Feeling the heat coming from her ears, Xueno seemed to realize it later, and her voice trembled a little.

"So you will be the head of the Yukinoshita family from now on, sister?"

Yang No nodded with a smile on her face.

"So Yukino, just do whatever you want to do in the future. I will always support you........"

At this moment, Xueno felt like she was dreaming. She was able to get rid of Xue's mother's control so easily? It always felt a little unrealistic.........

Seeing them like this, Xueno and Yangno's father narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth uncontrollably.

Xue's mother noticed the look on her lover's face and elbowed him.

"Look how happy you are. Are you so happy that my daughters are free of me? I'll teach you a lesson when I get back tonight."

Hearing what Mother Xue said, Father Xueshita seemed to remember something and begged for mercy from Mother Xue.

The banquet was supposed to be serious, but after Yang Nai gave up his military power and became the head of the family, the atmosphere became better and better. Everyone had a smile on their face, except for one person.........

After dinner, the sky was completely dark. The fountain at the entrance of the Yukinoshita family villa burst into bright light under the night sky.

Su Yun was standing next to the fountain. Accompanied by the rhythmic sound of the fountain, he called Hiratsuka Shizuka.

"Xiao Jing? I heard about your grandfather's recent situation from Yang Nai. Let's find a night to talk about it."

Hiratsuka Jing on the other end of the phone was stunned by Su Yun's words, and then she said with tears in her eyes.

"Su Yunjun, I am very happy that you have the heart to help my teacher, but after the heavy rain before, the monsters that entangled grandpa disappeared for some reason........."

That heavy rain? Su Yun thought about it and thought it must be the night when the moon emitted a red light.......After that night, I heard from Yotsuya that the number of evil spirits increased suddenly.

"Okay then, Xiaojing, if you have any questions in the future, you can contact me. I might be in a good mood and help you."

Before Hiratsuka Shizuka could react, Su Yun hung up the phone after saying the above.

He knew very well that behind Hiratsuka Shizuka's cheerful and open-minded attitude, she kept everything in her heart........She would probably refuse something like this that would bother others, so Su Yun did not give her a chance to refuse, just like she did not give a chance to the protagonists who were forced to"join" the service club in many fan fictions.........

Just when Su Yun finished his work with Hiratsuka Shizuka and was enjoying the night view of the villa area under the snow, a figure with green hair walked up to him.

She touched the water flowing down from the fountain with her hand, and the slight coolness from the water made her smile brokenly.

"What? The great writer doesn't write well, but comes to act sad in front of me? You might as well type a few more words with this time."

Fangcun Aite ignored Su Yun's ridicule, but took off his glasses, lifted his bangs, and revealed the pair of unpredictable eyes behind the bangs.

Su Yun was a little scared by such eyes. It must be said that the eyes and temperament of this great writer are really different from those of ordinary people. So, is she going to talk to him about some philosophical topics now?

"Do you want to go to the coffee shop with me for a cup of coffee later? Your lover is waiting for you there......They must be referring to Kato Megumi, so what are they going to talk to him about?......

"Okay, let's go. I haven't tasted the old store manager's cooking yet."

Yoshimura Ate nodded and opened the door of the car that the Yukinoshita family had prepared for them.

"I won't let you down. The old man's craftsmanship is second to none."

Su Yun was a little excited after hearing this, but what he was looking forward to was not the old store manager's coffee, but Hui-chan's attitude.

Which side are you leaning towards, Hui-chan, don't let me down.......

As Su Yun was expecting, the car slowly drove out of the villa area of Yukinoshita's family and headed towards the place with brilliant neon lights in the distance..............

In the small staff lounge on the second floor of the Anding District coffee shop, three people were gathered.

After Su Yun scanned the room, his eyes were attracted by a photo hanging in a frame. In the photo, a little girl of six or seven years old was leaning on an old man with a kind smile.

"Hui-chan was also very cute when she was little........."

Hearing Su Yun's words, Kato Hui's expressionless face suddenly blushed, and then she did not follow the routine and asked Su Yun back

"Who is cuter, then or me now?"

Su Yun's eyes flashed with surprise. Shouldn't Hui Jiang just avoid this topic? Why is he so cute today?......But Su Yun was not panicked

""The current Hui-chan, I am feasible, and the childhood Hui-chan, I was also punishable."

As soon as Su Yun finished speaking, Kato Hui's face, which was originally only slightly red, instantly matured into an edible red apple, while Yoshimura Etsu beside her did not react at all.

The green-haired lady tilted her head in confusion, wondering why her good"sister" would react like this, and why she didn't understand what was said just now? It was not until Kato Hui whispered in Yoshimura Etsu's ear to popularize the criminal law that the green-haired lady reacted belatedly and looked at Su Yun as if she was a pervert.

Su Yun did not care about Yoshimura Etsu's eyes, he just felt that Hui-chan's heart was a little heavy, so he just livened up the atmosphere.

Under the gaze of Yoshimura Etsu and Kato Hui, Su Yun put away his smile and knocked on them.

"The ghoul organization operating in Sobu High School should have found you, Ms. Yoshimura Ate......"

Fangcun Aite was a little surprised when he was named. How did he know?

As if he could see Fangcun Aite's doubts, Su Yun explained:

"They want you to work hard. Do you remember what happened in the Tokyo Villa District? What would have happened to you if I hadn't gone there?

Fangcun Atte thought about Dai Tian's appearance and trembled all over.

But to her surprise, her good"sister" took over the conversation at this time.

"Student Su Yun, do you still remember that Sobu High School had a whole week of campus open days after the cultural festival?"

"The mission given to us by the ghoul organization is to find a way to get you out of the school during the campus open day."

Su Yun was not surprised by what Hui-chan said. He was more interested in what Hui-chan was thinking at this moment.

"So you want to listen to them? You know they have bad intentions......."

Kato Hui certainly knew that the frivolous man was not holding back his fart, but the information"evidence" that man produced was bloody in front of her.

As a member of the ghoul, she had no choice but to make a choice. This was the decision she had to make as the leader of the younger generation of ghouls.........

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