In the Blade

Chapter 132 Qian Jin

In the backyard of the Yizhou Governor's Mansion, Qian Jin, the military governor, was also entering that mysterious state.

Under the effect of the Jinshi Medicine Powder, Qian Jin closed his eyes and let the blood in his body rush like a surging river. His five senses began to become sharp. He could even touch the shape of the wind. Even his consciousness seemed to have flown to the clouds at this moment, overlooking the world.

At this moment, Qian Jin almost felt that he was omnipotent.

After a long while, until he had completely finished the powder, Qian Jin reluctantly came back to his senses from the previous trance.

Powdering is not a good thing. Qian Jin himself knows that Jinshi Medicine Powder will harm the human body. Long-term use may even make people instinctively dependent on it - but there is no way, Qian Jin just can't leave this thing, which has even exceeded the instinctive desire, but he is unwilling to give up this thing from the bottom of his heart.

After all, this is the best way for him to reach the so-called "mysterious".

Although Qian Jin himself was also from the Imperial Academy, he always envied other Imperial Academy students - those Imperial Academy students could really cultivate the righteousness of poetry and books from reading the books of sages, and could really turn the great principles in those books into their own abilities.

But he couldn't do it.

He couldn't do it, he couldn't do it anyway. No matter how hard Qian Jin tried, he couldn't learn anything from those thin books - after all, he was born in an official family and knew from a young age that the so-called great principles in the books of sages could only be used as decorations when doing things.

From the beginning, he didn't believe in the great principles in the books of sages.

Then what could he read?

Fortunately, he was not alone at that time. He was not the only one who couldn't read the books of sages. Liu Bolun, his classmate, was another one who couldn't read the books of sages - at that time, Qian Jin once thought that he had found a confidant. Everyone couldn't read the books of sages and were all the same waste. This was simply too good.

However, what Qian Jin didn't expect was that Liu Bolun was completely different from him.

He couldn't learn, and Liu Bolun didn't want to learn. Compared with reading the sage books with his teacher, Liu Bolun preferred to go out to the tavern to drink and revel - but even when drinking, Liu Bolun had his own way of drinking, especially after he began to study winemaking, the wine Liu Bolun brewed himself was even enough to dispel evil spirits and even make people understand the mysteries.

It was precisely because of this ability that the teacher of the Imperial College could no longer control Liu Bolun, and simply wrote a document to announce that Liu Bolun had achieved academic success.

It was at that time that Qian Jin was also advised by his family to find connections and transfer to the Imperial College.

Compared with the Imperial College, which was established at the beginning of the founding of the country, the Imperial College was only established not long ago, and it recruited some children of noble families. On weekdays, it was clearly distinguished from the Imperial College, which emphasized teaching without discrimination. Students from both sides often sat and discussed, or raised their fists to discuss - in other words, whether transferring from the Imperial College to the Imperial College, or from the Imperial College to the Imperial College, it was considered a betrayal in the eyes of former classmates.

Qian Jin didn't care about other students of the Imperial College, anyway, others didn't like him, a waste who couldn't read the books of sages well. But Liu Bolun was the only one. Although he had gotten rid of the status of a waste, Qian Jin still felt that he shouldn't be too stiff with this former waste friend.

So, when they parted, Liu Bolun gave him the newly produced homemade wine as a gift, and he also said that he could try to find a relationship and go to a relatively leisurely place.

As a waste, he could only do this.

The Imperial College also taught books of sages, but everyone didn't care much about this - like Qian Jin, the students in the Imperial College were all children of aristocratic families, so naturally they couldn't learn those great principles. So after entering the Imperial College, Qian Jin felt that he had finally found his organization, and he lived a happy life every day.

And in this Imperial College, even a waste like him could find a way to practice.

"Is it possible that reading the books of sages to the mysterious realm is a detour?"

Qian Jin still remembered that the senior brother who treated him very well said this.

"Wouldn't it be better if we could reach the mysterious realm directly?"

It was at that time that Qian Jin realized that there was a reason why there were so many mystics who talked about mysticism in the capital of Jiankang.

Just throw out the possible ideas, and naturally there will be metaphysicians to verify whether it works. If it doesn't work, several metaphysicians will die. If it works, these children of aristocratic families will take it and use it as their own practice method - this is the way they should practice.

"We are originally horse riders, why do you bother to compete with those who walk in the Imperial College?"

Qian Jin still remembers that the senior brother comforted him like this.

"What's more, if you are asked to walk and read the books of sages, can you read them?"

Those who can't read must be unable to read.

It was at that time that Qian Jin saw the shadow of the same kind in the eyes of the senior brother.

Yes, they are the real kind.

Just because they are too sober.

Born into aristocratic families, they have enjoyed a higher starting point since childhood, but this also allows them to see more things at a young age. Many people have to be thirty or forty years old to experience the scene, they have already experienced it with their elders at a young age - but it is precisely because of this experience that they have recognized the reality at a young age.

The reality is different from what is written in the book. The reality follows another set of colder logic.

Therefore, they cannot completely trust the books, nor can they completely trust the teachers. There is always a doubt in their hearts, which also makes them farther and farther away from the so-called mystery.

However, the less you can get, the more you want.

Even Qian Jin, who considered herself useless, couldn't really restrain her desire. If there is an opportunity to control that incredible power, who can refuse?

So even if it's the art of Xuan Ming, even if it's this dangerous Xing San, he has to touch that realm again and again.

"But it can't be done."

Qian Jin finished the reminiscence and smiled helplessly.

He couldn't do it, he couldn't do it at all, whether it was Xuan Ming or Xing San, he couldn't do it - even though he was infinitely close to that mysterious and mysterious realm, the feeling of omnipotence was still like a mirror, a flower in the water, a moon in the water. And out of reach.

The feeling brought about by Jinshi Yao Powder is ultimately an illusion, and what is false is still false, and there is no way it can become true.


After arranging her clothes, Qian Jin couldn't help but sigh.

False happiness is short-lived after all, and he still has to face this harsh reality.

For example, how to write a memorial sent to the court.

To explain clearly what happened in Yizhou City is still a huge challenge even for Qian Jin who is good at words.

The second update has arrived, and there will be another update soon.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to code, everyone, wait a moment.

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