In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 841 Jinxia Cave Jade Cauldron Real Person (1)\r

Chapter 841 Jinxia Cave Jade Cauldron Real Person (1)

Jinxia Cave, Yuquan Mountain, is a small cave, where it is used as a Taoist temple for teaching the real person on the jade tripod.

At the beginning, the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family developed their own development, and Yang Jian also joined the real person of Chanjiao Yuding, and was bestowed by Yuanshi Tianzun with Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

Master Yuding looked at Yang Jian who was cultivating in the distance, and was quite relieved. He also thought in his heart that he was worthy of being an immortal. Although it was extremely difficult to cultivate the nine-turn Xuangong, it was also an entry point with Yang Jian's aptitude.

On that day, he felt good and felt that he would have a disciple, but Yu Ding did not expect that the identity of the other party would be so unusual, and even the teacher himself paid attention to it.

"This nine-turn Xuan Gong is based on the method of the physical body. It seems that I still need to prepare a good weapon for my disciple." Regarding the taboo of Yang Jian's identity, Yu Ding was not worried at all.

Of course, such a big move by the Heavenly Court cannot be concealed from the practitioners in the Great Desolation, but even if the other party is a "criminal" arrested by the Heavenly Court, as long as they worship him, they will naturally be sheltered.

Now the disciples of the original saints are also growing up slowly. Although they are not as good as some monster clan great saints, they are also famous, not to mention that they have helped the Yellow Emperor and fixed the human race.

The name of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao is still circulating in the wild, not to mention that there are still two Golden Immortals in Chanjiao, who are blindly burning lamps, and the other is the South Pole, one of the four imperial palaces in heaven. Longevity Emperor.

Intercepting the sect is in the East China Sea, and there is no communication between the three sects, and the details of the two sides are not very clear.

Looking at Yang Jian who was still cultivating, Master Yuding went straight out of the dojo and headed towards Zhongnan Mountain. He wanted to prepare a good weapon for Yang Jian. There was an immortal in the teaching, who was good at refining weapons.

His apprentice is no better than the Yellow Emperor, and there is a master who refines treasures for him. Yu Ding can't trouble the teacher for such a thing, and he himself is not good at refining tools, so naturally he can only choose to ask others to help.

Another virtuous immortal Yun Zhongzi of Chanjiao lived in the Yuzhu Cave of Zhongnan Mountain. Yun Zhongzi was only a named disciple, but his cultivation was not bad at all. Now he is also a Jinxian.

Immortal Yuding was about to go out, but unexpectedly, someone happened to come to visit him.

"Senior brother." Huang Long gave a salute.

"Junior brother, why do you have time to come to my Jinxia Cave? 35 When the Taoist Huanglong came to visit, Yu Ding temporarily gave up going out and led him into the dojo.

Although the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao are both brothers, they also have their own friendships, such as the real Yuding and Huanglong Daoist, Guangchengzi and Taiyi real person, Cihang and Manjushri and Samantabhadra.

"Senior brother, I just came out of retreat this time, and the Dragon Gate will also be opened in the near future, so I am not cultivating, but go out for a trip. I happened to pass by the 187 dojo near the senior brother, and plan to visit one or two, and I heard that the senior brother I received a disciple and just came to have a look. Daoist Huanglong just came out of the retreat.

Yu Ding made a calculation after hearing the words, and it was indeed close to the time when the Dragon Gate opened.

This Dragon Gate Trial Huanglong Daoist will participate every time, because it will temper the dragon blood in his body, and it is also the only way for him to cultivate.

Speaking of the status of Huanglong Zhenren in the Chan sect, not to mention low, but among the twelve golden immortals of Chan sect, it can be said to be at the bottom, and one reason is also because of his identity as a dragon.

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