"What a pleasant meal, Kaguya, would you like to try what I cooked tomorrow?"

Kaguya, who was eating slower than Su Yun for the sake of elegance, was a little surprised. Can Xiao Yun also cook? So virtuous!

What a good man who manages the family.......She is nothing like my golden-haired maid who has let herself go and been lazy since she was rescued by me. I will definitely teach her a lesson tonight!

"Please let me try it, I'm very curious~"

Su Yun nodded, and felt how lethal Kaguya was when she was no longer arrogant. This gentle feeling reminded him of Hui-chan..........

The lunch break at Sobu High School was still very long. Su Yun was bored and started watching videos. Kaguya finally finished eating, opened the drawer, took out a tissue and wiped her mouth, then poked Su Yun who was watching videos with her finger.

"Are you really not coming to my place during the afternoon club activities? Xiaoyun"

Hmm?" Su Yun felt that Kaguya's tone was a little strange at this time, but he didn't think much about it.

"I have to go out to do something during the club activity period. I will make it up tomorrow.���Oh, Kaguya"

"So that's it........."

Kaguya's eyes were a little sharp. When she handed over the affairs of Lycolis from Mitsui Suneo yesterday, Commander Kusunoki on the phone specifically mentioned LycoReco Coffee Shop.

Of course, she would not miss the opportunity to investigate this coffee shop. She didn't know that except for a black uncle, the rest were all rare beauties.......Even Nakahara Mizuki, who is as old as Hiratsuka Shizuka,

Su Yun doesn't know that Chizuka and Takina's photos are now appearing on the front page of Kaguya's album.

Indeed, just from the appearance alone, her lethality to men is extraordinary.........But come on, Likolis, who hasn't even read a few girls' comics, can't be her opponent. Shinomiya

Kaguya looked at Su Yun's back as he returned to the classroom because of the lunch break, and her face was full of the calmness of a lady who had won the game..............

The schedule of Sobu High School is different from the high school in Su Yun's previous life. The afternoon classes are very relaxed, as if they were just to make up the numbers. Just when the students in Su Yun's class were cheering for freedom, their parents came to the school with sad faces. The culprit of all this is undoubtedly the dean of studies who is good at the workplace.

He dares to offend anyone. The parents who were attacked by the dean of studies all blushed at the same time. They now have only one thought in their minds, to go home and get the belt to treat their beloved children well.

Of course, Su Yun did not see the combination of love between the dean of studies and the principal, because he had more important things to do, it was time to pick up Yukino and set off..........

Although he knew that the ghouls might have bad intentions towards the school, he was not worried about the safety of Kato Megumi and Shinomiya Kaguya in the school.

It was needless to say that Megumi was an SSS-level ghoul, and in Su Yun's opinion, Kaguya's aura was even better than Kato Megumi's. This was just right, and it saved him a lot of worry, so that he could now concentrate on training Yukino and Takina, who were still rookies. At the familiar door, Su Yun kicked it open with an imposing manner.

"Soldier Yukinoshita, are you ready to welcome your new student now?"

Yukino was startled by the sudden kick on the door, and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that it was Su Yun. She was about to criticize Su Yun's rude behavior, but then she remembered her mother's instructions to her yesterday, and Su Yun's expectations of her. In addition, Su Yun used his new technique with cursed power, and Yukino was like a thousand beams of possession at this moment (PS: readers, guess what technique it was?)

"Yes sir!"

""Very good, then let's go."

Without waiting for Xueno to react, Su Yun turned around and walked out quickly, and Xueno quickly got up and followed Su Yun's pace. The two walked towards that place in unison.

The black man Mika, who was waiting at their destination, was a little worried at this time. The warning Nanmu gave him yesterday was still replaying in his mind.

If yesterday was not April Fool's Day, then the man's power would probably be far beyond him, even beyond the world's imagination.

Although he has good martial arts, what can he do in the face of such an existence?

I hope Nanmu's judgment is correct-that is, the handsome guy is a good person.

Alas, Qianzhu has grown up, and it's time for him to follow the real strong to see the world. And if that man is a good person, he may not have to worry about Qianzhu's heart problem.

Thinking of this, Mika plans to have a good chat with his"good friend", Dr. Yoshimatsu of the Alan Agency, so that he won't go crazy inexplicably when he sees the handsome guy.

His good friend is good in every way, but he is too obsessed with the Alan Agency.........

"Chizuka, Takina, please complete the task I gave you yesterday. I will be out for a while, so please cooperate with me."

"Especially you, Takina, remember this is a mission personally assigned by Commander Kusunoki."

Takina became a little depressed again when she heard the name Commander Kusunoki, and Chitsuka, who couldn't bear to see Takina sad, hurried forward and pushed Mika.

"Teacher, you can go without worry. Takina and I know our limits.

I hope so. Mika sighed in his heart, then hailed a taxi and drove away. As soon as Mika left, Chizuka picked up Takina and started spinning around.

"Takina, I didn't expect that the guy we mistook for a terrorist had an unusual relationship with Commander Kusunoki. If we go and ask him for help, wouldn't you have a chance to return to the direct hit?......."

Takina was a little dizzy from being turned around, and it was difficult for her to speak, but she could vaguely hear

"I don’t really want to go back, Qianzhu."

Qianzhu stopped spinning and looked at Takina lovingly.

Just when everything seemed good in the room, a harsh and powerful voice came from outside.

"This is it, Yukinoshita Soldier, now push the door open violently and announce your arrival to everyone in the coffee shop!"

""Yes, Su Yun!"

After saying that, Yukino pushed open the door in the same way as Su Yun did before. What came into her sight was Takina and Chizuki hugging each other. The atmosphere between them was sticky. She looked at Yukinoshita who came in and shivered.

Huh? Yukino rubbed her eyes uncertainly. This time she saw it clearly.

"Report! Two pests that reduce social fertility have been found!"

Hearing this, Su Yun stroked his non-existent beard with satisfaction, and then showed the majestic temperament of a commander.

"Now is the time for you to make your first military achievement, Private Yukinoshita, oh no, from now on you will be Private First Class Yukinoshita, separate these two guys."

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