In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 902: Ten Days in the Sky (Part 2)\r

Chapter 902: Ten Days in the Sky (Part 2)

And Mi Luo Gong looked at the happy tears of the three people in the Haotian Mirror, and for some reason it was even more angry.

There was a hint of coldness in Haotian's eyes.

"Since you choose to continue to entangle with them, then don't blame me for being ruthless.

Originally, it only needed to be suppressed for thousands of years, and this matter has passed, but now Haotian can no longer be merciful, otherwise, where is the majesty of his Heavenly Emperor, and where is the Heavenly Rule.

I don't even plan to summon any heavenly soldiers or generals.

Since they are all together, they can all be sent into reincarnation.

He took out a bracelet from his hand and threw it directly into the Haotian Mirror.

Originally, Fang Yu and others wanted to rely on the past and wish them a blessing.

11 "Wait!" was stopped by Jiujian Xian and Shuiyue Xianzihe.

A scorching force appeared in the sky above Momoyama, illuminating the surroundings brightly, and the surrounding temperature increased sharply, and it started to ignite in the void, and even worse, it scorched the entire earth.

"There are 10 suns in the sky." Lin Yue looked up at the sky in surprise.

When Fang Yu and the others heard the words, they looked up at the sky and found that it was indeed the case.

"I'm afraid it was the voice of the Heavenly Emperor just now, and the power of the Heavenly Emperor is unfathomable. 35 If this is in the world of Immortal Sword, but something I can't even think about, the gap between the Heavenly Emperor is too big.

"Cough cough!" Yao Ji was confused by the sudden heat.

After all, the mana has been banned for many years, and the body is also somewhat damaged.

"Second brother, that is." At this time, the strangeness in the sky was naturally discovered by Yang Chan.

It should be said that it was seen very clearly by the monks in the entire flood.

10 little suns appeared in the sky.

Some who lived a little longer couldn't help but murmured, "Ten days turned into the sky."

However, it was different from the original Ten Days. This time, it didn't bring disaster to the flood and scorch the earth.

This is the Lingbao gifted by Zhou Fangyu at the beginning. After so many years of the sun tour, the power has also improved a lot.

Of course, Haotian did not directly cast the Golden Crow Formation.

Haotian's eyes narrowed.

The chains that were originally chopped by Yang Jian were restored immediately, and Yao Ji was immediately locked on the entire stone platform again.

There were also a few extra chains, which were locked towards Yang Chan and Yang Jian.

But one was the axe in Yang Jian's hand, and the other was automatically protected by the lotus lantern.

"Mother." Yang Jian saw that Yao Ji was locked again, and immediately slashed at the chain with a mountain-opening axe.

"Ping, ding!" Unfortunately, only such a voice could be heard.

This time Haotian paid attention, how could this chain be broken.

"The lotus lantern! Nian Haotian looked at the spiritual treasure in Yang Chan's hand, his expression unclear.

If they didn't know what was going on at this time, they would be idiots.

Especially Yao Ji, seeing the ten suns in the sky, she knew that it was the big brother who shot, but she still showed mercy, at least she didn't kill her at the beginning.

And the power of ten suns is also limited by Haotian near Taoshan, and does not affect other places.

"Brother 233, I am willing to be punished for committing a crime, and please spare my two children. Yao Ji said towards the sky, and I only hope that Haotian will be merciful.

Now this matter is not just a private matter of Tiandi's family, how could he let it go.

And the existence of the other party is indeed to shake the existence of heaven.

Haotian didn't answer, but the power of the ten suns has increased a lot, and the meaning is quite obvious.

This heat made the entire Peach Mountain near the void to create a fire, and countless flames were generated.

"Let's retreat for the time being, this is not something we can intervene in." Fairy Shuiyue led Fang Yu and the others to retreat.

Fang Yu and others are helpless towards Yang Jian and Yang Chan.

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