According to legend, during the Warring States Period, warriors made friends through martial arts, and the world was filled with the warriors' spirit of continuous progress.....................

Today, we will remember the past and rekindle the samurai spirit!!!

On the stage, the student who was selected by Class A to read the narration did not disappoint the expectations of everyone in Class A.

His passionate speech successfully aroused the emotions of the audience, and everyone began to look forward to what Class A would do.........

In the VIP room, Qian Shu looked at the class that Shinomiya Kaguya was in, curled his lips a little unnaturally, and whispered to Su Yun next to him

"This narration is really deceptive! During the Warring States Period, people couldn't even get enough to eat, so how could they have the energy to compete! Isn't this a waste?"

Su Yun glanced at Qian Shu. It seemed that what she said was fine, but she still overlooked one factor: the world is not an ideal place........

Although Qian Shu has grown a lot, the innocence in his bones cannot be changed in a short time.

Su Yun was about to explain, but Kaguya, who had been paying attention to Bai Mao's actions, spoke first.

"So cute!.....Miss Jinmu~~"

"you...Is this a compliment to me? Thank you! (Put your hands together emoticon)"

Shinomiya Kaguya was speechless when she saw Baimao Chitsuki like this. Couldn’t she hear that she was playing tricks on her?

"You seem to have misunderstood, Ms. Jinmu. I just laughed at your point just now......"

So she was here to pick a fight! Qian Shu felt relieved. She asked when this violent girl was so kind that she actually came to praise her..........

"Isn't it, Miss Shinomiya? Do you have any good ideas?"

Shinomiya Kaguya covered her mouth and smiled. This is the effect she wanted.

"Have you forgotten that Miss Jinmu, the narration is about the samurai class, not the common people, and food is precious to them?"

Kaguya's first sentence stunned Chitsuka, but Kaguya didn't seem to let her go.

"They drank and ate meat on the heads of the common people, and they advocated the noble"samurai" spirit, but they were unwilling to share even the scraps with the lower classes. Isn't it the same now? People have not changed from the beginning to the end.......Do you understand what I mean, Miss Jinmu?"

Qianzhu didn't respond, but Takina couldn't stand it anymore, she blocked Qianzhu with her body.

Kaguya saw Takina's actions, shook her head, stopped talking, and cast her eyes on the stage that was about to start.

Su Yun patted Qianzhu's shoulder and comforted her.

"Stop thinking about those things, just watch the show. Worrying about things you can't see is just exacerbating your own internal friction......."

To Su Yun's surprise, Qian Shu's face was not sad or solemn, but relieved.

"You think I'm too fragile, Xiaoyun. I've always known these things........"

"Okay, let's watch the show! I also want to see Yukino's Aikido!"

Su Yun saw Qianshu lively pulling up Takina, standing on tiptoe waiting for Yukino to perform on stage, and nodded with a smile....................

On the stage, the atmosphere was unusually solemn.

Xueno frowned and sensed the condition of her body: there was very little energy left.......

But on the other side, her opponent Hayasaka Ai looked relaxed. It was obvious that her physical strength was far greater than hers.

Because of the lack of physical strength, her movements had gradually become deformed.......... no....If she continues like this, she will definitely lose.

When a drop of sweat dripped down Yukino's head, the audience in the audience also became nervous for her.

"Don't lose like this!!! I bet 10,000 yen on you! Black straight lady!"

"I am a firm supporter of black long straight hair! I must get rid of the yellow hair!!!"

One of them participated in the gambling, and the other was a water army hired by Yang No, at this time, they were cheering loudly for Yukino in the audience.

But after all, they were not auxiliary, and their voices could not play a role in restoring Yukino's physical strength........

Returning her attention to the stage, Yukino decided to fight to the death, and to decide the outcome with the next move with Hayasaka Ai.

She secretly changed the way she exerted force, and prepared to use the"Bajiquan" that Su Yun had taught her before to catch Hayasaka Ai off guard.

Speaking of Bajiquan, Su Yun had just learned it not long ago. With the help of Sukuna's super learning ability, Su Yun quickly mastered the essence of this boxing style.

Of course, this Bajiquan was not the kind with"mysterious" blessing in Type-Moon, it was just an ordinary Bajiquan.

The only difficult part of this boxing style was the force technique.

Because in order to coordinate with the force technique, many movements of Bajiquan were not so beautiful in the eyes of girls.

As a tough fist that carries a great reputation, the movements of Bajiquan are actually a bit open and close, but they are also rough with fineness, giving a vivid picture, that is, Qingchun Ge's Konoha tough whirlwind VS Hinata's soft fist.......

Bajiquan has the above characteristics, so Xueno only chose a few of them to learn. After all, Xueno is still a little girl who loves beauty, and Devil Muscle Rin is only a minority.......

"What? Are you ready to give up? Yukinoshita-san, okay, let me give you the final blow......"

After walking Yang No in the monitoring room, Miss Hayasaka was a little swollen.

Even her sister was suppressed by her. What else can her sister do?

Yukino didn't say anything and rushed towards Hayasaka Ai in an Aikido posture.

Seeing this, Hayasaka Ai sneered in her heart. This guy has no tricks....................

No!! Wrong!!! This guy's posture is a little strange. At such a close distance, Hayasaka Ai finally found something wrong.

But she had no time to react now, because this little time was not enough for her to judge the method used by Yukino.

As a killer move that determines the outcome of the fight, Bajiquan is still very good, after all, it has the reputation of"no two hits".

At that moment, Yukino suddenly exerted force and punched Hayasaka Ai in the lower abdomen in a posture that Hayasaka Ai did not expect.

The effect was remarkable!!!

Hayasaka Ai was frozen by this blow. Yukino did not stop, and then attacked Hayasaka Ai's neck with her most familiar Aikido technique...........Hayasaka Ai sleeps peacefully.

Facts tell us that even if there is a big gap between the two, we should not underestimate the enemy........

The battle ended very quickly. Seeing such a big reversal, the audience did not doubt that this was a script and stood up and applauded.

Unlike the warm atmosphere in the audience, the atmosphere in the VIP room was quite weird.

Kaguya clenched her fists tightly. In front of her, Chitose covered her stomach and laughed very happily.........

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