In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 894 Heavenly Demon Wave Xun (Part 2)\r

Chapter 894 Heavenly Demon Wave Xun (Part 2)

Of course, this time to save Yuanqiu, it is not his own strength, but the power of the flood water system and the nine ancestors of the ancestors. Otherwise, he would really like to be so silent and bring Yuanqiu to Yunmengze. Can't do it.

Hearing Yuan Qiu's words, Yang Zhao stopped talking.

This is not something that can be solved in a few words.

It's as if he has no qualifications to speak to the other party now.

However, as long as the task given by the nine sons of Zulong is completed, there is a great chance that the mother's matter can be resolved.

"You can leave by yourself, but this Emperor Donghua is a disciple of the Taiqing sage. It may be unfavorable to entangle with him." Yang Zhao said.

"I would like to thank the senior for your help." Knowing that this senior is unwilling to show up, and Taiqing's reputation is also very big, I am afraid that he does not want to offend the saint. gesture and let the other person help you.

Yang Zhao just watched Yuan Qiu leave, and then he also left towards the human race.

On the outskirts of the Great Wilderness, separated from Chaos, in an invisible world, a black robe sits on a lotus pedestal. This is a gray world, and countless black shadows can be seen wandering in various shapes.

This black robe seems to have no shape, or it is a mortal, or an ordinary creature, or a fairy, or a divine beast.

But the final form is a young man.

"When I became enlightened that day, the three clears were interfering with each other. Now I am the master of the demons, but I have nothing to do with the three clears, but it doesn't mean that the things of the day are just let go." This is the ancestor of Ming He, who has already achieved Hunyuan.

Of course, his other title now is the Lord of the Demons, that is, the Extraterritorial Demons.

However, because of Hongjun, the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, and the danger of his Heavenly Demons to the Great Desolation, the enlightened ancestor Ming He could no longer enter the Great Desolation, unless he entered the world as a clone.

However, even entering the Great Wilderness as a clone would attract the attention of the saint.


A black figure immediately appeared below the Styx and knelt to the ground.

"Meet the ancestors." Although Ming He has now become the master of the demons, Bo Xun has not changed his original title and still calls Ming He the ancestor.


And Styx did not correct it either.

When he first became enlightened, Bo Xun died directly, and he would not be resurrected after Styx became enlightened.

And it's no longer the original Ashura Bosun, and now it should be called the Demon Bosun.

It can be said that in this extraterritorial demon world, in addition to Styx, Bo Xun is the most powerful.

There are countless demons in the extraterritorial demons, but apart from Styx, the lord of the demons, only Bo Xun is called the demon.

As an extraterrestrial demon, it can be said that there are very few existences such as Bo Xun that can lead him to enter the prehistoric wilderness and become the existence of his calamity, but recently, there is one worthy of Bo Xun's shot.

"Since the establishment of the Heavenly Demon Realm, it can be said that it is rare in the wild. I am afraid that several fellow Daoists have almost forgotten this seat." Ming He said.

Don't look at Styx River that can't enter the flood, but as long as there are creatures born in the flood and demons will generate demons, then Styx will instantly sense, and all kinds of demons in the demon world will directly "fall into the world" and become their inner demons. robbery.


And this time Styx simply planned to let Bo Xun take the shot himself.

"Now there is another Daoist friend who is about to take that half step in the flood. Styx has something to say.

"The ancestor said that Emperor Donghua?" Bo Xun said.

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