The Shura Field that happened at the Lycoris headquarters did not affect the outside world of Neon. The brightly lit streets at night were still bustling with people.

Aki Tomoya was walking on the street he often visited. Why did he like this place so much? The answer is simple.......

"Is there any owner who wants to come and sit in the coffee shop?"

"The collector's edition figures are now on sale! If you like them, you can take a look. No bargaining!"

Ah! The atmosphere here is still so comfortable.....Aki Tomoya's mood improved a lot under the hawking of these"beautiful girls", but the only pity was that he could only look at these figures but could not afford them........

However, as if God was"blessing" him, a stall he had never seen before attracted his attention.

This stall was indoors, and hanging outside the door was a picture of his favorite 2D beautiful girl.

When he opened the door, two mysterious cloaked men cast eager eyes at him.

"People who like XX-chan can't be bad people, right?"Brother"

Hearing these two mysterious people mention XX-chan, his favorite two-dimensional beautiful girl, Yilun seemed to have found an organization and immediately let down his guard.

"That's for sure. What activities are you two holding here?.....?"

Seeing the fish had taken the bait, one of the men in black robes turned around and took out a tightly sealed box from the cabinet.

Inside was what Tomoya Aki had always dreamed of, a long-out-of-print limited edition figurine of XX.

As expected by the two mysterious men, when he saw the figurine, Tomoya Aki's breathing quickened, and his nose seemed to be steaming.

"Do you want this figurine? It's very simple. You need to complete a series of true fan questions for XX. After passing the questions, you can draw a challenge to complete. In this way, you can take this figurine home. How about it?"

Hearing this, Aki Tomoya pushed his glasses. True fan questions? It seems that these two are die-hard fans of XX. He can understand this feeling........

"Come on, I'll show you that my love for XX-chan is no less than anyone else's!!!"

The two mysterious men under the cloaks smiled at the same time and handed over the test papers in their hands.

Unlike writing math papers in school, now Aki Tomoya is like a college bully and a god of war. Basically, no question can trap him for more than three seconds.

Five minutes later.........Amaki Tomoya finished all the multiple-choice questions and the big questions in seconds, and handed the test paper over confidently.

In order to not reveal any flaws from beginning to end, the two mysterious people continued to act and took the test paper tremblingly. After scanning the following papers, the two mysterious people tacitly said in a crying voice at the same time.

"I didn't expect it......XX, this old character in the show, actually has such fans. Comrade, you have passed the test! Let's draw a challenge......."

After that, a mysterious man squatted down and took out the special box for Yi Lunye on the right hand. As for the one on the left, it was for normal customers.

Without any hesitation, Yi Lunye reached in and couldn't wait to pull out a note from it.

"Spicy Fruit Candy Challenge: Challenge yourself to swallow the spicy fruit candy in one gulp. Note: This candy is super spicy!"

After reading the content of the challenge, Aki Tomoya also wanted to say, that's it? What's the difference between this and giving it to him for free?

When Aki Tomoya imagined that he had taken the figurine home, a mysterious man suddenly took out a sip of ice water. Aki Tomoya saw this scene and his eyes turned.

"Give me a bottle of ice water, and then we will start the challenge directly."

The two mysterious men did not refuse Aki Tomoya's request and handed over a newly opened bottle of ice water.

Aki Tomoya directly unscrewed the bottle cap, showing a cunning expression, and swallowed the"spicy fruit candy" handed by the mysterious man together with the ice water in one breath.

"Challenge successful, give me the action figure!!!"

He stretched out his hand, and Tomoya Aki was already thinking about playing with XX-chan.

Unfortunately, he was still fantasizing about it in the last second, and fell asleep peacefully in the next second.........

After confirming that he had fallen to the ground, the two mysterious people unveiled their mysterious veil.

They were Ohga Taiyo and Fujimine Akane!

Fujimine Akane stepped forward and gently touched Aki Tomoya's cheek, saying softly:

"Don't worry, after I come back from my family, I will buy you countless XX-chan figures. Before that, I will make you suffer for a while."

Da He Taiyang looked at the somewhat bewildered Fujimine Akane and couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you pretending to be gentle here? If Tomoya Aki knew what we did to him during the days when he was in a coma, he might commit suicide directly."

Without replying, Fujimine Akane looked at Ohga Taiyo expressionlessly, then turned and left.

Ohga Taiyo sighed and started the work of moving Tomoya Aki alone.

As for the handling of Tomoya Aki's funeral, Ohga Taiyo didn't have to worry at all. Fujimine Akane had already investigated it. Tomoya Aki's parents were on a business trip these days, and he could use the voice changer to answer Tomoya Aki's parents' inquiries.

Everything was foolproof, just waiting for the day when the cultural festival began.........................

The day before the Cultural Festival, it was obvious that the students in Sobu High School were all very excited.

Even though they had already participated in the preparations for the Cultural Festival yesterday, it still didn't calm them down.

In the joint classroom of Class J and Class F of Sobu High School, Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at the noisy young boys and girls below with some helplessness.

"Why do we have to go to school today? Who is so smart to arrange this? Wouldn't it be better to just start the cultural festival?"

"Right, right, who can go to class like this!!!"

Seeing that she couldn't even shock them, Shizuka Hiratsuka slammed the table with her hand.

The students then realized that"Iron Fist" had arrived in the classroom at some point........

Seeing that the classroom had finally quieted down, Shizuka Hiratsuka nodded in satisfaction.

"Today you all give���Be honest......Let's go have fun tomorrow! Okay, now take out your textbooks."

Most students can't resist Shizuka Hiratsuka's elbows and boxing. They have no choice but to obey this woman's tyranny and take out their textbooks.

Flipping through a few pages, hmm, this textbook is as good as a new one!

Glancing around, most people took out their textbooks and prepared for class. Shizuka Hiratsuka was about to start class when she found that there was one person missing in the classroom. Where's Tomoya Aki? He didn't ask for leave either......Forget it, forget about him. Just because of the abstract things he did, even Shizuka Hiratsuka thought he was hopeless.

"Then let's start from the last sermon of the last class.......Seeing that Shizuka Hiratsuka actually started teaching, the students gave up the last glimmer of hope.........

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