Located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, it is a very prosperous commercial district in the whole neon.

It has a wealth of entertainment facilities.

But none of these are important. What is important is that there is a place here that people all over the world cannot refuse.........


Bars and gaming venues are the most basic here. Here, you can even find a lot of male and female coppers!

In such an area, in a KTV that is not eye-catching, a large group of people gathered at this time.

"Cheers to the private school Shuchiin in Tokyo where we will all transfer!!!"


Along with the shouting of the golden-haired boy in the lead, the people gathered around him screamed one after another.

They were actually the"worms" in Su Yun’s class in Sobu High School. They were originally a little depressed because of their parents’ disappearance, but after learning that they were about to transfer to Shuchiin, they even threw away this little bit of depression. They didn’t believe that they could be assigned to the same class with Su Yun after going to Shuchiin!

"What are these governments doing? How come the gas explosion was so serious this time that it destroyed Sobu High School?"

One of the termites, holding the newspaper in his hand, expressed his doubts with some curiosity.

The content of the newspaper was: A major gas explosion occurred in Chiba! The Speaker of Chiba City Council resigned, and the new Speaker will be Mr. Yukinoshita, who is very famous in Chiba City!

"Maybe the old man just embezzled the money for repairing the gas pipeline?"

"It's possible, but I also think the government might be conducting some secret experiment!"

These people spoke without restraint, causing the waiter who was cleaning the table to frown.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our store is about to close, please pay attention to the time......."

Hearing the waiter say this, the golden-haired leader frowned and said in a rather unfriendly tone:

"Isn't this a KTV? Why are you closing? Is it okay to leave later? We still want to chat for a while!"

Waiter's Rule 1: No Arguments with Guests

The waiter with professional ethics shook his head and slowly left the room, leaving the venue to them........

Seeing the waiter push away in a cowardly manner, the golden retriever whistled at his back, and the termites also laughed in unison.


A rather abrupt laugh suddenly broke out in the midst of the laughter.

The termites looked at the one who made the laugh. A blue-haired man with stitches on his face had his hair combed into three strands. The right strand of hair was draped over his shoulder.

The blue-haired man looked at the termites with a pair of different colored eyes and smiled.

"What you just said is very interesting......Can you add me?"

The blond man looked at the man who looked a little strange, then he pointed at the"scar" on the blue-haired man's face and laughed.

"Your face is so funny! Hahahahahaha!!"

The blue-haired man was not angry at this, but his expression became softer.

"It’s really funny, hahahahaha!!!"

Seeing the blue-haired man laughing with them, the termites were confused. Is he a fool? Doesn’t he know that they are making fun of him?

"By the way, can you tell me about what's going on in Chiba? I'm quite curious........."

The blond man glanced at the blue-haired man and then nodded.

"sure.....But after I finish telling you, you have to show us the puppy!"


At this moment, all the"people" in the room burst into laughter. They wanted to see if this blue-haired man would really humiliate himself.

To their surprise, the blue-haired man nodded without any hesitation.

"Let me make it clear first. After we finish speaking, you must do as we say......Otherwise, be careful and we will beat you up together."

The golden-haired man's words made the smile on his face even brighter.

"Don't worry, I will do it after you finish talking........"

Seeing that this guy was quite"honest", the golden retriever nodded with satisfaction and began to tell what happened in Chiba.........................

Late at night, the waiter finally finished dealing with all the debris in the KTV.

He remembered that there seemed to be a group of"bad guests" who had not left yet, so he planned to go to their private room to take a look.

This time, even if they made things difficult for him, the waiter would not let them stay any longer.

Waiter's Rule 2: The bottom line of KTV cannot be crossed!

Reciting the waiter's rule in his mind, this seemingly serious waiter finally came to the private room of the"bad guests".

He could not lose his momentum!!!

The waiter kicked open the door of the private room.


Several corpses that looked nothing like humans were piled together. The most outrageous one even had countless eyes all over its body.

Green and red liquids gave off an unpleasant odor and covered the entire room. No one knew if it was blood or something else.........

This horrific scene made the waiter vomit all the food he had yesterday.

Fortunately, as an excellent gold medal waiter, he was calm beyond compare.

The waiter immediately took out his mobile phone and called the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Then he left the room, put on gloves and locked the door, successfully protecting the first crime scene........................


The sun shines into Su Yun's new house in Tokyo.

Unlike Chiba City, Su Yun always feels that the sun in Tokyo is more comfortable.

Therefore, after getting up, he stretched unconsciously.

After hearing Su Yun's"comfortable" voice, Kato Megumi in pajamas walked out of the room.

Today's Kato Megumi seems to be more beautiful than usual, with a gentle look, and she looks like a"Yamato Nadeshiko"

"What do you want for breakfast, Xiaoyun? I'll make it~"

Su Yun was still thinking about the fierce battle last night. He looked at Kato Hui with a smile in his eyes.

"If you want to eat, let's have fried dough sticks and eggs......As for drinks, there is milk on the table that I bought at the supermarket yesterday~"

Originally, these foods were normal, but Su Yun's malicious smile obviously reminded Kato Hui of something.......

The mighty and domineering SSS-level ghoul stomped his feet shyly at this moment

"Xiaoyun is so annoying!!! I won't pay attention to you! I'm going to cook!"

Watching Kato Hui fleeing, Su Yun felt warm in his heart. Hui-chan really has the potential to be a good wife and mother..........

Let me see, Hui-chan! Can your cooking skills please me as well as they did last night?

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