Kaguya Shinomiya was born to her father, Gan'an Shinomiya, and a top nightclub girl.

However, unlike the original novel, the girl did not go to find Gan'an Shinomiya after she became pregnant with Kaguya Shinomiya, but returned to her hometown in the countryside alone.

Not long after giving birth to Kaguya, the girl passed away. Fortunately, before her death, she used all her savings to entrust Kaguya to a kind old man who knew her well - Su Yun's grandfather.

So, Su Yun, who had not yet awakened her memory, grew up with the future eldest lady in Su Yun's grandfather's house until the year when they were supposed to go to elementary school.

A group of men in black found this place and took Kaguya away, but fortunately, they seemed to have some concerns and did not kill Su Yun and his grandfather who saw this scene, but gave them hush money and child support.

In this way, Kaguya Shinomiya's childhood ended.

After that, Kaguya was worried that if she cared too much about Su Yun and her grandfather, her eldest brother and second brother in the Shinomiya family and other people in the family would not let Su Yun and his grandfather go.

So she didn't deliberately inquire about the news of the two until Kaguya had some opportunities in the third year of junior high school and was able to gain a foothold in the Shinomiya family.

She hurried to the pure land in her heart, but when she went back, Su Yun's grandfather was gone, and Su Yun was nowhere to be found.........

Kaguya might have thought that Su Yun was taken away by his parents, so she hurriedly tried to find the missing Su Yun based on the information from Su Yun's grandfather.

But she encountered a very strong obstacle when collecting information. Not to mention that she has not yet really taken charge of the Shinomiya family. Even if she did, that obstacle would not be easily overcome.

Knowing that Su Yun's parents had a complicated life experience, Kaguya was relieved for Su Yun. At least he is probably alive and well now, isn't he?

In this way, Kaguya has continued to search until today, and in the morning, the principal sent the photo to remind her that as the student council president, she must take good care of this classmate.

Kaguya thought it was a relative at first, until she noticed a small birthmark on Su Yun’s forehead.

The smart girl quickly investigated the information of Su Yun’s parents, which made her cry. As expected, she encountered obstacles, and it was still the familiar taste.

Thinking that the two of them were in the same high school, but had never met once, Kaguya felt a little amused. It was also her fault that she didn’t look at the roster because she saw that Sobu High School had thousands of students.

This guy actually forgot about her, but fortunately, with the help of the principal, she finally found him. After the great joy, Kaguya immediately calmed down. She found Su Yun’s photo in the roster and knew Su Yun’s name.

Is this the guy’s real name? But.........Su Yun? Kaguya reacted immediately. Isn't this the classmate who was bullied?

Kaguya was furious. She admitted that she was hypocritical. If it was someone else's business, it would be fine. She was not a saint and would not care if she didn't want to. But this was her childhood sweetheart.

After investigating what happened to Su Yun and his social network, Kaguya knew that Aki Tomoya and Ohga Taiyo were ready to die.

But before she made a move, the principal and teachers of various subjects could not wait to use combos on the two of them, and then the two of them were like being possessed.

Thinking of the news she heard from Hayasaka, Kaguya felt very happy: Ohga Taiyo kowtowed to Su Yun's desk to apologize, and Aki Tomoya was even more outrageous, directly turning into the eighth brother.

But this is not the end. Kaguya has already sentenced the two of them to death in her heart. This is just the beginning............

Let's put these two bugs aside for now. What Kaguya wants to do most now is to give her childhood sweetheart a surprise.

So she asked Hayasaka to invite Su Yun to the student union during the club activities.

She will give Xiao Yun some hints. If this guy doesn't recognize her again, Kaguya really wants to punish him (reward).

But man proposes, God disposes. Kaguya's idea was ultimately defeated by Hayasaka's defeat, but she was not annoyed. It's not bad to let the expectation ferment. They can meet tomorrow after all, right?

Before that, let her deal with the termites first. I don't know what the relationship is between Kasumigaoka Utaha and Aki Tomoya. If it's that kind of relationship......

Shinomiya Kaguya blinked and laughed.

Seeing her young lady like this, Hayasaka's heart skipped a beat. Who is this unlucky guy who made the young lady unhappy? Could it be that classmate Su Yun? The scene of Miss Kaguya snatching her away from Shinomiya Yunying with thunder and lightning appeared in her mind. She mourned for classmate Su Yun for three seconds in her heart........

"By the way, Hayasaka, you should go after class tomorrow afternoon, so that Su Yun won’t run away again after school.

It looks like Su Yun is going to die early, Hayasaka Ai thought in her heart, but she said in a cute tone.

"Leave it to your lovely maid!".............

"ah..........Sneeze! Who is thinking about me?"

Su Yun, who was walking on the way to the tram, suddenly sneezed heavily.

But it is not difficult to guess. It was one of the people in Yukino, Ohga Taiyo, Aki Tomoya, Mitsui Suneo, and LycoReco coffee shop.

At this time, Su Yun didn't know that he was being targeted by his childhood sweetheart. Who told this careless guy that his eyes were full of Sukuna's power, Aki Tomoya and Ohga Taiyo, and he didn't read his memory carefully at the beginning. It was just a sneeze. Su Yun didn't care too much. He now had to make some preparations for what he promised Yukino.

Sitting on the tram, looking at the rapidly passing scenery outside the window, Su Yun's mood also improved a lot.

Because, this passing scenery is like time counting down for his next joy.

Time goes back to 20 minutes ago. Su Yun, who finished talking with Yukino, called the principal's office.

The principal on the other end of the phone didn't care at first, but when he heard Su Yun's voice, he immediately became serious.

"My friend, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Principal Sang, do you know about this special organization called Lycoris?"

Seeing that Su Yun actually asked about this organization, Mitsui Suneo naturally would not hide anything. Lycoris is not a high-end organization.

"My friend, to be honest, I know a lot about the Lycoris organization. If you have anything you want to do, just tell me directly. I will go and inform their commander."

Su Yun noticed the word"notify". It seems that Principal Sang's identity is indeed extraordinary. This will be convenient for him in the future.

"That's not necessary. Just send me the location of Likolis's headquarters. I won't bother you with this little thing."

Of course, Mitsui Xiaofu would not say no, and did as Su Yun asked.

So, this confidential address that should have been kept secret was easily obtained by Su Yun.

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