After dealing with Kurumi and Yamada Ryo, Su Yun was about to tell Chizuki something, but he found that Miss White Hair had disappeared.

He asked Takina next to him,

"Takina, do you know where Chizuka is going?"

Takina nodded and pointed to the waiting room of Starry.....Su Yun heard this and helplessly covered his ears with his hands, and motioned to Taki Nai beside him to do the same. He knew the big one was coming.

Boom! Sizzle! Bang! Bang! Boom!

"Ah! What are you doing, you little white-haired devil!"

The enraged Archangel's sister, Ichidi Xingge, burst out with unimaginable strength, and lifted Qianshu's neck out of the waiting room like a little lamb.

"Who is the guardian of this kid? Come out and take her away."

Su Yun suppressed his smile and came to Yizhidi Xingge.

""I'm sorry, Miss Qianshu, I'm sorry to bother you."

Looking at Su Yun, who was about the same age as Qianshu, Yidizhi Xingge was about to explode, but her friend's voice interrupted her.

"Su Yunjun, why are you here at Starry? And who is this white-haired lady?......"

The long-lost Miss Yang Nai made her grand appearance. Her mature and slender figure made Qian Shu's eyes full of vigilance in the air.

"Yang Nai, long time no see. I am here with my lovely teammates to celebrate our recent victory."

"So this is ah....What about Xiao Xueno? She told me that she also joined a special team, so she should be here today too."

Su Yun thought of Xueno's panic when she first entered Starry, and said to Yang Noi with a bad taste.

"She may have hidden herself after seeing you, Yang Nai, as soon as she came in. You can go to a little unknown corner of Starry to look for her, Yang Nai."

Oh, Su Yun's words made Yang Nai sigh. She really hoped that her sister could be like Xingge's sister and be more open......

"Then I will go catch Xue No first. Su Yunjun, you have to wait here for me. I want to hear what you mean by a big win."

After saying that, Yang No turned around and started a carpet search. After seeing Yang No leave, Qian Shu exhaled, touched his chest, and felt the beating of his heart. Qian Shu smiled widely.

"Xiaoyun, who was that big sister just now?.....I feel like you know her well."

"She is just your apprentice's sister. You should get along well with her in the future, otherwise Yukino will be in a dilemma.

Her relationship with Su Yun can't be that simple, right? Qianzhu didn't believe it. It seems that Likolis's secret investigation mission will begin in the future. Qianzhu did what he said and immediately pulled Takina aside to discuss countermeasures. During this period, Takina always looked at Su Yun with a strange look........

Just as the staff in the store were doing their jobs, Starry's MVP finally came back, bringing with her three new friends.

Shimokitazawa's Archangel, Ichichi Hongxia, saw this scene and quickly came over.

"Goto-san, you are back. And who are they?......."

"We are Ichiri-chan's good friends. Please take care of Ichiri-chan before!"

Miura Yumiko was shocked by the temperament of the archangel. With a sense of crisis, she went straight up to claim her sovereignty.

But she overlooked one problem. She was just a mortal after all.

Miura Yumiko's words did not shake Ichichi Hongxia. Instead, she put her hand on her chest and made a gesture of gratitude.

"Thank you for helping to look after Goto-san at school. I've always been worried that Goto-san is always alone at school......"

The trio saw the big smile on Ichichi Hongxia's face, and their brains froze unconsciously. She seemed to be really like Ichiri-chan's mother......

Archangel didn't know that she had become an"elder". After seeing Pochi-chan come back, she is now more worried about her band.

""Okay, now that you're back, Goto-san, let's practice for a while. It would be bad if we make a fool of ourselves during the official performance later."

After hearing what the archangel said, even Pochi nodded. Although she was very socially anxious, she also saw the importance of this performance to her teammates.

Pochi was about to explain to Miura Yumiko and others behind her, but Miura Yumiko waved her hand and winked at Pochi.

"Go ahead, Ichiri-chan, don't worry about us, we will cheer for you from the audience!"

Hearing this, Pochi-chan nodded with emotion and followed the archangel to practice.

Su Yun, who had just watched what happened, was a little surprised. He only wanted to say one thing in his heart: Ebina, get out of Miura Yumiko's body.

It's only been a few days since we last met, how come the golden retriever has received an epic enhancement from the poisonous loser? Has the version been updated without my knowledge? When

Su Yun was puzzled, Miura Yumiko and the other two finally found Su Yun, who was sitting at the bar drinking a starry special drink.

"Yumiko, look, isn't this the"male Tyrannosaurus"?"

Under the horrified gazes of Miura Yumiko and Ebina, Yuigahama Yui blurted out the word.

Yuigahama Yui was a little confused about the reactions of her two friends until she found that Ebina gestured for her to turn around.

Su Yun stood behind Yuigahama Yui and smiled kindly.

"It turns out I am a male Tyrannosaurus, Miss Tuanzi......"

Yuigahama's face turned pale immediately. Before she could explain, Su Yun asked her questions.

"Who gave me this nickname? I know it wasn't you, don't try to lie to me!"

Facing Su Yun, who was as furious as Tyrannosaurus, Yuigahama Yui was very scared, but she kept silent about the origin of this nickname. Unfortunately, her little reaction was captured by Su Yun.

"I thought you would avoid me when you see me next time, Golden Retriever, but I didn't expect you to be so bold. Then do you want to try the Tyrannosaurus Dunk in the physical education class?"

Miura Yumiko didn't know how Su Yun found out that it was the nickname she gave him. She only knew that this time she was really finished........In the future, when there is Su Yun's physical education class, she'd better take a detour.

Desperate Miura Yumiko ignored the high-ranking master next to her - Ebina Hime

"Um, classmate Su Yun, can you come over here and talk with me? I have a secret to tell you."

Su Yun looked at Hai Lao Ming's expression, which was as steady as a rock, and became interested. He wanted to see how this guy would argue for his good friend.

"All right, let's go, Ebina-san."

Seeing Ebina and Su Yun leave and talk not far from them, Miura Yumiko and Yuigahama Yui were a little worried at this time: Would Hime be willing to take risks?.....

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