Cheng Huixun had no time to cover her eyes at this moment. She rushed to the stage and tried to stop this"accident".

However, the mysterious cloaked man did not seem to want to do as she wished and directly stopped Cheng Huixun.

"Get out of the way, you bastard! Don't you know how bad the social impact of doing this is?!!"

Seeing Cheng Huixun trying to use social influence to morally blackmail him, Da He Taiyang laughed loudly, and then glared at Cheng Huixun fiercely with malicious eyes under the mask.

"You are so stupid.....Our Minister of Publicity......"

"Didn't you hear what I just said? What is the name of my"artwork"?

Cheng Huixun didn't know why the mysterious man asked this, but she had a good memory and she subconsciously said the name.

"《Ugliness, collapse and despair"?....."

Dahe Taiyang snapped his fingers

"Bingo! So now I only see the ugliness.....Guess what collapse and despair are?"

Looking at the young man who was regarded as a"work of art" still sleeping, Cheng Huixun guessed something, and her hand trembled a little as she pointed at the mysterious man.

"Why you should do this......."

Da He Taiyang didn't want to give a boring answer like it was for revenge and turning over.

"Do you need a reason to do evil?"

Da He Taiyang's words made Cheng Huixun's whole body tense. The conflict caused by the different values made her extremely uncomfortable. However, this sentence also provided meaning for the birth of a certain cursed spirit.........

At this moment, in an unknown corner of Tokyo, a new special-grade creature was successfully conceived!

Ohga Taiyo and Johkai Patrol had no idea what kind of evil had been born from their question and answer.

They continued to argue over their different ideas.

"Why didn’t anyone stop it!!!"

Johkai Mitsuko prayed in her heart, but she didn’t expect that, except for her who had a bad feeling in advance and had been prepared in the backstage, the other students had already left the backstage under the deception of Sagami Minami and her friends......In order to prevent anyone from interrupting his performance, Da He Taiyang locked the back door.........

I have to say that this door is of very poor quality even when it shouldn't be, so even if you want to break it, it will take a while.

Because the stage of Sobu High School has a fence, and it is quite high, the audience can't get up for a while.

Now the only one who can help the Castle Patrol is........

Sagami Minami, who was stared at by the city patrol with a cold gaze, did not react at all.

The prison master seemed to have greatly increased his strength. He fired an infinite space at her across the world. She was stunned.

Her CPU was overloaded. She didn't understand what was happening at all. But she was not too stupid. At least she knew that she was finished..........

Sagami Minami didn't come to help, and Johkai Patrol couldn't do anything to the sturdy Ohga Taiyo.

Time dragged on and on, and the man who was made into a"work of art" finally woke up.

Unlike Sagami Minami, he had expected what would happen before he"fell into a coma", and when it really happened.......He still couldn't accept it at all!!!

"Die die die die die die!!! I’m going to kill you Da He Tai Yang!!!"

"No, it is not enough to just kill Da He Taiyang, everyone present must die!!!"

"Ohga Taiyo, die! Su Yun, die! Hiratsuka Shizuka, die! Shinomiya Kaguya, die! Sawamura Eriri, die!........Kano Hui, die too!!!"

Aki Tomoya's murderous aura surged, and he looked like a madman, causing the Castle Patrol to take a step back uncontrollably.

But this impotent rage could not scare Ohga Taiyo, who instead laughed and delivered a fatal blow.

"I want to kill everyone.......Too bad you can't do anything........"

"You can't even kill me.......No, I shouldn't say that."

""Sir Aki Tomoya, I'm so scared~~, hahahahahahaha!"

Ohga Taiyang's sarcastic laughter poured a bottle of cold water on Aki Tomoya's rage.

He knew that Ohga Taiyang was right............

That is to say, everyone present saw his ugly scene, but he couldn't kill them.

Having recognized the truth, Tomoya Aki was no longer as crazy as before. He did not have the resilience of weeds. At this moment, his mind collapsed and he was completely desperate!............

On a fairly busy street in Chiba City, pedestrians all looked annoyed.

They were really fed up with this boring and tiring life as they were busy with their lives.

But soon, they were no longer bored..........

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

A cleaner asked him in confusion as he saw a man staggering towards his"luxury car" used by cleaners.

"Hmm? Sir?........Aaaaaaaaaaah!!"

"My ear, ear, what are you doing, you mad dog? One million, oh no, it’s ten million yen, otherwise this matter will not be over."

The man who bit off the cleaner’s ear did not reply. He raised his head and stared at the cleaner with his abnormally red eyes. Then, under the cleaner’s incredulous gaze , the man chewed the freshly baked ear hard, but this did not satisfy him. After swallowing the ear, he even ate the"luxury car" used by the cleaners next to him. The man ate with red eyes.

The cleaner, who was a normal person at the beginning, saw this scene and suddenly had a feeling in his heart

, It smells so good!........Eat anything!

Endless screams were heard from the streets of Qianye, and along with the screams, red blood mixed with various unknown substances flowed to the surrounding streets........

At LycoReco Coffee Shop, Kurumi, who was enjoying afternoon tea, accidentally glanced at the surveillance camera. The surveillance camera showed the current location of the mysterious ghoul organization that Su Yun had asked him to investigate........

This peaceful street has been peaceful for a long time. Walnut almost doubted whether her investigation was correct.

But now, the surveillance footage made Walnut rub her eyes.


The bloody scene made Hu Tao retched uncontrollably. Fortunately, she hadn't eaten anything. Sure enough, my investigation was correct!!! There is something wrong with this location!

Observe the situation again, and then organize the information and report it to the boss immediately!

Hu Tao stared at the screen intently........

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