In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 804 Zhunti's Conspiracy (2)\r

Chapter 804 Zhunti's Conspiracy (2)

With this special physique, there are no three disasters and five declines, so whether it will awaken the memory of the past life is not even clear.

As for Emperor Donghua, he was also reincarnated after reincarnation. Although he was no longer regarded as his previous life after reincarnation, as long as his memory is awakened, this causal line, as long as one party has a heart, will trigger the formation of human calamity.

Otherwise, the Flood Dragon would not be implicated in Donghua.

Donghua is a disciple that Taiqing cares more about than Xuandu. One is because of his identity, the pure yang of heaven and earth speaks, and his status is noble. In addition to the reincarnation of Duke Dong, what can be said about his minimum limit? Said to be able to reach the level of the East Prince.

Maybe there is still a chance to achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

11 Xuandu is still only a first-time entry into Da Luo, and he can only be said to be a small role among Da Luo in the great wasteland.

For the sake of Emperor Donghua's path, Yang Zhao could not stay.

Then he sent a message to Xuandu, and asked Xuandu to transmit his voice to Marshal Tianpeng.

This is just Taiqing's random move, and it doesn't matter to him, but it just throws a creature into reincarnation again. As a saint, this move can be regarded as maintaining the stability of the world.

Marshal Tianpeng is a little depressed now. As a third-generation disciple of the People's Sect, his identity is indeed noble. The weapon in his hand is a nine-toothed nail rake, which was refined in the gossip furnace of the Taiqing master, and it is an acquired spiritual treasure. .

Usually in the Heavenly Court, it is considered to be dutiful, but I didn't expect that I would get the order of the Jade Emperor. Now Haotian is no longer called the Heavenly Emperor, but the Jade Emperor. The reason? Or because I feel that this Heavenly Emperor's order is too taboo How could he dare to be compared with the heavens, to know that the heavens can also be called the way of heaven.

The order is quite simple, go down to the world to arrest people, and he also went down to the world to catch some demon clan witch clan who refused to accept the discipline of the heavenly court.

But this time the target is different, but the Jade Emperor's sister Yao Ji, the eldest princess of the heaven.

He knows his own cultivation base, it is absolutely impossible to do it, but this time the Jade Emperor has let him take charge of the 100,000 soldiers of the heavens. This place is more powerful than the Tianhe Navy.

What surprised Marshal Tianpeng even more was the fact that even the Tianluodiwang formation was moved out. This was a heavenly method used to catch some big demons.

The last thing that caused Marshal Tianpeng to be in a dilemma was to send everyone in the Yang family into Samsara.

Now Tian Peng also knows that Yao Ji violated the rules of the sky and married a mortal. The marriage is a tradition left by the wedding of the Heavenly Emperor Dijun and Xihe of the Yaotian in ancient times.

Then, during the reign of the emperor of the human race, Fuxi and Nuwa spread widely among the human race.

However, this is not the case among the vast number of monks in the prehistoric wilderness. Most of them are cultivating, unless it is for reproduction, but there is no need for a big marriage, and it is not meaningful for the combination of Emperor Jun and Xi and Yin and Yang.

Therefore, marriage is not popular in the prehistoric circle, and only the human race.

Originally, he was still struggling with what to do, and then Tianpeng got the voice transmission of his teacher again. That's all, then Yang Zhao must die. As for the reason, Tianpeng can't guess.

Yaoji's family is also getting closer and closer to Shennong City, and there are more and more monks they meet, but Yaoji's heart beats even more fiercely.

In Haohai Realm, a guest was welcomed. 46

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