Chapter 863 Ideas (Part 1)

"After all, we are both members of the human race, so we naturally help each other in times of difficulty." Fang Yudao, the human race he has rescued over the years has been no less than a hundred people, and today is just an ordinary help, but it is because the identity of the other party seems to be somewhat different. There seems to be some difference.

"I take the liberty to ask, I dare to ask friends who have offended the river god for some reason. Looking at the river god's behavior, it seems that he is not a monk who opposes the human race like me, and he is close to Shennong City..." Jiu Jian Xian asked Xiang Yang Jian.

In his opinion, it might be that Yang Jian had offended the river god for some reason. Of course, the last action of the pure water river god also made Jiujianxian not understand, and it seemed that it was not what he thought, so he was a little curious now.

"This!" Hearing Jiujianxian's question 200, Yang Jian really didn't know what to say.

After all, his identity is very sensitive, and he seems a little shy, but the other party helps him, and he is so secretive and seems to be invisible.

It was Yang Chan who broke Yang Jian's embarrassment.

Knowing the embarrassment of her brother, Yang Chan felt that there was no need to be rude to the two fellow Daoists in front of her. Although they had only met a few times, the other party had the same kind of humanistic will as she did. generation.

Relying on her own knowledge of medicine, Yang Chan has cured many human races. Although she did not go to the water treatment like Fang Yu and Jiujianxian, she was recognized by the human race and cared for by her free and humanitarian will.

This is also the reason why he has a golden immortal cultivation base but will not be oppressed by the human will to enter the human race city.

"The River God of Pure Water has a good reputation near Shennong City, and this time he suppressed my brother for the reward of heaven. 35

Bounty? Fang Yu and Jiujianxian really don't know what kind of bounty they are offering, but if they can be offered a bounty by Heaven, then I'm afraid Yang Jian is not easy. some understanding.

"You may not be unfamiliar with the two fellow Daoists in the Heavenly Court, so naturally you also know that Heavenly Court has the existence of the Heavenly Rule." Yang Chan is not shy about telling the story of her family, and now she has the ability to protect herself.

A paragraph of immortal love was slowly described in Yang Chan's mouth.

And Jiujianxian and Fang Yu did not expect such a situation, the other party would be the son of heaven and man, of course, there are surprises, but they are not so shocking, after all, these things have also appeared in the world of Immortal Sword. of.

Of course, the difference is that the Heavenly Court is more strict than the God Realm of the Immortal Sword World, and the other party is the younger sister of the Heavenly Emperor, which is even more extraordinary.

Recalling the parting of life and death that day, Yang Chan also shed a little tear, which fell on the ground to form a crystal, while Yang Jian clenched his fists tightly, and his heart was full of resentment. On that day, the emperor slashed with a thousand swords to avenge his brother and father.

It is also because Yuanshi Tianzun helps Yang Jian, otherwise he thinks so much about Haotian in his heart, I am afraid that Haotian would have sensed it and killed him directly.

"I didn't expect it to be like this. Fellow Daoist Yang Chan, I would like to express my condolences." Jiu Jianxian sighed.

The other party is the emperor of heaven. This tragedy has already happened, and it is impossible to change. Fang Yu doesn't know what to say about Yang Jian's desire to save his mother.

Yang Chan and Yang Jian themselves were wanted by Heavenly Court, and trying to rescue their mother was tantamount to being an enemy of Heavenly Court, and they would put themselves in Heavenly Court's eyes.

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