"My plan is to have an incredible surprise, a super mysterious one......"

After he finished speaking, Da He Taiyang bowed elegantly to Sagami Minami and the others.

This gentlemanly gesture and this crisp voice made Sagami Minami's friends scream immediately.

"Sagami Sagami, I think his plan is good!"

"Yes, isn’t this kind of mystery what people look forward to the most?"

Sagami, who had no opinion of her own, was gradually persuaded by her"friend".......

"Then, classmate, I can safely leave the final event to you........"

Da He Taiyang tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart and bowed gracefully again.

"A gentleman will certainly not disappoint the expectations of all the beautiful ladies. I promise you that after this, you, Sagami Committee Member, will definitely become the most"excellent" one among all the executive committee members in history."

Sagami Minami imagined himself being looked at with admiration by thousands of students, his face flushed a little, and he nodded to Ohga Taiyo.

"I'll leave it to you, classmate! Don't let me down."

Da He Taiyang said nothing, bowed gracefully, and walked out of the classroom........

Fortunately, the boy didn't know. If he knew that his elaborate plan was not as good as Ohga Taiyo's short words, he would probably be so angry that he would strangle Sagami Minami to death on the spot....................

At the critical moment before the Cultural Festival, Sobu High School finally arranged the excellent programs for the guests entering Sobu High School under the command of the great Sagami Commissioner.

Regarding the program schedule, the former student council president said it was a"mess", but with the support of the current student council president and the current principal's father, the plan was finally accepted.........

In the LycoReco coffee shop, Su Yun was on the stage solemnly summarizing the"big things" that happened during the day.

Xue No noticed something unusual and frowned, but Qian Shu didn't care about that. She stretched out her hand to Su Yun, as if asking for something.

"Senzuko, you can enter without a ticket, the cultural festival of Sobu High School is open to all social groups!"

"Yeah! Great! Does Takina want to come with us? And Kurumi, come too! I haven't seen what the cultural festival is like yet."

After saying that, Chizuka cast an expectant look at Kurumi, who had been keeping her head down and not talking, and Takina, who was staring at Yukino in a daze.

Takina seemed to have just reacted, and her tone was a little flustered.

"Huh? Are you calling me? Cultural festival, right?....OK......."

After getting Takina's answer, Qianzhu looked at Kurumi who had been lowering her head, but Su Yun reminded her

"Don't call her Qianshu, she won't look up, because she doesn't dare to look me in the eye now, right? Hu Tao"

Hu Tao was very scared at the moment, but she knew she couldn't be guilty, so she raised her head bravely........

A look as narrow as a venomous snake......It was as if a knife was placed before his eyes. Hu Tao's indifferent expression immediately turned into an awkward smile.

"Hello, boss. It's a cultural festival, right? I will definitely go there actively......!"

But after Hu Tao finished speaking, Su Yun's expression did not change at all, and Hu Tao's heart sank......It seems that she failed to change the subject......There is no escape. The sooner you admit your mistakes, the sooner you will be punished, and the sooner you can enjoy yourself.........

"I feel deeply guilty about my mistake in leaking to Miss Shinomiya that you went to the Yukinoshita family dinner yesterday......."

"So in view of my sincere repentance, can you punish me with something I can accept?"

Su Yun did not reply immediately, but took out a thick stack of information from the black briefcase he brought today.

"Starting tomorrow, there will be a three-day Sobu High School Festival, followed by five days of campus open days."

"Therefore, I will give you at least 3 days and at most 5 days to find out the movements of this ghoul organization before the third day of the campus open day!"

Hearing Su Yun's request, Hu Tao's originally gloomy expression suddenly changed and she became happy and smiling.

She likes this kind of work the most, without any physical labor.....As for mental fatigue, Hu Tao didn't believe that such a"small task" could tire her genius brain.

Patting her chest that was not bulging at all, Hu Tao confidently promised:

"Just leave it to me, boss. I guarantee the result will come out within an hour."

Hu Tao's confident performance made Su Yun a little happy. If she knew that this organization was basically one of the big bosses in Japan, I wonder if Hu Tao would still be so confident.

Su Yun forced down the slightly raised corners of his mouth and expressed his boss's expectations to Hu Tao.

"Then I look forward to your results. Let's start from the one hour you said. For every extra hour you spend, you will reduce your weekly snacks by 100 grams. How about it?"When

Hu Tao heard Su Yun's strict request, she knew that this guy with bad intentions must have started counting from now on. Without hesitation, she ran into her private room with the computer and the information given by Su Yun.

Seeing Hu Tao working for him, Su Yun finally cast his eyes on Qian Shu and the other two who were chatting about topics related to the campus festival.

Thinking back to the humble request of Commander Nanmu in the text message just now, Su Yun decided to accept her suggestion.

"Chizuka Takina, I just received a notice from Commander Kusunoki. Do you want to go to the Lycoris headquarters for a physical examination? Of course, Yukinoshita, you are also a candidate member, so you can go with us.

Lycoris headquarters......It sounds a bit extraordinary! Yukino's usual cold atmosphere was broken at once, and what was newly established was the cute meowing curiosity. Yukino gently tilted her head into a perfect arc.

Seeing Yukino's cute appearance, not to mention Chizuka, even Takina almost couldn't hold back.

"Takina Takina, let's go to the headquarters. I haven't seen Fu for a long time......."

What a liar! You must be attracted by Yukinoshita!.....It's been a long time since she heard Qianshu mention this guy........Although Takina seems dull, she knows everything about Chizuka.

"Forget it, there's nothing I can do about you......I'll agree to go with you once!"

After getting Takina's consent, Qian Shu turned to look at Su Yun, and Su Yun seemed to have expected this scene and drove over in advance.

"Let's go, get on the bus, we won't take the tram today....."

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