beasts in his hands, and the terrifying power directly crushed them into flesh.

In the face of such a strong man, we still left in a hurry, and the terrifying coercion made them instinctively feel fear.

This is the real power.

He is also the first time to summon the real body of Pangu. This is not the fake Pangu real body, but the real Pangu front, which is a powerhouse who can open up the world.

Facing such a strong man, these sea beasts shivered like ants.

"Oh my God, Zhou Fangyu is so powerful."

"It's terrible, I don't dare to mess with him anymore, it's too strong. 35

"Father, shall we be more respectful to him in the future? 35

"Nonsense, I will call you uncle in the future. Dear uncle.""

"Okay dad, this is my uncle."

With everyone's exclamation, Zhou Fangyu took them out of here.

The sea beast took them through the currents. Whenever there is danger, Pangu's real body will be summoned.

Each summoning consumes Zhou Fang and a lot of divine power. Although his divine power is almost endless, summoning Pangu's real body still brings him great pressure.

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