In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 913 Violating the Heavenly Rule (1)\r

Chapter 913 Violating the Heavenly Rule (1)

The chain appeared suddenly, and the two were directly bound. They wanted to break free, but their mana turned out to be blocked all over the body.

Then they felt a huge force appear, and Emperor Donghua and Fairy Peony were directly carried away by this giant force and disappeared into the space of the stone house. The fluctuation of the space dared to sweep the whole body. Fairy Peony has already appeared in the center of Lingxiao Palace.

The group of immortals in the hall did not expect that the Heavenly Emperor would make such a decisive move, and as soon as he made his move, he would capture the Emperor Donghua of the Golden Immortal Realm in such a light-hearted manner and bring it to the Lingxiao Palace.

It also allowed the immortals to see the power of Haotian.

Of course, Haotian still mainly used the power of the Heavenly Emperor.

"Heavenly Emperor, Fangzhu." Fairy Peony immediately became nervous when she saw the surroundings. Has this been discovered? If it is just overdue, although it is a violation of the heavenly rules, it is still relatively light compared to Yaoji's case. of.

But Yaoji's affair has not passed long. At this sensitive moment, her affair with Emperor Donghua can be said to have hit the muzzle.

On the contrary, Emperor Donghua was very silent. Seeing the cold-faced Heavenly Emperor above, he knew that this matter might not be so easy to solve.

"Fairy Peony, you are overdue and you have violated the law, but you have something to say~"


"I...I have nothing to say." Fairy Peony fell to her knees, as if she had already accepted her fate.

It is naturally impossible for Fairy Peony to say that it was because of Emperor Donghua's affairs that she delayed her return to the heavenly court.

"Then you will be removed from the immortal status and suppressed in the heavenly prison for ten thousand years."

Just after Haotian finished his punishment for Fairy Peony, Emperor Donghua hurriedly spoke.

"Heavenly Emperor, please wait a second, there is another reason why the Peony Fairy did not return after the due date.⁹9

When Emperor Donghua said this, Fairy Peony looked at each other in surprise.

"I prayed for the help of Fairy Peony because of the water control of the human race. 35 Emperor Donghua said.

"This is not the reason why she is greedy for the mortal world." What is waiting is for you to speak. If Emperor Donghua did not speak directly, or denied the matter with Fairy Peony, Haotian would not be able to force the other party to take action.

"Also, Emperor Donghua, although you are a loose immortal in the heavenly court, and the constraints of the heavenly rules are not great for you, you are still an immortal in the heavenly court, and you must not act arbitrarily. already."

"This matter is my fault. If the Emperor wants to punish me, he will punish me." Emperor Donghua said when he heard the words.

"..The Emperor of Heaven, I don't care about the matter of the immortals of Donghua, I violated the laws privately." Fairy Peony interrupted.

In fact, at this time, the immortals in the hall have already discovered some clues. From the scene seen in the Clear Sky Mirror just now, it is no longer a simple problem of overdue return.

Instead, it involves the affair between men and women, but unlike Yaoji's cooked rice, Haotian is naturally not good (is it) to intervene in the primary stage of Emperor Donghua and Fairy Peony.

But now that Emperor Donghua and Fairy Peony want to take the blame on themselves, they are naturally different.

And Taijinxing had already guessed Haotian's idea a little.

"Since you said that, I also have something I want to ask you. Speaking of which, Haotian's tone became cold, and the atmosphere in the hall became tense.

Haotian Mirror is still standing in the Lingxiao Palace.

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