Kato Megumi's action surprised Kasumigaoka Utaha, but after thinking about it, she quickly figured out the reason. She was at such a high level.......Kasumigaoka Utaha commented

"So now, can you explain your purpose, Senior Sister?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu nodded, and complained to Su Yun in a somewhat pitiful tone.

"Because Tomoya Aki helped me before.........(Ten thousand words omitted here)...........So I beg you, classmate Su Yun, to ask President Shigong for help. I have nowhere else to go........"

"Oh? Why should I help you, senior? It's not good for me. Although you are smart enough to know that I am the reason why Kaguya targeted you, why do you think I will help you?"When

Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard Su Yun say this, she lowered her head. It really didn't work? After all, Amami Tomoya's missionary activities to Su Yun at the beginning of the school year completely destroyed Su Yun in a sense. If Su Yun hadn't awakened his memory, he might have been isolated forever........

"Well, Senior, after all, this matter has nothing to do with you, and you are just trying to repay Aki Tomoya."

"Why not change your thinking?....If you work for me, I won't kill Tomoya Aki. This is a life-saving favor. What do you think?"

Su Yun's words shocked Kasumigaoka Shiyu. Is this still possible?

"But classmate Su Yun, killing is illegal......"

Su Yun looked at Kasumigaoka Utaha with interest and tapped the table with his finger.

"Are you still playing dumb, Senior? You've already found me. Haven't you guessed it? After all, it's not hard to find out about Class F of Sobu High School."

"I didn't come here on my own initiative. I just thought the coffee in this shop was good and affordable last time, so I came here to relax."

"So, will you agree to my terms?"

I really have no choice........Under Su Yun's gaze, Kasumigaoka Utaha nodded.

"So, Su Yun, what exactly do you want this senior to do for you?"

Kato Hui looked at Su Yun with some suspicion in her eyes....The ghoul got anxious, but I won’t tell you who it is?

"You may not know this, Hui-chan, but this senior is also a good writer.......Although I can only write youth literature,"

I was a little happy when I heard Su Yun's first half of the words praising herself as a pretty good writer, but the second half of the words immediately made her face fall.

"What do you mean you can only write youth literature? I can write other genres too! Su Yun, a rigid-minded student."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu just refuted when she saw the two people opposite her looking at her with strange eyes. Kasumigaoka thought about what she had just said. It's over. She was unconsciously venomous.

"You have quite a personality, this senior~sister~, I really hope you can be venomous when facing"them""

Yes, Su Yun plans to let Kasumigaoka Utaha and Yotsuya Miko form a team to make a demon illustration book. A talented writer like Kasumigaoka Utaha will probably be able to easily describe the guys she sees.......

As for the problem that she can't see the evil spirits, it doesn't matter. Su Yun has a way to let her share vision with Yotsuya Miko.

"Are they small animals, Su Yun?"

In response to Kasumigaoka Shiyu's question, Su Yun just smiled meaningfully, which made Kasumigaoka Shiyu startled.

"Okay, try the coffee, senior sister, I haven't drunk it yet, and you look thirsty....."

"What about you? Classmate Su Yun, I'm drinking, what are you drinking?"

Su Yun didn't say anything, but looked at Kato Megumi beside her, which made her blush.

This loving scene directly shattered the good impression that Kasumigaoka Shiyu had just had on Su Yun.......I wish all the couples who show affection in front of her would break up!

As if to vent her anger, Kasumigaoka Utaha drank Kaneki Ken's special snow-top coffee in big gulps, not knowing that this was the last time she would taste such sweet coffee because when she came here to drink coffee again, the"cute" faces of the evil spirits would always come to her mind..................

""Okay, senior sister, I'll tell you what you need to do for me later. Now we should say goodbye."

Seeing Su Yun and Kato Megumi standing up from opposite her and preparing to leave, Kasumigaoka Utaha felt a little dissatisfied but didn't dare to show it.

Can't you just tell it the content of the work? Riddler, get out of Chiba!

After saying goodbye to Kasumigaoka Utaha, Su Yun and Kato Megumi left the coffee shop. Looking at the back of the manager who was secretly leaving, Kato Megumi did not forget to warn Su Yun before she was about to catch up.

"Don't forget what you promised me, Su Yun"

"Don't worry, Hui-chan! And even if I follow the store manager alone, you can't do anything to me......"

Hearing Su Yun's"unreasonable" words, Kato Hui glared at him angrily, and then set off to the place mentioned in the conversation between the store manager and them.

"By the way, that address is in Tokyo......Hui-chan, are you just going to run over there? You are impatient. The old manager knows that you have to take the train."

After hearing what Su Yun said, Kato Hui opened her phone and checked it. As a result, she found that she was in Tokyo. She was going to run and look at it, but she made such a big mistake........

"Then let's go to the station in the opposite direction of the store manager to catch the train. We must not bump into the store manager."

Kato Hui said to Su Yun in a soft tone as if the above embarrassing scene had not happened. Su Yun nodded. Although he noticed that Hui-chan's ears were a little red at this time, he also knew that it was more important to do business first.

Under the meaningful gaze of Kaneki Ken upstairs, Su Yun and Kato Hui went to the tram station hand in hand. Kaneki had long felt that the big sister and this handsome little song were a good match.

"So, Big Sister can't wait to grow up, right? I don't know if this little brother, a human being, can withstand it."

Kaneki Ken thought of Kato Hui's"strong" body, mourned for Su Yun's experience for three seconds, and then went to wash his cup...........

"Report to the cadres!!! There is something big going on!"

In a dark and damp dungeon beneath Chiba City, an urgent voice suddenly broke the strange silence here.

The weird man wrapped in bandages looked at his anxious subordinates in front of him and kicked his feet slowly.

"Don't be anxious, talk slowly, it's not like the sky is falling."

The ghoul felt the reassuring feeling coming from the cadre in front of him and gradually calmed down.

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