In the Blade

Chapter 108 Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix

"Come on, come on! Everyone, come here!"

Du Chengfeng shouted from the front, and the prairie warriors also chased after him, but this time they did not raise their weapons, but regarded the rider holding the burning blade in front as their savior - - Even if the other party was an enemy not long ago, no matter what, it is better to be captured by the enemy than to be killed by one of your own people.

Moreover, what reassured these prairie people was that the rider holding the flaming blade did not kill them.

Not only did the other party not kill them, they even greeted them warmly. After taking them to a secluded alley, the rider holding the fire blade even broke through the wall nearby and searched for a gun from the nearby residence. Wine and food were brought out and given to them.

God knows why these supplies were hidden in the wall, but this warm and hospitable atmosphere made these prairie soldiers who had once again escaped death relax.

Just look at the words and demeanor of the Flaming Blade Rider, as well as the fierce momentum in his actions. If the other person is not wearing southern clothes, he is simply a prairie man - and judging from the accent and temperament, he is even Ji. The people from the Qingyang tribe near the north made these prairie warriors more fond of them.

Surrendering to the Southerners might be a bit embarrassing, but surrendering to the brothers of the Qingyang Tribe seems reasonable?

But does the Qingyang Department still exist?

"Now is not the time to talk about this stuff."

Du Chengfeng, who had eaten and drank enough, wiped his mouth and lowered his voice to the hundreds of prairie soldiers who were following him.

"First of all, let's make sure that you don't want to die, right?"

"In no mood."

All the grassland soldiers nodded.

Although they are all good men with strong wills as strong as iron, they are neither afraid of nor timid in battle. Even if they are wrapped in horse leather, it does not matter to these warriors who regard death as home - but no matter how they regard death as home, at least they must die in battle. That's fine. What does it mean to be killed by one of your own people for no reason like this?

As their immediate superior, the Imperial Advisor, who was supposed to lead them to victory, was now trying to kill them. Instead, it was the enemy they were fighting with before, the Burning Blade Rider who had slaughtered so many prairie warriors. , but now he is sharing wine and meat with them, even good wine and meat.

It's too ridiculous to be understood. There are not none of these prairie warriors who are smart, but no matter how hard they rack their brains, they can't understand what is going on.

Okay, if you can't understand it, then don't understand it. Anyway, they are not dead now, and the meat and wine they eat are real.

Even if they were asked to die now, they accepted it. At least, everyone had a good meal before going on the road.

But the Flaming Blade Rider still didn't kill them.

"Come with me when you're full."

He got on his horse and Du Chengfeng led the way.

"I know you want to live, but it's hard to find a safe place in the city now... Fortunately, I also know a hidden place, and no one will find you there."

Hearing that they actually had a way to survive, a group of prairie warriors naturally followed them. Having had enough to eat and drink, they had completely given up thinking. They would listen to whoever could let them live.

So, after a short run, these prairie warriors came to the depths of the underground arsenal and came to the huge word "Benevolence".

"It's... really safe here."

The prairie warriors did not recognize the word "nanren", but they knew that at this moment, the depths of the ground were undoubtedly the safest place - not to mention that they could faintly smell the aroma of wine here, and this meant that that The Burning Blade Riders also prepared wine for them.

Such attentive hospitality made the grassland soldiers even more confused.

"This... strong man."

The grassland soldier who looked like a leader spoke with difficulty.

"In the past, when the two armies fought, there were many offenses. This is indeed our fault. But now the strong man does not kill us, and even protects us... Why on earth is this?"


"Why is this?"

On the other side of Yanzhou City, Xiang Rong, who was chasing those prairie warriors, was also quite confused.

Originally, according to his judgment, he should be competing with the monster for food at this moment. The monster would strengthen itself in the killing, and the Overlord's Halberd would gradually regain its strength in the blood sacrifice--and after that, in When the two sides are almost killed, they will engage in a life-and-death battle to see whether he will be eaten by the monster, or whether this overlord's halberd will usher in a new life.

But now, just as his side started killing people in full swing, the other side stopped killing.

Not only did the monsters on the opposite side not kill them, they even took the initiative to rescue the prairie warriors. Whenever he blocked some prairie warriors and was about to kill him, the monster holding the flaming blade high would jump out from a distance and yell at these prairie warriors to run away - the most outrageous thing was, The other party actually spoke with the accent of the Qingyang tribe, and the familiar prairie accent almost made these prairie soldiers choose to follow him without hesitation.

Of course, some prairie warriors were a little more cautious. They still remembered how the burning blade slaughtered the prairie people before, so they hesitated for a moment and did not step forward.

Then these smart people had their heads cut off by Xiang Rong who came over.

Under the nourishment of blood and life, this old Overlord Spear gradually shone with a bit of luster, and under the infiltration of evil spirit, some red feathers also grew on Xiang Rong's side face - strictly speaking, this is not a good phenomenon. The excessive evil spirit has begun to make him move towards an inhuman posture, but Xiang Rong can no longer care about this at the moment. He needs the power brought by this evil spirit more.

As long as the Overlord Spear can recover a little more, it can suppress the change of phoenix transformation. As long as more people are killed, everything will be fine!

As long as more people are killed.

So why do these damn grassland people run after the enemy shouts?

How can he kill them?

"Next time, I should shout first!"

Although Xiang Rong still didn't understand what the monster wanted to do after several pulls, he at least knew how to deal with the monster.

Yes, he is the grassland national teacher, and he has more say among those grassland soldiers. When the monster appeared, he said "Follow me". On one side was the enemy, and on the other side was his own people. How could those grassland soldiers not follow him?

After all, the enemy had a several-foot-long fire blade in his hand. If he waved it lightly, it would kill a lot of people.

And the halberd in his hand... He was a cavalry general at the moment, so what if he was holding a weapon?

Compared with the monster holding the fire blade, he was more like the savior of these grassland people - not to mention that the monster didn't dare to be hostile to him. He could just rush over and force the monster back, and then enjoy all the bait in front of him.

It can only be said that young people are still too flamboyant and don't know the principle of restraint. They like to show off their murderous spirit, but they will scare people away.

"Haha, I caught you!"

Seeing that familiar figure appear again at the corner of the street in the distance, Xiang Rong couldn't help but smile, and he was about to roar.

But soon, Xiang Rong couldn't laugh anymore.

"What is that?"

Xiang Rong thought he was dazzled.

It should be dazzled, otherwise it doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense.

The monster's weapon should be a fire blade.

But why did he see a phoenix flag at this moment?

"How... is it possible?"

Xiang Rong rubbed his eyes hard.

However, in his sight, the old phoenix flag was still fluttering in the wind.

"Run! Follow me!"

Accompanied by an order, many grassland soldiers gathered towards the big flag, like a hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix.

In a trance, Xiang Rong even thought he saw the former Great Chu.

The first update is here, I will try to get the second update a little earlier.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to book friends 20200305101821456, the rabbit under the laurel tree for the reward, and thank you for the character reward of Ben Wuxin1566. I am very honored and it is really a waste of money.

Thank you all for your support and love. I'll eat something and then continue writing.

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