Su Yun traveled through time and space and found himself in the body of a homologue who looked exactly like him. To be more precise, it would be better to say that he recovered his memories of his previous life today. Thinking about the abstract interpersonal relationships before his memories were awakened, he couldn't help but feel a little speechless about himself who had not yet awakened his memories.

In this life, he was a Japanese high school student whose parents had both passed away but who had a small savings. He studied at Sobu High School in Chiba. His classmates included treasures such as Pochi, Hirano, and Dango. But he, who had not awakened his memories, chose to find two guys, Tomoya Aki and Ohga Taiyo. No, he was pestered by these two guys.

He had watched countless anime in his previous life, so it was impossible for him not to know Tomoya Aki and Ohga Taiyo.

When he thought about Tomoya Aki using a two-dimensional book to fool him like a charlatan, he felt that the world was a lot more real.

Tomoya Aki left others alone and chose to preach to him, a handsome guy, and pestered him. He must have thought that he was very naive and easy to deceive before his memories were awakened.

In fact, Aki Tomoya also preached to the live-action group such as Hayama Hayato, but���Ye Shan and the others, who are good at interpersonal relationships, ignored him completely.

So, they found me, who is easy to deceive, right? Tomoya Aki

I have to admit that Tomoya Aki's conspiracy did succeed.

The moment he accepted Tomoya Aki without awakening his memory, his high school life was successfully ruined by Tomoya Aki.

It must be very satisfying for Tomoya Aki to ruin a handsome guy.

What's more interesting is Ohga Taiyang.

As a member of the Hayama live-action group, he took the initiative to care about him when he was shunned by the whole class, and thus received a lot of praise for his kindness.

Su Yun laughed and thought that Ohga Taiyang was quite capable, and his disgusting level was even higher than that of Tomoya Aki.

However, in Su Yun's opinion, this guy might have other purposes.

As an old second-dimensional person who has watched anime, Su Yun is confident that he knows his son better than Ohga Taiyang's father. This bastard is definitely not holding back anything good. However,

Su Yun was not afraid, because he just discovered his plug-in. What he is more afraid of now is that Tomoya Aki and Ohga Taiyang will not come to trouble him.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully traveling across time. This system has two functions: template extraction and daily extraction. Template extraction is refreshed every three years, and character templates from all realms can be extracted. The strength of the extracted characters is limited to a certain level."

"The daily draw is refreshed every day, and you can draw all kinds of items and skills from all over the world; this system is different from other enchanting things, it is direct and powerful. May I ask if the host will start drawing the character panel?"

Su Yun looked at the current time, 2:30 in the afternoon. As long as it is not 4:44, to be honest, he can accept it. There is nothing to hesitate."Start drawing"

With Su Yun's order, the system entered the drawing page. As the red light kept flashing, finally a laughing figure appeared in front of Su Yun.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the template: Ryoumen Sukuna, initially gifted with 10% template awakening degree, which can be increased later through the accumulation of time or by performing actions that conform to the template character."

Su Yun saw that he had actually drawn this uncle at 2:30 metaphysics, and he actually wanted to laugh out loud as if he was affected by the template. In today's Neon, who can stop him?

" Oh, system, check the character panel."Su Yun now just wants to appreciate how strong he is. What level is this 10% template awakening?

Host: Su Yun

Age: 16

Template: Ryoumen Sukuna 10%

Possession abilities: Curse power, precise manipulation of curse power, black flash, Taijutsu. Kill, technique"Relieve", technique"Eight", master-level curse tool making, master-level cooking, multi-language proficiency (Japanese, Chinese, English), elementary writing and drawing,C/C++Proficient

..........Su Yun is now very sure that if this world is just what he remembered before he awakened, then he has nothing to worry about now.

It is worth noting that there are no nuclear bombs in this anime world. Although the modern army is very strong, Su Yun can now use cursed power to protect himself.

The beginning of the anime in his previous life had a direct reflection of the old man's strength. With just one finger, the old man knocked down the building of Torado School with one punch.

And Su Yun felt the cursed power in his body now. If the concrete building of Torado School is used as a unit of combat power, then he should now have the cursed power at the level of two fingers.

Although he should not have the strength of Two-Fingered Sukuna, you know, Two-Fingered Sukuna has a reversal technique, and maybe he can use it when the domain is expanded. As for opening, Su Yun is not sure whether Two-Fingered Sukuna can use it.

But for Su Yun, this is enough now. He checked a lot of things when he just awakened his memory. Things like Fuyuki City and Koou Town do not exist.

The only ones who have some strength may be those girls in uniforms he saw before awakening his memory. There was also a big incident at the Tokyo Radio Tower when he was a child.

Licolis......Su Yun has naturally seen this new show. Lycoris is a special peacekeeping force composed of a group of girls. They are managed by the country to secretly deal with crimes in Japan.

The Alan Agency in the world of Lycoris is still a behemoth, but it is only for him before.

As for him now, he can always capture Nishikiki Chitsuka and Inoue Takina to play some adult games with him. This is the confidence and calmness that the absolute strength of the older generation of chefs has brought him.

However, Su Yun doesn't want to do this yet. First, he hasn't figured out the water in this anime world. Second, it is more pleasurable to slowly conquer beautiful girls, but the time to torture Tomoya Aki and Ohga Taiyo is extremely limited.

In many fan novels in the previous life, Tomoya Aki would not even survive three chapters and would be hit and killed by some truck. Su Yun didn't want him to die so easily.

Recalling the memories before he awakened, Tomoya Aki ruined his high school life. No one wants to be friends with a two-dimensional otaku, even if this person is very handsome. This is the unique culture of Japan.

And what about Tomoya Aki himself? In the original novel, he has a beautiful and tsundere childhood sweetheart, and a sharp-tongued senior with a hot body. He PUAs the two of them to work for him for free, while enjoying a life of being surrounded by beautiful women. How could it be so good? Su Yun sneered. He decided that starting from tomorrow, every day thereafter would be a nightmare for Tomoya Aki. Reality was the hell he gave him.

Looking at the small props he had just obtained from the daily draw, Su Yun had already arranged clearly how to use it.

As for Ohga Taiyang, let's wait and see. After all, people have to be tortured one by one, and meals have to be eaten bite by bite. Before Su Yun loses interest in Tomoya Aki, Ohga Taiyang had better pray that Tomoya Aki can hold on a little longer.

After thinking about how to deal with Ohga Taiyang and Tomoya Aki, Su Yun saw that it was already three o'clock, so he planned to go out for a walk. Now the real him has not taken a good look at the scenery of this anime world........

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