In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 922: The List of Conferred Gods (Part 2)\r

Chapter 922: The List of Conferred Gods (Part 2)

The palace gate opened, and a golden ladder spread to Haotian's feet.

Haotian knelt down again and said, "Thank you for your mercy.

When I came to the hall, it was still the Zixiao Palace that had been given up, and Hongjun Daozu was still sitting cross-legged on the high platform.

Kneeling again on a futon.

"I also ask the master to have mercy and withdraw the disciple's position as the emperor of heaven, so that Haotian can return to the Zixiao Palace to serve the master again."

Hongjun opened his eyes and looked at Haotian below. Haotian seemed to have seen through everything, trembled slightly, and didn't even dare to look up.

"Now that you are the Supreme Emperor of Heaven, don't make such a gesture to tarnish the majesty of the Heavenly Emperor." Hong Jun's voice did not contain any emotion.

Haotian directly kowtowed three times and said: "Since the master was enthroned as the emperor of heaven, this disciple has been trembling with fear, striving to maintain the heavenly court and preside over the laws of the three realms, but there is a serious shortage of manpower in the heavenly court, it is difficult to reflect the majesty of the heavenly court, and it is impossible to restrain the monks in the flood and wilderness. Even the disciples of the three sects have repeatedly violated the heavenly rule, and they have also been stopped by several saints.

"I also ask the master to withdraw the disciple's position as the emperor of heaven, and let several sage brothers choose the position of the emperor of heaven. 35

Hearing that, Daozu Hongjun said indifferently: "Haotian, I already know this matter, and I have my own decision on the matter of Heavenly Court. 35 After he finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Haotian had to obediently stand in the Zixiao Palace and wait for Daozu Hongjun's return.

After Hongjun Daozu finished speaking, he sent out five jade talismans and flew towards the location of Sanqing, Nuwa Empress and the Second Saint of the West.

Not long after, Sanqing, Mother Nuwa, and the two Western saints all received letters from Daozu, and they all came to Zixiao Palace to listen to Daozu's decree.

When Sanqing entered the hall, he had already discovered Haotian, who had turned into a boy, and a trace of disdain flashed in the heart of Tianzun Yuanshi.

There were six futons in the Zixiao Palace, and the six saints sat down according to the position where the Zixiao Palace preached.

"Have you seen the teacher?

On the contrary, Hongjun glanced slightly in the direction of the lead, and a trace of doubt flashed past.

Seeing that all the six sages were here, Hongjun said: "This time, you and others have come here only for one thing, and Haotian just came to see me, saying that the disciples of the sages do not respect the laws of heaven, so as to damage the face of the heavenly court, and it is difficult to manage the three realms. Whenever the Lich passes by, and the Styx has proved the way of the Heavenly Demon, the evil spirit in the flood and desolation is robbery, and the catastrophe will take it down, just to set up a list of gods and make up the gods in the heavens.""

However, Hongjun continued: "There are three levels of conferred gods, those with deep roots become their immortal ways; those with lesser roots become their spiritual ways; those with shallow roots become their human ways, and they still follow the calamity of reincarnation. .35

After speaking, he took out a scroll from his pocket.

"Wait for yourself." After speaking, he disappeared into Zixiao Palace.

Seeing this, Haotian's heart sank.

The Six Saints looked at the Conferred God List floating in the air.

The moment the divine sense came into contact with the Conferred God List, he immediately understood what the way of conferring the gods was. This list of gods contained an acquired divine way, which could be used to confer a god of the gods with the authority of the heavenly emperor, and of course, a god of the gods could be conferred from the number of calamities.

Haotian naturally sensed the role of this gods list, and his face became even worse.

The gods in this list of gods are designated as the eight righteous gods, divided into divisions, according to the Zhoutian, a total of three hundred and sixty-five.

It is a pity that Haotian has already handed over the matter of conferring gods to several saints for discussion. After that, the divine way is also average. Although after becoming a god, it is difficult to save the cultivation base, but if it is mastered by oneself, then the heavenly court's The strength will be greatly enhanced.

Why did the lord treat me like this? Didn’t you seal my position as the emperor of heaven? Haotian’s complexion was 250 cold, why did he have the divine weapon of authority in the heavenly court, when he enjoined me as the emperor of heaven, he was not given me to take charge of the heavenly court.

Having this list of gods can not only enhance the strength of the heavenly court, but also restrain the gods of the heavenly court.

Haotian's heart turned a thousand times, from the scene when he was enshrined as the Emperor of Heaven to the scene of today.

Yes, at the beginning, although the master named himself the emperor of heaven, it was only a verbal name. The position of the emperor of heaven could not be added to himself. At that time, even if he held the list of conferred gods, he could not use it, unless the gods were born with calamity.

And he is still the Emperor of Heaven, Haotian thought of Zhou Fangyu, and the position of Emperor of Heaven was achieved only with the "help" of Chaos Xinghai and the help of fellow Daoist Zhen Yuanzi.

But at that time, I had already achieved the status of the emperor of heaven, so why didn't the master give me the list of gods?

Even now, this list of gods is still up to several saints to decide.

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