Chapter 861 Returning to the City (1)

At this time, the pure water can only choose to stop. Yang Chan's arrival was unexpected. Although Yang Chan has the cultivation base of Jinxian, there is also a gap between Jinxian and Jinxian, especially the human race. Jinxian and Yaozu Jinxian.

But Yang Chan, who is holding the lotus lantern, is afraid that he is also the top existence among the golden immortals. From the application of the lotus lantern by the other party, it is also obvious to tell the water that the other party's manipulation of the lotus lantern is not weak. of.

"Little girl, is that you?" Yang Jian still couldn't believe it. The little girl appeared in front of him so easily. He originally thought that it would take him a long time to find the little girl, but of course the other one didn't. What I dare to believe is that Yang Chan's cultivation is actually higher than him.

As for Fang Yu and Jiu Jianxian on the side, they were quite surprised that the other party turned out to be Yang Chan's brother.

Perhaps because of Zhou Fangyu, although the general situation in the Great Desolation has not undergone major changes, it has finally changed a lot. Not bad practice.

Although her heart was filled with joy, Yang Chan quickly stopped the tears of excitement and joy, and looked at Fang Yu and Jiu Jianxian.

Although it was late, he could guess a thing or two about the situation here.

"I would also like to thank the two fellow Daoists for their help." Yang Chan naturally recognized each other, it was Fang Yu and Jiu Jianxian who had a relationship with her at the beginning.

"It's just a hands-on effort."

Yang Chan quickly looked at Jingshui again. At this time, she was no longer the Yang Chan she used to be. Not to mention her status in the Nuwa Temple is not low. In addition, she has accumulated good deeds in the human race to save people over the years. Some kind of "potential" exists.

Jingshui did not expect that Yang Chan, who was only a little cultivated at the beginning, would actually have the strength to talk to himself in a short period of time. Of course, Yang Jian's strength is also not bad.

It's only been a few decades, and this is actually the case, and I secretly thought: Could this be the talent of the son of heaven and man?

"I have seen Daoist Pure Water, I don't know why you are embarrassing me and other human races. You must know that Shennong City and Haohaijie are not allowed to do anything easily. This is an iron rule. Does Daoist regard the rules of Ruo Shui Daxian as nothing?"

The name of Purifying Water is also a good name in the vicinity of Shennong City. One is that it is not embarrassing with the human race, but there are transactions from time to time. The water of the Pure Water River is not forbidden for the human race to ingest. When she first arrived, she was still confused Doubt about his brother.

Of course, Yang Chan could also see that the other party did not use violence and was still very gentle.

So Yang Chan still needs to ask one or two questions.

"Hey! This is the point, I have nothing to say, I will go to Haohai Realm to ask Ruoshui Daxian to punish. Jingshui speaks directly to return to Jingshui River, and doesn't say much, he knows that the reward of this heaven is 200. Can't get it.

Seeing that the clean water left directly, Yang Chan was not easy to stop her, but what happened?

Yang Chan looked at her brother again.

"He wanted to arrest him and receive a reward from Heaven, so he never used any real means. 39 Seeing Xiaomei's doubts, Yang Jian also explained it.

"So it is!" Yang Chan said she understood.

Yang Chan also understands a thing or two about the bounty released by the Heavenly Court. The bounty among them is indeed a rare thing for many monks, not to mention Sanguang Shenshui, there are even some broken star cores Such strange things.

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