In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 969 Ten Absolute Formations (Part 1)\r

Chapter 969 Ten Absolute Formations (Part 1)

Shen Gongbao is rushing towards the human race quickly.

Now Jie Qi can no longer deceive him, but he is not Shen Yuan after all, Jiang Ziya has become his "heart block" in this life, and according to the current form of the catastrophe, he and Jiang Ziya have become extremely important to both sides of the catastrophe one ring.

Jiang Ziya was Xiqi's father, and Shen Gongbao was the national teacher of Yin and Shang. Not to mention the great disaster, just talking about the entanglement between the two of them with the human race, the confrontation between Xiqi and Yin Shang, it is impossible to compromise, whether it is Whichever side fails will be backlashed by the will of humanity.

At the same time, Shen Gongbao's thinking is also turning fast. After Bai Whale's mention, he felt that he was calculated by his own teacher, and even accepting him as a disciple was calculated, otherwise why would the master be so favored over the other.

Thinking back to Xiqi Fang, the three generations of Chan Jiao disciples are going down the mountain, and among them is Yang Jian, the leader of the three generations of disciples.

Even he is not the opponent of this nephew.

Then this is not the obvious result. The three generations of disciples continue to descend the mountain, and there is no master's indication. This is impossible, but he still stands on the opposite side.

Even those senior brothers who are not good at themselves will go down the mountain, and at the same time think of the last time the Antarctic senior brother helped Jiang Ziya, if Jiang Ziya hadn't offered his help, I am afraid that even if he hadn't died, he would not have felt better.

But now in Shen Gongbao's view, it is clearly waiting for him to be caught.

Thinking that his senior brothers may take action, even if he is confident in Shi Tianjun, he is worried. The Four Sages of Nine Dragons Island is a lesson from the past, so he is very likely to be in danger.

When Shen Gongbao eagerly rushed back.

The Ten Heavenly Monarch has already arrived at the Yinshang army, and has already set up the ten best formations.

Because of Zhou Fangyu's existence, the entire situation in the East China Sea has been constantly changing since a long time ago, and at the same time, it is also slowly affecting the disciples in the East China Sea.

But these ten days are different.

These ten unique formations were originally the ten island owners of Nine Dragons Island, and they came to the realization of the Zixiao Palace. Although they did not deduce the complete ten absolute formations, they were still first-class and powerful.

Among them, the formation method can be said to be a first-class existence in the gate of Baiyi in the East China Sea, and because of the existence of Ruo Shui, Shi Tianjun does not say that it is a complete inheritance of the ten unique formations, but it is destined to be more powerful than the original.

There are also the formation diagrams made by the Ten Heavenly Monarchs, which are truly even more wonderful.

Of course, because of the practice of the Ten Ultimate Formations, he has collected all kinds of geniuses and treasures for the purpose of refining the formation diagrams. The Ten Heavenly Monarch naturally took down matters above the cultivation, and now he is no more than a Taiyi Heavenly Immortal.

The ten best formations were set up, and Yao Tianjun, the leader of the Luoshou formation, directly used the technique of falling and worshipped Jiang Ziya's two souls and six souls.

If the Fengshen list was in the Yinshang side, Jiang Ziya would have been on the list a long time ago, but Bai Jian, the god of good fortune, saw Jiang Ziya's soul coming to the Fengshentai, and immediately pushed the other party away until the Antarctic Immortal Weng stepped in and protected Jiang Ziya. 's soul.

At the same time, it also represents the second generation of disciples of Chanjiao began to descend the mountain.

With the soul of Junior Brother Jiang Ziya given by the Antarctic Immortal Weng, Chi Jing rushed to the world non-stop. If he could, he didn't want to come to this world easily (with money), but he committed a murder.

Suppressed by the Kyushu barrier, Chi Sperm's strength was directly weakened by five layers.

When he came to Xiqi, the first thing he did was to go straight to the Lost Formation, intending to rescue Jiang Ziya's soul.

Here I have to mention the impact of the Kyushu barrier on the cultivator. The actual strength of the red sperm is much higher than that of Yao Tianjun. However, the opponent has a formation to help, and in the desolate formation, fighting with him will immediately be at a disadvantage.

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