Su Yun, who was far away in the kitchen, didn't know that Hui had the potential to become a yandere at this time, but even if he knew, he would not be afraid, but would be happy that Hui-chan could provide him with a different play.

After pouring the orange juice swiftly, Su Yun took the cup and walked towards Kato Hui in the living room. When

Kato Hui saw the orange juice in Su Yun's hand, her face trembled for a moment, but she didn't want to refuse Su Yun's kindness to her, and no matter how bad it tasted, she had to grit her teeth and drink it in order to replenish the nutrients needed by her body..........

It was just that Su Yun caught Kato Hui's fleeting expression. To

Kato Hui's surprise, Su Yun did not hand the orange juice to her, but drank it himself.

"Su Yun, are you kidding me? Even I would be angry~"

Su Yun did not speak, but slowly sat down next to Kato Megumi. He mobilized the curse power and used the"Appetite Transformation" technique on Kato Megumi with very precise operation. Yes

, Su Yun can actually use the curse spirit technique drawn from the system, and the accuracy of the technique released by Su Yun himself is far beyond that of the curse spirit itself.

Before Kato Megumi could react, he poured the orange juice at hand directly into Kato Megumi's mouth.

"Uh, uh...........What?"

Kato Megumi, who was about to resist, found that the orange juice that tasted like swill before was incomparably sweet this time. Kato Megumi was shocked and showed a rare expression.

Seeing this, Su Yun handed over the half cup of orange juice in his hand. Kato Megumi didn't care about the indirect kiss with Su Yun at this time, and hurriedly took the orange juice, wanting to see if she had hallucinations just now.

"Delicious..........So this is what orange juice tastes like, Su Yun, how did you do it?"

Hearing Hui-chan's question, Su Yun smiled mysteriously, and then immediately asked Hui

"Aren't you a one-eyed ghoul, Hui-chan? Logically, shouldn't you be able to eat human food?"

Kato Hui lowered his head dejectedly and replied in a low voice.

"I am indeed different from other ghouls. I can get nutrition from human food, but the taste is no different from other ghouls. Human food is quite disgusting to me."

"So before, I always ate a big white steamed bun in a few big mouthfuls, and then combined it with various nutrients that the body needs............."

Kato Megumi's words made Su Yun feel a little distressed for the girl in front of him. Megumi was actually a one-eyed ghoul that was not perfect. Compared with her, the other one-eyed owls were much better.

Fortunately, Megumi was not a half-human, a short-lived creature that had to burn incense to live to the age of 30. As for the problem of taste, didn't Su Yun still have the technique?

Su Yun had no intention of hiding his good friends in this world. Except for his childhood sweetheart, I'm afraid Megumi was the one he liked the most, so he told Megumi the principle of the technique.

"A technique to change your appetite? Su Yun, you are really a mysterious man now.............But I still want to say thank you to you, thank you for saving me again~"

"Don't be polite to me, Hui-chan, if you really want to thank me, then........."

Su Yun didn't finish his words, but looked straight into Kato Hui's eyes.

Seeing Su Yun like this, Kato Hui blushed again, which was rare. She said in a small voice

"Student Su Yun, you can't do this.......At least not now........"

Knowing that Kato Hui was led astray by his actions, Su Yun made a"yeah" gesture and then laughed cheerfully.

""Mei-chan, what are you thinking about? I just want you to take me to meet some ghoul friends who are as kind as you."

Hearing this, Kato Megumi puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, realizing that she had been fooled by Su Yun's little trick.

Su Yun had no intention of showing sympathy to a woman, and directly pressed Kato Megumi's cute little expression back like pressing a balloon.


"Su Yun, if you continue like this, you will lose me as your good friend~~"

"Would Hui-chan have the heart to break up with a lonely me?"

Hate! Hate!! Hate!!! What an ungentlemanly guy. Why does he understand people so well? Kato Hui didn't understand, but she was indeed taken advantage of by his words...........

Seeing that Hui Jiang had been"suppressed" by him, Su Yun smiled with satisfaction, and then asked the question he had always wanted to ask

"Hui-chan, I think your aura should have reached the level of an SSS-level ghoul, have you ever eaten together?"The controlled Kato Hui would give Su Yun a resentful look.

"Su Yun, do you think I would be able to do such a thing as cannibalism?.......Ghoul?"

Su Yun didn't believe it in his heart. With his magical power, he could sense that Kato Hui had very few negative emotions. So the girl was indeed a gentle person, but the strength of her aura could not be faked.

"Of course I don't believe it, Hui-chan, but even if it's a one-eyed ghoul, it's not like he's born SSS-level, right? As far as I know, the way ghouls become stronger is through co-eating............"

"Although I don't know where you, Su Yun, learned so much about ghouls, I can tell you for sure that I am different from ordinary ghouls and even the one-eyed ghouls you think. Even without co-ghouling, my strength has automatically increased to SSS level."

Su Yun sensed something unusual in Kato Hui's words. There might be things in this world that he didn't know about.

And Kato Hui was like a treasure that could open the door to a new world for him. Is the growth of your strength related to your unusual sense of existence? Hui-chan was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Su Yun's eager eyes. Kato Hui weakly asked Su Yun:

"Can you please stop looking at me like that, Su Yun? I am shy too, okay?"

"Haha, sorry Hui-chan, I was a little lost in thought just now. As compensation, how about I invite you to play my newly bought PS5 together?"

After hearing the PS5, Kato Hui, who had just blushed, immediately returned to normal and raised a sinister smile.........She admitted that Su Yun's methods were magical, including teleportation and making the yellow hair disappear.

But she didn't believe that her body couldn't compare to Su Yun, a pure human. So, Kato Hui wanted to get back at him.

"Let's play a fighting game like King of Fighters, Su Yun; but to be fair, you have to find a game you haven't played before."

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