In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 965 \"Trapped\" in Kowloon Island (1)\r

Chapter 965 "Trapped" in Kowloon Island (1)

On Tianxing Island, the black wind is gradually rising, and the turbid air is surging.

Below the huge five-needle pine, twelve demon-like figures stand under it, and the momentum is constantly surging on the Tianxing Island, but with the help of the Chaos Xinghai, and there is a large formation to cover, the impact is only within the scope of the Tianxing Island.

Since Zhou Fangyu borrowed the Twelve Dutian Flags, he has been practicing the formation technique, and is proficient in this Dutian Twelve Gods Demon Formation.

Each of the Heavenly Flags is an existence that can be compared with the Innate Spirit Treasures, and only after obtaining the twelve flags at the same time, did I know that there is still the ability to evolve the innate turbidity.

"The true body of the Wu clan is so amazing that it is inseparable from the congenital turbid qi, except for the remains of Pangu." This congenital turbid qi can be described as a poisonous thing to the cultivator, but the Wu clan borrows it to condense the body, It can also be regarded as an alternative method of the flesh.

As soon as the battle was over, Zhou Fangyu sat cross-legged and thought.

During this period, Zhou Fangyu also tried to condense the real body of Pangu, but it was successful, but it was not as good as he imagined, and at the same time, he understood the language of the future.

"I didn't expect the power of this Pangu real body to be related to the Twelve Ancestors." Zhou Fangyu was a little distressed. In addition to simply fighting the enemy with innate turbidity, the most powerful place in this battle was the real Pangu body.

But how is Pangu's real body so easy to condense? Even if it condenses, there are strengths and weaknesses.

Obviously, when the Wu clan had this great formation, it was based on the body of the Wu clan. In order to strengthen the great formation, they refined the twelve-pole Dutian flag. The ancestor Wu's real body was added with the Dutian flag, so it was still used at the beginning. Only a corner of Pangu's real body can destroy the Zhou Tianxingchen formation of the demon clan.

Sure enough, it is not easy to put out something that can be called "Absolute Array".

"And I am not a witch, and I don't have the blood of the witch, so I can't exert the full power of the Twelve Great Arrays!" Of course, the real Pangu condensed by Zhou Fangyu is not weak, and it is estimated that he can compete with the saint. fight.

But whether it is Taiqing or Yuqing, there are still innate treasures in their hands.

"It would be great if the corpse could come back." Zhou Fangyu was a little distressed, because then he could not guarantee a 100% success in the event of an accident.

Zhou Fangyu was planning for the worst.

"Hope you don't let me down!" Zhou Fangyu looked in one direction, and that direction was the East China Sea Haohaijie.

Then he looked at Kowloon Island again: "Has it finally begun!

··For flowers....0

During the period of Zhou Fangyu's practice of the formation, Huang Feihu first went against the Shang, Zhang Guifang attacked Xiqi, Lu Xiong was frozen to death, and Taishi Wen finally sent troops to Xiqi, which really started the dispute over the fighting method.

Of course, during this period, it was inevitable that all three generations of Chanjiao disciples would come down the mountain, each carrying the spiritual treasures bestowed by Chanjiao's immortals.

Although Wen Zhong was outstanding, Chan Jiao continued to descend the mountain with his disciples one after another, from the winning hand at the beginning to the negative hand.

And Shen Gongbao also went to Kowloon Island to ask fellow Taoists to go out to help them. Because of Yuanshi Tianzun's partiality, Shen Gongbao had the idea of ​​going against Jiang Ziya, and now that the robbery has started, he is naturally "entangled"


It is also because Shen Gongbao's life is not the innate spirit body of the previous life, otherwise the robbery will not be able to affect his judgment.

Wen Zhong went to Kowloon Island to ask the four saints of Kowloon Island to help Zhang Guifang, which also made a good start for Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao, as a disciple of Chanjiao, is not disliked by the disciples of Chanjiao. He is not as good as Huanglong. If it wasn't for Yuanshi Tianzun's calculations, I'm afraid he would not have been admitted to his sect. Unfortunately, Yuanshi Tianzun can't tell that Shen Gongbao is Shen Yuan. reincarnation.


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