"The enemy is coming soon, get out of the car and choose a battle site, remember to carry me with you.".........Now the mission is more important. I will settle accounts with this guy later and take revenge on him. Why does this guy still have a loli face when he is over 30 years old?

"Chizuka and Ms. Takina, let's get off the car as soon as possible, the enemy will be here soon."

Chizuka and Takina had just recovered from the life-and-death crisis, and their brains were still a little frozen. After hearing what Mr. Squirrel said, they finally reacted.

"OK, Takina, you go behind, I'll go to the front to open the way, we must ensure the safety of Mr. Squirrel."

Takina was still willing to listen to Chizuka when it came to the mission, so she immediately formed a team with Chizuka.

Two people, a squirrel and a box came to an abandoned supermarket cautiously, and fortunately they did not encounter any attacks in the middle.

Chizuka looked around the environment around the supermarket and nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's end it here. You go hide, Mr. Squirrel. Leave the rest to me and Takina."

Squirrel didn't refuse. He followed Qianzhu's words and hid behind an abandoned shelf. After seeing Mr. Squirrel hiding, Qianzhu and Takina ambushed at the front and back doors of the abandoned supermarket. A moment later

, a group of people dressed as mercenaries broke into the supermarket.

Qianzhu shot down the bearded man holding a heavy machine gun among the mercenaries without hesitation.

""Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Shoot!"

Seeing his partner being knocked down, the leader of the mercenaries immediately ordered his companions.

Hearing the boss' words, the mercenaries pointed their guns at the bunker where the white-haired girl was hiding and pulled the trigger.

At once, several tongues of fire rushed straight towards Qianshu, and the experienced white-haired Likolis weighed the quality of the bunker in front of her.

About 8 seconds later, while a mercenary was distracted, Qianshu seized his weakness and knocked him down, and then immediately changed the bunker.

In this regard, the mercenaries were completely powerless to change anything and could only be furious.

After repeating this process several times, Qianshu's special anesthetic bullets were running out. After all, this kind of bullet produced by one of the four major chaebols is very expensive.

However, the number of mercenaries present now is within the range that Qianshu can deal with calmly.

The white-haired girl slowly walked out from behind the bunker, and the mercenary boss who saw this scene directly shouted excitedly.

"The coward who hid his head and showed his tail finally came out, everyone treat her well.

Even without the boss' words, the mercenaries present were not ready to let the white-haired girl go.

However, the scene they imagined did not appear. The white-haired girl did not turn into a sieve under their continuous shooting - but dodged like a cheat. The mercenary leader was sure that he had never encountered such a special person in his many years of battlefield. They were really in trouble this time.......

They were no longer as high-spirited as when they first arrived. In a flash, they were all defeated and tied up like dumplings by Qianshu.

"Hahahaha! I am indeed the strongest, can Takina do it?"

After defeating all the mercenaries, Chitose laughed loudly in the abandoned supermarket, but she was interrupted by the words of the mercenary leader before she could be happy for long.

"I am a mercenary, and I believe in equal trade. You didn't kill us even when we shot at you, so we owe you a favor."

"So in order to repay this favor, I will tell you some information. There are three parties who accepted this mission. Two of them are teams, but one of them is a team......There is only one person.

Qian Shu hadn't had time to think about the meaning of the mercenary's words. A sound of footsteps gradually came from the door of the abandoned supermarket. In this empty supermarket, it sounded extremely crisp.

Soon the footsteps came near Qian Shu. Qian Shu looked in the direction of the sound.

A decadent middle-aged uncle.....The man appeared in front of her.

Qian Shu had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter, but instead comforted the uncle.

"Uncle, I don't know why you accepted this commission, but give up, I won't let you take Mr. Squirrel's life."

The uncle heard Qian Shu's naive words and smiled softly.

"Give up? I think it's you who should give up."

What? Chitsuki didn't hear the uncle's vague words clearly, but the uncle's weird appearance caught her attention.

Such red eyes, and what was the strange movement on the uncle's back? Chitsuki's little mind was full of doubts at this time.

Without giving her time to react, the uncle-looking ghoul stabbed Chitsuki with his tail kakura.

Unexpectedly, the white-haired girl in front of her actually successfully avoided the stab of his tail kakura, but she was still too young. The kakura was not a bullet, and the attack method was not so simple. The uncle ghoul smiled sarcastically. Then, under Chitsuki's incredible eyes, the uncle ghoul changed the stabbing tail kakura into a sweep, and Chitsuki didn't have time to react at all. Although her eyes saw it, her body couldn't keep up. As expected,

Chitsuki was swept away and slammed heavily on the abandoned shelf. As her body fell to the ground, Chitsuki vomited a mouthful of sour water with a wow.

Seeing this, the uncle ghoul was ready to step forward and give her the final blow, but the ghoul's keen senses detected something unusual, and he quickly used his tail to protect his head and heart. As soon as the ghoul finished these actions, several bullets hit his vitals directly, but as he was well prepared, these bullets did not have any effect.

Takina, who was hiding in the dark, screamed. Although she had expected that her small pistol might be useless against this kind of monster, it was still hard to accept the reality when it happened in front of her.

Fortunately, she bought time for Chitsuka, and when she attracted the firepower, Chitsuka had successfully escaped from the ghoul's sight.

As partners, the two of them were in sync. After Takina helped Chitsuka escape the battle, the two of them ran to the back door of the supermarket at the same time, intending to meet there.

Sure enough, when Takina arrived at the back door, the white-haired Chitsuka was already leaning against the wall, holding her belly, waiting for Takina.

Seeing his black-haired teammate arrive, Qianzhu didn't care about his own injuries and asked Takina anxiously:

"Takina Takina, where is Mr. Squirrel?"

"I arranged for her to wait for us at the back door. Mr. Squirrel shouldn't move around, right?"

After hearing Takina's answer, Qianzhu's mind flashed with the words of the mercenary captain. There were three parties in total.......

"Go stop her!"

Before Takina could figure out what was going on, Chizuka dragged her towards the exit.

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